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Support: Silver Donors

Cumulative Contributions Totaling $50 - $999

We appreciate your gift and thoughtful support.


VFW Post 11018, Bartlett, IL

Bartlett American Legion Post #1212, Bartlett, IL

I-7 Marines

One of the first large supporters of the KWE

William E. Kast, Jersey Shore, PA

Also joined as a lifetime member.

Donald B. Montgomery, Greeley, CO

Ron Janowski, Champaign, IL

Ron has devoted a number of volunteer webmaster hours to the KWE website.

Don Finch, Kenmore, NY

Navy veteran of the Korean War. Don's generous contribution was for the spider search feature on the KWE.

John Kronenberger, Belleville, IL

Korean War veteran who also joined as a lifetime member. One of his many monetary gifts to the KWE helped to finance an interview with MOH recipient Ronald Rosser.

Curtis Stallins, Pleasanton, CA

Son of an Air Force veteran.

Sheryl Tantee, St. George, UT

Daughter of Korean War veteran Conrad Grimshaw

Harold & Marilyn Selley, Port Charlotte, FL

Medic, Pusan Perimeter, Korean War

John R. Carpenter, La Mesa, CA

Dale H. Brown, Tuscola, IL

USMC, Korea 1951-52

Ronald M. Wong, US Navy, Ventura, CA

USS Consolation Hospital Ship

Christopher E. Sarno, Medford, MA

USMC tanks, Korea. Chris is also a lifetime member of the KWE.

Frank Imparato, Downingtown, PA

WWII and Korean veteran. In memory of veterans of the US Military Advisory Group, KMAG.

CDR Ronald M. Wong (Ret), Ventura, CA

Veteran of the USS Consolation.

West Chicago Public Library District, West Chicago, IL

West Chicago Museum, West Chicago, IL

Ray L. Walker (Chosin Few), Brentwood, TN

USMC veteran, Chosin. In-kind gift of transcribing machine.

Randy Foster D.B.A. ECIC Online, Oakland, IL

In-kind gifts: webhosting.

John W. Harper, Chicago, IL

USMC veteran In-kind gift: book.

Simplified Computers, Champaign, IL

In-kind gifts: discounts on web work.

Col. Robert Henderson (Chosin Few), Urbana, IL

USMC veteran.

Frank Folk, Naperville, IL

Navy medical doctor, Korean War. Frank is also a lifetime member of the KWE.

H-3-7 Marines

One of the first large donors to the KWE.

Cpl. Clair Goodblood Chapter (KWVA), Augusta, ME

Satch Beasley, Nashville, TN

His father is MIA from the Korean War.

Boris "Bob" Spiroff, Severna Park, MD

Kenneth and Margaret Page, Troy, NY

Provided a letter regarding their donation.

MSG Ret. Richard "Joe" A. Johannes, Lawton, OK

MSG Ret. Robert J. Hansen, Granite City, IL

Elwin L. Basquin, Peoria, IL

Ole Sergeant Eli

Dale K. Baker, Hayden, ID

F. William "Bill" Phillips, Owensboro, KY

Anonymous, Memphis, TN

Korean War Marine

Stanley Steinberg, Atlanta, GA

Donald B. Montgomery, Greely, CO

Lloyd W. Pate, Macon, GA

Korean War Ex-POW

Buffy Topper, Jonesboro, AR

In-kind gifts: transcribing service

Jean Aldridge Copas, Tuscola, IL

Trustee, KWE

Douglas County Museum, Tuscola, IL

In-kind gifts: copying, manpower, etc.

Arthur Sprague, Honolulu, HI

Korea 1952-53

Lynn Hahn, Whitehall, MI

US Army: Graves Registration. He is a repeat donor to the KWE, as well as a lifetime member. See his memoir.

Martin Markley, Fullerton, CA

US Army: Survivor, Siege of Outpost Harry. One of his donations helped to fund an interview with a MOH recipient, Ronald Rosser. See his memoir.

Gwendolyn S. Risey, Champaign, IL

Proud to be a member of AMBUCS.

KWVA CENLA Chapter #180, Anacoco, LA

Strong supporters of the KWE, giving generously more than once. Collectively, they are also a lifetime member of the KWE.

Allen Johnson, Utah

Navy veteran suffering from a service-related, terminal illness.

Antonio Fucci, Camarillo, CA

A Christmas gift to this Korean War Air Force veteran from his daughter, Kathryn Judd -- a donation to the KWE's Endowment Fund in her father's honor, Click this link to read the Christmas message that Kathryn sent her Father.

Anonymous, California

Navy Veteran.

Conrad Grimshaw, Beaver, UT

National Guard, Korea. He is also a lifetime member of the KWE.

Ray C. Vallowe, Belleville, IL

US Army, Chosin Reservoir, Korea. He is a lifetime member of the KWE.

Anonymous Donor

$200 gift to be used as needed.

Niles, Illinois Public Library

$100 honorarium for KWE program on 5/7/05.

David Williams, Stockton, CA

Lifetime member of KWE. See his memoir.

Maj. Frank Howard

See his memoir.

Anthony Sobieski, Philadelphia, PA

His books are available in the store.

Howard Ellis, Hawaii

See his memoir.

Margaret Page, New York

Her late husband is Ken Page, an early donor and supporter of the KWE.

Ray L. Walker, Franklin, TN

See his memoir.

Jack W. Windsor, Redmond, WA

See his memoir.

John Kronenberger, Fairview Heights, IL

Author of "Short Stories." He has made numerous donations to the KWE over several years, with the most recent contribution made in September of 2007.

Robert Janson, Brewster, MA

Donald Oschwald, USMC

See his memoir.

