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Support: Lifetime Members

$100 One-Time Gift

Lifetime membership dues help defray the general operating expenses of the Korean War Educator. We appreciate your gift and thoughtful support. $50 is placed in the general fund and $50 is placed in the endowment fund.

Become a Lifetime Member

Lee Dauster, California

USMC, Korea.

Curley Knepp, South Korea

John Kronenberger, Illinois

Norman Zehr, Colorado

Chris Sarno, Massachusetts

See his memoir. Note: S/Sgt Sarno made a second lifetime contribution of $100 during Thanksgiving 2004.

Stan Hadden, Florida

Stan died February 09, 2007.

Conrad Grimshaw, Utah

See his memoir.

Frank Folk, MD, Illinois

Easy Med, Korea 1953-54.

CENLA Chapter 180, Korean War Veterans Association, Inc., Louisiana

William E. Kast, Pennsylvania

William Balaban, Virginia

See his memoir.

Robert Kirk, Illinois

See his memoir.

Maurice R. "Dick" Wainwright, Arizona

712th TROB - Korean War Veterans, North Carolina

Hubert G. Nixon, Louisiana

Wilbur Stafford, Indiana

7th Infantry, 48 F.A., B Battery, Korea 1950-51.

William E. Anderson, Oregon

See his memoir.

Eugene "Gene" Dixon, Michigan

See his memoir.

C.J. "Skip" Rittenhouse, Ohio

7th ID, 707 Ord, 32 Rgt, Korea 7/53-8/54.

Homer Hall, Michigan

See his memoir.

Jack Cuthrell, Virginia

See his memoir.

Parker, James L., Texas

Veteran of the Second Infantry Division.

Brown, Charles Lee, Texas

MSGT-RT, AF; Veteran of the 2nd Inf Div., 9th Inf Regt, Co. G.

Raymond C. Vallowe, Illinois

Army veteran of the Chosin Reservoir campaign.

John W. "Jack" Parchen, California

USMC veteran - G-3-1 Korea. See his memoir.

Howard R. Mason, California

U.S. Marine Corps veteran - Weapons/1/7 Korea 1950.

Marshall O. Potter, Virginia

An attorney who specializes in filing VA claims for veterans.

F. William (Bill) Phillips, Kentucky

2LT w/Baker Battery, 145th FAB, Heartbreak Ridge, 1953.

Robert E. Ringer, Florida

Co. C, 151st Eng. Combat Btn., 1169th Engineer Group, Korea 1951.

David M. Williams, California

"C" Co., 29th RCT, attach. to 24th Div., Korea 1950-51, Pusan Perimeter.

Martin Markley, California

Survivor, Siege of Outpost Harry, 1953. See his memoir.

Thomas Mowell, Florida

John B. "Jack" Curcio, South Carolina

5th Marines, 1st Marine Division, Korea 1952-53.

Albert Styles, California

1/11 Marines, Korea 8/50-2/51, Brigade, Chosin, Inchon, etc.

Daniel J. Carson, Hawaii

3rd Infantry Division - Survivor, Siege of Outpost Harry, 1953.

John J. Kane Jr., Colorado

C-1-7 Marine, Korea. See his memoir.

Earl Boyce Clark, Washington

E-2-7 Marine, Korea. See his memoir.

James W. Bolt, Florida

63rd FAB; C Battery, 552nd FAB - Korea 1950-51. See his memoir.

First Special Basic Class, USMC, 1950

Tom Cearlock, Illinois

Field wireman, 300th Field Artillery, Korea.

Carl Galey, Illinois

Operations Dept., USS Essex CV9 & USS Yorktown CV10, 1951-52.

Joseph Alvarez, Texas

223rd Infantry Regiment Association, 40th Infantry Division.

Lynnita Brown, Illinois

Membership paid by an anonymous Korean War veteran with this message: "I am enclosing a check to purchase a life membership for you! It seems unfair, that your past years of contribution in establishing this Korean War Educator site, fails to recognize your daily efforts to keep it operational without your maintaining membership on a yearly basis. As far as I am concerned, you deserve a vote as an Honorary Korean Veteran. You may list this any way you wish--as anonymous, or from a veteran that wishes to remain so. It is to honor and respect you, not me. Thank you for all your efforts on behalf of the Korean Veteran."

