[Please enable JavaScript.][Please enable JavaScript.]111 E. Houghton St.Tuscola, IL 61953


The Korean War Educator is a website that continues to grow every day. Lynnita Brown is the only person that adds updated information or deletes incorrect materials on the site. Our readers are welcome to contact her. She will always respond to your queries. The best time to reach Lynnita by telephone is to call in the evening at the number on this page. That's when most of the updates to the site take place. If you call in the evening, be sure to ring twice because sometimes she is not near the phone. On Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. you will find Lynnita at her collectibles shop (Aldridge's) in Tuscola. That number is 217-722-3286. If she doesn't respond to your e-mail in one day, she probably didn't get it. Try again. The KWE readers' questions and information to add to the site are important to the Korean War Educator Foundation's ongoing quest to educate the public about the Korean War.


111 E. Houghton St.Tuscola, IL 61953


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