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Made in America

by Americans for Americans

This website combines information about the Korean War from the perspective of U.S. veterans who were involved in the war effort with those of American families who lost loved ones in Korea. For the opposing, communist viewpoint of the war, our visitors will have to look elsewhere. (Some links on our Links page might provide addresses of websites with a North Korean/communist slant.) Associates of the Korean War Educator website do not support the communist philosophy. We believe that an aggressive North Korean government started the war, and that American blood, sweat, tears, and money significantly helped to end it.

The contributions of other participating allied nations in the effort to keep South Korea free will gladly and expeditiously be added to this website as veterans of foreign countries provide the needed text and information.

Veterans from all over the United States and the world are invited to contribute to this not-for-profit website. The Foundation seeks historically accurate information and photographs to make the Korean War Educator one of the world's most valuable resources and finding aids on the Korean War. All material should be submitted to the Foundation via its chief executive officer, Lynnita Brown.