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Recent Additions to the KWE

1/18/2024: Added to the KWE tonight are the citations for the following Silver Star recipients: 1Lt. Raymond Ney Barry (7ID), Lt.Col. James Walter Edwards (2ID), 1Lt. Wallace B. Gatrell (2ID), Capt. Rolfe Louis Hillman Jr. (2ID), Capt. Elmer Jay Voorhis Jr. (2ID), 1Lt. Richard T. Crowe (3ID), 1Lt. James S. Nugent (3ID), and MSgt. John Mutzabaugh (7ID). Also added was the Soldier's Medal citation for Michael C. Mattis.

12/18/2023: Several Korean War veterans have been added to the KWE's American Notables page. Among them are Yale Lary of the Detroit Lions, Robert White of Motown's Funk Brothers, Bobby Osborne of the Osborne Brothers, physician and inventor William Parry Murphy Jr., actor Bernie Hamilton, director and screenwriter Buck Henry, actor Glenn Corbett, educator and pastor Walter Lee Dowdy Jr., and Gary Lewis of Gary Lewis and the Playboys. The list of US veterans of the Korean War who went on to fame and fortune is growing steadily!

11/26/23: The Bronze Star citation for Maj. Milton Weinberg Jr., who served in the 8055 MASH unit in Korea, was just now posted on the KWE. Additionally, the names of several females who served in the Korean War have been added to the Women in Korea Topics over the last two days.

11/21/23: The citation for the Distinguished Flying Cross earned by Airman 2C Vernon C. Hayden was posted on the KWE tonight. He received the DFC for his courageous participation in a bombing mission near Chinnampo on January 28, 1953.

9/12/2023: Added to the KWE tonight were the Army Commendation Medal citations for two DMZ veterans, both from the 23rd Infantry Regiment of the 2nd Infantry Division. The veterans are Gary Charles Gable and Wayne A. Ward.

8/28/2023: The memoir of Akira Buster "Chic" Chikami of Winter Park, Florida is now live on the KWE. A prisoner of war in POW Camps 12, 5 and 4, he was a 60mm mortar man in the 2nd Infantry Division, 38th Infantry Regiment, George Company when he was captured in Korea. He served in the Army from 1945 until 1966 and then enlisted in the Air Force where he served as a missile maintenance supervisor.

7/19/2023: Added tonight was the Bronze Star with V citation for Cpl. Stewart E. Sizemore, 24th Infantry Division, for his heroic actions near Taejon on July 20, 1950.

6/09/2023: On April 25, 1951, a Navy Beechcraft collided mid-air with a DC-4 en route from Miami, Florida to Havana, Cuba. Among the 43 souls lost were four U.S. naval personnel. To read about this tragedy, click here.

5/06/2023: The memoir of S/Sgt. William Venlos is now live on the KWE. Bill was a USMC veteran of Able Company's Tank Battalion. He was a member of the Brigade and participated in the Inchon Invasion, street fighting in Seoul, and the Chosin Reservoir campaign. He also was present while the movie Sands of Iwo Jima starring John Wayne was being produced in California, and he was a China Marine. His memoir was made possible by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council. View his memoir here.

2/23/2023: Another airplane crash page was added to the website tonight. On December 17, 1953, a B-29 crashed in Guam, killing nine crew members, several passengers, and ten people on the ground. View it here.

1/07/2023: A new page opened on the Korean War Educator tonight. On November 17, 1953, a C-119's engine failed and the plane dove into the ground, hitting and killing ten paratroopers who were in air on a training mission. Also killed were the crew and a doctor who was onboard the plane. To learn more about this tragedy, click on this link: C119 and Airborne Paratroopers

9/08/2022: The Silver Star citation of Pvt. E-2 Joseph Michael Isom was added to the KWE tonight.

8/30/2022: The bio of the late Dr. Arthur Ancowitz is now added to the KWE's American Notables page. A pioneer in stroke prevention, he was a World War II and Korean War veteran.

8/30/2022: The memoir of Navy nurse LtJG Helen Obertance Gann is now live on the KWE. She was a surgical nurse on the USS Haven from September of 1952 to April or May 1953. Helen died May 01, 2015. The completion of this memoir was made possible by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council.

8/29/2022: The memoir of John Carl Ross is now live on the KWE. John served in Company D, 45th Infantry Division, as a medical aid man. He served in Korea 1952-1953. The completion of his memoir was made possible by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council.

8/29/2022: The memoir of Emmett George "Pete" Dammon Jr. is now live on the KWE. Pete served in the 512 Ordnance Company (H.A.M.) in Korea from September 1950 to April 1952. The completion of this memoir was made possible by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council.

