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The content of the Korean War Educator is mainly generated through other media sources, as well as through the memoirs of Korean War veterans. The KWE strives for accuracy in the information that it posts in good faith but claims no responsibility for inaccurate content.

Most memoirs on the Korean War Educator arrive in forms other than completed memoirs. The vast majority of the memoirs on the Korean War Educator were compiled from notes and segments sent to the KWE in unfinished form by Korean War veterans and then reformatted as a readable manuscript by Lynnita Brown. Neither Lynnita Brown nor the Korean War Educator can assure the accuracy of the content of memoirs since they are created from the words and memories of others. The KWE edits grammar, spelling, flow of words, arrangement, etc., but rarely changes the content unless its accuracy is contested. The Korean War Educator is simply the tool used to make the memoirs readable and professional, and then the means to make them publicly available for educational purposes only on the Korean War Educator. It should be distinctly understood that once a veteran sends his or her content to the Korean War Educator for the purpose of posting it on the website and then approves the final draft, permission to use it cannot be reversed once the memoir is linked for public viewing. Errors may be corrected, and content may be added, but the memoir itself shall not be removed without the consent of the Korean War Educator.

The Korean War Educator's editing services are free only to veterans who wish to place their memoir on the Korean War Educator for nonprofit public viewing.

The KWE is a federally tax exempt 501c3 that operates for charitable purposes only. For-profit use of the Korean War Educator's website, with the exception of the General Store, is strictly prohibited without consent of the Korean War Educator Foundation.