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About the KWE

The Korean War Educator (KWE) is based in the home of Mrs. Dale H. (Lynnita) Brown of Tuscola, Illinois without charge or tax benefit. The site is a joint effort of civilians and veterans who are determined to establish and maintain a medium in which the general public can learn more about the Korean War.

Lynnita Brown

Founder & CEO, Tuscola, IL

Lynnita_Brown.jpgLynnita Brown is the founder and CEO of the Korean War Educator. She became interested in the Korean War in 1996 while serving as the director for the Douglas County Museum in Tuscola, Illinois and preparing the exhibit, "The Korean War: Cold, Bloody and Forgotten." Since then, she has volunteered thousands of hours on behalf of Korean War veterans. She has interviewed more than 400 Korean War veterans in interviews lasting from three to nine hours, so she has developed a keen and broad understanding of the Korean War. She is the public spokesperson for the Korean War Educator Foundation and is one of the world's most outspoken advocates for Korean War veterans.

Lynnita is an unpaid volunteer. She personally edits, formats, and enters all the information found in the hundreds of pages on this site.

More about Lynnita

Other Notable Contributors

Jim Doppelhammer

Former Webmaster, Charleston, IL


Jim was the chief computer technician, troubleshooter, and web designer at his company, Double-Hammer Computer Services, in Charleston, Illinois. Jim worked on the Korean War Educator in his spare time. He worked in conjunction with Lynnita Brown to add materials to the site and helped her turn her early site into the sprawling library of information it is now. He dedicated hundreds of hours, often pro bono, as a gift on behalf of Korean War veterans.

Jim was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2023 and began home hospice in January 2024. The KWE encourages contributions toward his medical bills and final expenses.

Support Jim

Ron Janowski

Former (Second) Webmaster, Champaign, IL

Ron JanowskiWorking under the auspices of Simplified Computers in Champaign, Illinois, Ron Janowski became the webmaster for the Korean War Educator website on June 1, 2002. Bringing with him a wide range of computer graphics and design skills, Ron replaced the old templates of the Korean War Educator with new ones. He not only improved the appearance of the KWE, but he also made it far more navigable. Under his direction, about half of the old Korean War Educator website was upgraded with the new look that our visitors see today.

Due to family and other commitments, Ron left the KWE in March of 2004. We were saddened to see him leave us, but happy that we had the privilege to have him as the KWE webmaster long enough to initiate the changes and improvements that have made the KWE so professional in appearance today. The Korean War Educator Foundation will always appreciate the fact that Ron (son of a Korean War veteran) became so committed to the KWE that he donated many hours of his own personal time to ensure the website's success. Ron was a charter member of the Korean War Educator.

Randy Foster

Former Site Host, Oakland, IL

Randy FosterTuscola-il.com originally hosted the Korean War Educator website at no cost to the Foundation. The provider's owner, veteran Randy Foster of Oakland, IL, served in the US Army Security Agency from 1970 - 1973, as a Morse intercept operator.

Randy was raised in Illinois and graduated from Newman High School in 1968. He is also a graduate of Parkland College, and attended Quincy College in the early 80's. For 19 years, Randy worked for United Parcel Service as a supervisor in ground operations, air operations, and industrial engineering. His interest in computing led him to the Internet business in 1998, and he now offers Internet services throughout East Central Illinois.

Randy is a past commander and active member of the American Legion Post 201, in Newman, IL. He is also a member of the Citizens Flag Alliance and a member of the 1st Christian Church of Newman.

Julian Blagg

Former (First) Webmaster, Tuscola, IL

Julian BlaggThe Korean War Educator Foundation, as well as Korean War veterans in general, owe Julian "Buck" Blagg a great debt of appreciation for the hundreds of hours that he spent to make the materials on the Korean War Educator accessible to the general public. By offering his computer skills to help Korean War veterans tell the story about "their war," Julian also helped thousands of site visitors learn about one of our nation's bloodiest and forgotten wars.

Julian "Buck" Blagg was the original webmaster for the Korean War Educator from June of 2001 to April of 2002, offering his computer expertise to get the not-for-profit Foundation's website up and running on the World Wide Web. Born and raised in Coles County, Illinois, he joined the Illinois National Guard in 1954. He then joined the United States Marine Corps and remained on duty for six years. During his military career, he received three honorable discharges (one for the Guard and two for the Marine Corps). He served with the First Marine Division as a disbursing clerk until 1961.

After returning to civilian life, he was in the construction business until 1969. During the 1960s, he acquired an interest in radio. For several years he operated a Radio Shack franchise with his wife, Letha Pfeffer Davis. He received his ham radio license in 1997 and held the call letters KB9QWI. Prior to his retirement from computer work, he did the layouts for not only the Korean War Educator, but also the Douglas County Museum. He also did computer work for other customers. It is with great sorrow that we inform you that Julian Blagg died of lung cancer in 2003.

Robert Stallsworth

Site Contributor, Tuscola, IL

Robert StallsworthRobert Stallsworth scanned many of the photographs that can be seen on our "Photo Journey through the Korean War" page. A veteran of World War II from 1944 to 1946, Bob served in the Navy Air Force. He was a radio operator on a torpedo bomber over Japanese waters in the South Pacific.

The names of other photo contributors are posted along with the pictures that they submitted whenever possible.