James Bolt, Laurens, SC

$100 given in celebration of the 100th birthday of Delta 6 General Miller O. Perry. He was the commander of the 52nd Field Artillery Battalion, which was the first artillery unit to enter the Korean War. His unit was there with Task Force Smith, the 21st Infantry Regiment, in direct support at the Battle at Osan. "Forty Yards" often sends "something for the kitty" to help the KWE move forward in its efforts to educate the public about the Korean War. In August of 2007 he sent another $100.

Whatcom Community Foundation, Bellingham, WA

Through the generosity of an anonymous donor, the foundation donated monthly $100 gifts to the KWE throughout the year 2007.

Chris Sarno Medford, MA

$100 donation to General Operating Fund in January 2008 with the message, "Continued success to the KWE Foundation. Keep winning the good fight." $100 donation in 2011 to the KWE's General Operating Fund. See his memoir.

Joseph Alvarez San Antonio, TX

$50 donation to General Operating Fund in January 2008. Joseph is a member of the original 223rd Infantry Regiment Association and a lifetime member of the KWE.

Duane Davidson Orange City, FL

$100 donation to General Operating Fund in December 2008 in memory of William E. Anderson. Duane wrote:

"I happened to run across your site today and to my surprise found a story about my grandfather "William E. Anderson". I'd just like to take this time and thank you for your time spent in writing the story. I spent, what seems like, most of my memorable adolescent years with my grandfather and grandmother, although it may have been just a year or two. Those times were the best times I had as a child. I've since been estranged to that side of the family, as an adult, because of issues with my mother, but have always missed being with them. My grandfather was a very strong man and I only wish I were half as strong as he. Although I wouldn't say I followed in his footsteps, I also joined the military at 17 and was also an infantryman, as he was. Now at 42 I'm starting to look back on life and I'm realizing that some of the choices I've made in life were probably of direct consequence of having "Bill" as my grandfather. The memoir you've written in this case gives me some history to a man I've had great respect for all my life. The story of his life is just a quick pass in time, but something that means a great deal to me. For this memory I thank you."

Chris Sarno Medford, MA

$100 donation to General Operating Fund in January 2009. S/Sgt. Sarno has been a strong supporter of the KWE since its inception, offering words of encouragement and financial support. See his memoir.

Joseph Alvarez San Antonio, TX

$25 to the General Operating Fund of the KWE in February 2009. Joe has been a long-time supporter of the KWE.

Bill Dillon Lancaster, PA

$100 to the General Operating Fund of the KWE in February 2009. Bill Dillon is a strong supporter of the KWE who has made it possible to advance the site through not only financial contributions, but also by helping the site to acquire several significant Korean War memoirs. See his memoir.

Ray Vallowe Illinois

$200 in April 2009 to enable the KWE to purchase more brochures.

SBS Broadcasting, Seoul, Korea

$50 to the General Operating Fund in May of 2010.

Richard Hemenez Vista, California

$50 to the General Operating Fund in January 2011 with this comment: "Your Efforts to recognize the veterans of the Korean War are very much appreciated. Thank you." Richard Hemenez is a retired Colonel of the US Marine Corps Reserve.

Herb Wente, South Carolina

$100 to the General Operating Fund in July of 2011.

Bob Janes California

$100 to the General Operating Fund in May 2012.

Arthur Schwebke Illinois

$100 to the General Operating Fund in February 2012.

Harold Reinhart Ohio

$75 to the General Operating Fund in July 2012.

C.L. "Nellie" Nelson Florida

$100 to the Legal Defense Fund in October 2012.

John & Sheila Kronenberger Illinois

$500 to the Legal Defense Fund in August 2012

Boyce Clark Washington

$50 to the Legal Defense Fund ($25 in August 2012; $25 in September 2012.)

Ian Street Australia

$100 - ($25 - Legal Defense Fund) ($75 - General Operating Fund) in October 2012.

Louis & Betty Buttell

$50 - ($25 - Legal Defense Fund) ($25 - General Operating Fund) in October 2012, and repeated $50 donations through 2015.

Bob Janes California

$50 - General Operating.

Billy G. Wright Alabama

$50 - Legal Defense Fund.

Clifford Prest Illinois

$200 - ($100 - General Operating Fund and $100 - Webhosting Fund.)

Boyce Clark Washington

$25 - General Operating

Gary Morgan, Minnesota

$60 - General Operating (March 2015)

Billy G. Wright Alabama

$50 - General Operating (July 2015)

Ray C. Vallowe, Illinois

$600 - ($100 web sponsorship, $80 for membership in Newspaper Archive, $200 for web work through Jim Doppelhammer, $150 General Operating, $70 Endowment) (August 2015)

William Schultz, Michigan

$100 - ($100 - This donation was deposited in the KWE account and then the full amount was sent to Jim Doppelhammer, webmaster of the KWE, to further his efforts to transfer Mac McGill's B-29 website over to the KWE.)

Sheila Kronenberger, Illinois

$500 - $100 web sponsorship, $400 General Operating ($300 of which was sent to Jim Doppelhammer, webmaster of the KWE, to further his efforts to transfer Mac McGill's B-29 website over to the KWE.)

Gary Morgan Minnesota

$50 - Gary is now a lifetime member of the KWE.

Gary Morgan, Minnesota

$50 - 5/04/2016.

Louis Buttell, Maryland

$50 - 11/10/2016.

William Schultz, Michigan

$100 - 10/09/2017 - To be used where it is needed.

Jerome Bonkowski, Illinois

$100 - 11/08/2017 - Donation to the KWE's Web Hosting Fund in honor of the 242nd birthday of the USMC.

Gary Morgan, Minnesota

$100 - 11/08/2017.

Leslie Ledda

$200 - Half went into the KWE's Webhosting Fund in memory of her father, Vernon Ray Ribera (45th Infantry Division, Korea), and the other half went into the KWE's General Operating Fund.