Bill Webster, Oklahoma

Life Member of KWVA Chapter #2832 and Commander of Eastern Oklahoma KWVA Chapter #177.

Michael Green, California

Author of over 80 nonfiction books for children and adults.

Derold A. "Mick" Olson, Wisconsin

Mick was a member of F-2-7, Korea 1952. He was wounded July 1952. See his memoir.

Gilbert J. Oppen, Arizona

24th AAA Battalion, Battery A, 8th Army, Korea 1952-53; discharged from Army 1957; Idaho National Guard - 5 years; Washington Air Guard - S.M. Sgt. USAF Ret.

Orace L. Edwards, Texas

BARman, G-3-1, USMC, Korea 15 Sept. 1950-30 Nov. 1950; Inchon, Seoul, Chosin; frostbite; wounded.

Bill Dillon, Pennsylvania

3rd Inf. Div, Mike Co., 15th Rgt., 1st Cav Div., 5th Rgt.; Korea 1952-53. See his memoir.

Everett McFarland, Indiana

H-3-7, 2nd Squad, 2nd Platoon - Wounded twice and frostbitten in the Chosin Reservoir campaign.

Dick Gallmeyer, Virginia

Organizer of the Annual Korean War Veterans Reunions in Nevada.

John C. Graham, Texas

Corporal John Graham served in Korea with the 2nd Platoon of Charlie Company, 17th Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division from September of 1950 to June 1951. See his memoir.

Murdo MacLennan, Colorado

1st Marine Division, 7th Marine Regiment, Anglico, Korea 9/22/50-9/10/51.

Harold L. Reinhart, Ohio

Forward observer with Company H, 35th Regiment, 25th Division, Korea 1951-52. See his memoir.

Gen. Volney F. Warner, Virginia

2nd Lt., "L" Company, 21st Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division (Army), Korea August 1950-1951. See his memoir.

John P. Collins, Massachusetts

508 Regimental Combat Team 6/1951-1/1952 & 513th Transportation Co., 70th Truck Battalion, Korea 5/52-12/53. See his memoir.

Tracy Lewerenz, North Carolina

Arthur Schwebke, Illinois

3rd Infantry Division

Anthony J. DeBlasi, Maine

Anthony served with the Army's Radio Teletype Platoon, Radio Company, 304th Signal Battalion, 22nd Signal Group, Korea 1953-54. See his memoir.

Ron Devore, Kentucky

623rd FAB assigned to 10th Corps; Korea December 1951-October 1952.

Douglas C. Glenn, Missouri

Doug wrote: "I am sending this $100 membership to cover a lifetime membership. The website is a wonderful tribute to the veterans and their families. A few months ago, you helped post a remembrance death notice for my father, Carl Junior Glenn. I am very grateful for the sacrifices made by all veterans and for the fine work you do with the website."

C.L. "Nellie" or "Bud" Nelson, Florida

Bud Nelson served in Korea November 1951-1952 as a member of the 1st Platoon, Baker Co., 1st Amphibian Tractor Battalion. He served in the USMC April 1951 - April 1954.

Harold J. "Syd" Sydnam, Washington

B-1-5, 2nd Platoon, 2nd Squad, Fire team & Squad Leader USMC, Korea 1951. See his memoir.

Peter M. Popolizio, Florida

Corporal, Co. E, 17th Infantry Regiment. Silver Star recipient. See his citation.

Fred Frankville, Illinois

Fred served with Dog Company, 7th Marines in Korea 12/1950-1951. See his memoir.

John "Pat" Patterson, Alabama

He served as an SCR 300 radio operator and rifleman, in Company L, 35th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division, Korea Sept. 1950-Sept. 1951. See his memoir.

Bill G. Wright, Alabama

Company H, Service Company, Company A, 224th Infantry Regiment, 40th Infantry Division (Army) Korea 1951-52. See his memoir.

Jay Newcomer, Florida

82nd ORD H M 8th Army, Seoul, Korea, January 1951 - June 1952.

Dale Erickson, Minnesota

Assault Platoon, Recon Unit, Weapons 2/7 (USMC), Pohang, Operation Killer, Chinese Spring Offensive, Yanggu River Valley, Punch Bowl, Korea 1950-51. See his memoir.

Fred "Fritz" Sinclair, Texas

Counter-Mortar Radar Unit CMRU, assigned to 10th Field Artillery Battalion, Korea 1951-52.

Perry J. Dickey, Oklahoma

Fireteam leader, squad leader, company/intelligence scout, Dog Seven (USMC), Korea 12/50-11/51, Guerilla Hunt, Operation Killer, Massacre Valley, No Name Ridge, Mousetrap, WIA-Hill 749. See his memoir.

Bill D. Saxon, Texas

Artillery Forward Observer, US Army, Korea 1952. Silver Star recipient. See his citation.

George G. "Pat" Patrick, North Carolina

Proud veteran, US Navy/US Army - US Navy Korean War, served on the USS Tawakoni ATF-114, Inchon, Wonsan, Hungnam, Pusan, Task Force and Minesweeping operations. His book, On the Sea of Purple Hearts is available in the store.

Robert Guertin, Minnesota

Squad leader, light machine gun squad, Charlie Co., 1st Marines, Korea.

Willis Jackson, Florida

World War II and Korea veteran; Korea April 1951-May 1951; Platoon Leader, 3rd Platoon, Fox Co., 35th Inf. Rgt., 25th Inf. Div.; Distinguished Service Cross recipient for action on Hill 329; wounded; evacuated. See his memoir.

Denis J. Healy, Illinois

US Army, Korea 1954, 55th MP Co. and 728th MP Battalion.

Ian Street, Australia

Served in Korea from March 31, 1954, to November 7, 1955, with the 1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment.

Herb Wente, South Carolina

Robert Janes, California

Emily Janca, New York

Michael H. Deabenderfer, California

Mike joined the United States Marine Corps in June 1952. He went through boot camp in San Diego, then on to Camp Pendleton for infantry training and on to Pickle Meadows for cold weather training. He shipped out to Korea in February 1953 with the 32nd draft. He was assigned to the 1st Ordnance Battalion, Forward Ammo Company delivering 60 and 81mm mortars to the weapons companies on the MLR. He was involved with the Nevada hills outpost and the Berlins, then back to Hill 119, Boulder City 7/27/53 at 10 p.m., the truce was enacted, and all came to a halt with the skies dark at night. Mike tells us, "I was very happy to see the truce, as too many people were dying. I left Korea in September 1954 for the States."

Martha McCullough, Florida

Vito (Ted) Pileggi, Oregon

Ted is a Korean War Marine who served in Easy Company. His book, Easy Company Marines-More Than Brothers is available in the store.

John L. Bohannon, Alabama

John received a Silver Star in Korea while serving with the 3rd Infantry Division near Song'jong, Korea in 1951.

Bill Cole, Illinois

Bill served in Korea 1953-54 with the 8226th Communications Zone [KCOMZ] and is the brother-in-law of Dick Tate who was KIA on Outpost Harry in B Company, 15th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division.

David L. Holly Sr., California

David is a survivor of the sinking of the USS Benevolence on August 25, 1950. Chief Holly later became a US Navy medic.

Arthur L. Jacoby, Texas

CW2 USA Ret. Arthur had 21 years in the Army from 1948 to 1969, serving in both the Korean War and Vietnam War. He saw two tours of duty in Korea: "I was there during the hard cold winter of 1950-1951 I was also there in 1966-1967 on the DMZ with the 23rd Infantry Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division. We had a few dead and wounded in our battalion during that time."

Stevan C. Rich, California

George Gatliff, Arkansas

George says, "From Battery A, 937th Field Artillery Battalion, Mena Arkansas Army National Guard, I'm the last of the Four Musketeers. I'm not sure how and when A.J. "Peewee" Quinn and Glendell "Skyjuice" Rainwater died, but Charles "Rube" Rowton died several years ago from brain cancer, as did his grandson. Also, MSG W.A. "Junior" Hensley, our Chief of Firing Battery, died several years ago, and he was probably just worn out because he was in the same unit in World War II. Delmer Lott died of kidney failure a couple years ago. Lloyd Cole was murdered a couple years ago during his daily walk in Mena. I know you see and hear it every day, Lynnita, but we are fading fast."

Kermit Ueland, North Dakota

Kermit served in the 2nd Communications Squadron at Kimpo air base in Korea during 1946-47. See his memoir.

James Arch Foulks III, Georgia

The son of James Foulks II, pilot of a B-29 that crashed into the Yellow Sea after being attacked by MiGs on Black Tuesday. (James III was only four years old when his father went missing in this crash.)

Dean S. Allan, Utah

Dean was left gunner on the B-29 "Trouble Brewer" when it crashed on June 24, 1952. He then became the left gunner on the B-29 "Police Action". His memoir is on the Korean War Educator.

Jerome Bonkowski, Illinois

Jerome was a squad leader, Machine Gun Platoon, H&S Company, 2d Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division Reinforced, Fleet Marine Force. He also served in Dog Company, 7th Marines. See his memoir.

Charles Lombard, Iowa

Charles served as a medic in Korea with the 618 Medical Company and the 30th Medical Company in 1953-54. See his memoir.

Vernon Ribera, Texas

Vernon was a platoon sergeant in the 45th Infantry Division in Korea. (His life membership was paid by his daughter, Leslie Ledda.)

William Schultz, Michigan

Bill served for 16 months in Korea in 1957-58. He was first with K Company, 21st Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division. After that he served in Company A, 2nd Battle Group, 12th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division.

Lucille Murray, Illinois

Lucille's cousin, Sgt. Francis Edward Callahan of Wood River, Illinois, died of wounds received on Pork Chop Hill on January 30, 1952, while serving with the 160th Infantry Regiment, K Company, 3rd Battalion, 40th Infantry Division.

Cynthia Meek, Iowa

Leslie Ledda, Texas

Leslie says, "Just found your amazing website. As the daughter of a Korean War veteran, I am so grateful for this website. Best wishes for continued successful operations."

Gary Morgan, Minnesota

C. Chanatry, Florida

Gregory O'Connor, Kansas

The son of 1Lt. David F. O'Connor, who received a Bronze Star (see citation) and Silver Star (see citation) in Korea.

Hilary Osborn Malecki, New York

Hilary's father was Charles Raymond Osborn, a Silver Star recipient (see citation) and veteran of the 40th Infantry Division. Charles was injured in a grenade explosion in April of 1952 and was evacuated from the front lines of Korea.

Frank Tims, Florida

A retired professor and consultant to DoD, as well as NIH, Frank was in Korea 1967-69 with US Army Research Unit, Korea. He also served in the Army during the Korean war period and knew a lot of guys who fought there. During the 1960s, he traveled to all ADA missile units, as well as 2nd and 7th Division units. He knows the country very well and saw it transition from an agricultural to industrial economy. He went back in 1977 and said that the change was profound. Frank says, "Some of the events I witnessed during my time in Korea made a profound impression on me. I met General Bonesteel--a man of considerable intellect and political skill. I remember the Blue House raid, the capture of the USS Pueblo, and the Cyrus Vancer mission, as well as operations along the DMZ. I am currently writing a novel set in Korea during the 1968-69 years--it is nearly completed. I have been a supporter of the KWE for years and had a few conversations with Ted Barker. KWE is a great historical and cultural resource. You folks have done a great service."

Irving Scott, Arizona

Edward J. Creighton, New York

Eddie is the son of Korean War veteran Brendan Creighton. Brendan was a member of Company C, 8th Cavalry Regiment.

Jodi Bateman, South Carolina

Hyeonggeun Ahn, Yangju City, Gyeonggi-do 11408, South Korea

Changil Jeong, Washington

Jong Il Lee, State of North Carolina

Jon says, "Thank you for your work."

Cindy Chapman of France

Cindy is the daughter of Franklin Jack Chapman, a prisoner of war in Korea for nearly three years.

Maureen Purcell, Indiana

Maureen Deaver Purcell is the daughter of Dr. Philip Deaver, who is featured in the Topics page "God Bless the Docs".

James Blackwell, Virginia

Merry Helm

Merry has been a very valuable volunteer for the KWE, providing numerous award citations for Korean War veterans--particularly those in the 24th Infantry Division.