8/29/2022: The memoir of Glenn E. Stotts is now live on the KWE. Glenn was an artillery liaison in Korea before being captured on November 02, 1950. He was held prisoner of war for 33 months. Glenn died on January 06, 2016. The completion of this memoir was made possible by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council.

8/29/2022: The memoir of Marian Tesheneck (Wagman) is now live on the KWE. Marian, who is now deceased, helped set up one of the first evacuation hospitals in Korea. One of the original nurses of the 121st Evacuation Hospital, she arrived in Inchon in the 11th wave after the Marines landed there. Among her many duties in Korea, she provided nursing care for the survivors of the Chosin Reservoir. The completion of her memoir was made possible by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council.

8/29/2022: The memoir of William "Bill" Stedman is now activated on the KWE. Bill spent late 1951 to early 1953 serving in the 936th Armored Field Artillery Headquarters Battery. In the thick of battle in the outpost wars, he was wounded in action. His memoir is based on a book he wrote about his Korean War experiences. The final phase of publishing his memoir was made possible by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council.

8/23/2022: The memoir of William Huebner is now live on the KWE. Bill was a 3rd Infantry Division Training, Information and Education Public Information Officer and then U.S. Army correspondent reporting on 3rd Infantry Division's operations during the Korean War. The memoir is based on letters that Huebner sent home during his tour of duty in Korea. Thanks to the Illinois Humanities Council for the grant that finalized the publishing of Bill's memoir.

8/04/2022: Added to the KWE tonight, courtesy of Erick Stebbings, are the three Silver Star citations awarded to MSgt. William A. Bonacci (3rd Infantry Division). Many thanks to Erick for honoring this brave veteran.

8/02/2022: There were many stateside tragedies in which America's servicemen lost their lives during the Korean War. Now posted on the KWE is a new page about the collision of a Southern Belle train with a troop train filled with 288 Korea-bound Marines. Also posted is information about a Sherman tank that was struck by a train in Barberton, Ohio. Three men in the tank were crushed to death. Four men of the 44th Infantry Division were killed during maneuvers at Hunter Liggett in California. Five soldiers were killed near Moffett Air Field in a broadside car accident. Five Marines were killed in a tractor-trailer crash on the New Jersey Turnpike. These pages were made possible by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council.

7/29/2022: Added to the KWE tonight was a new page listing the biographies of six merchant marine cadets who died in a car/power shovel accident in South China, Maine. This page was made possible by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council.

7/23/2022: Added to the KWE tonight was a new page listing the crashes and resulting fatalities associated with F-82G Twin Mustangs that participated in the early years of the Korean War. The page was made possible by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council. Photos will be added at a later date.

7/11/2022: Added to the KWE tonight was a new page listing five SkyKnight accidents that resulted in American fatalities. The page was made possible by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council. My webmaster continues to work on Huebner memoirs.

6/18/2022: The Silver Star citations for 1Lt. Jesse Burnette Bolling (3ID, 64th Tank Btn.) and 1Lt. Raymond Franklin King (2ID) were added to the KWE tonight.

6/17/2022: The Silver Star citation of 1Lt. Robert M. Hope (17th Inf. Rgt.) was added to the KWE tonight.

6/16/2022: The Silver Star citations for the following 2nd Infantry Division soldiers were posted on the KWE tonight: Capt. Niles J. McIntyre, 2Lt. Louis V. Genuario, and Cpl. Randolph Chapman. Other soldiers whose citations were posted tonight include: Sgt. Donald L. Curtis (3ID), Sgt. James Clark (3ID), 2Lt. Lewis A. Hotelling, Warren Webster III (1st award - 2ID), and a citation synopsis for Richard Granville Cushman (2ID).

6/15/2022: The Silver Star citation of Lt. Col. Charles Hercules Green (Australia) was posted on the KWE this evening.

6/14/2022: The Silver Star citation of Pfc. Gerald Fred Boyer (2ID - posthumous) was added to the KWE this evening.

6/13/2022: The Silver Star citation of 2Lt. John W. Connors (7ID) and the Silver Star citation synopsis for Capt. Herbert Joseph McChrystal Jr. were added to the KWE tonight.

6/12/2022: The Silver Star citation of Edward Moergeli (3ID) was added to the KWE tonight.

6/10/2022: Added to the KWE tonight were the names of post-war DMZ Korea American casualties: W.O. Michael F. Van Buren (died 1963), Pvt. Jesse Dalton (died 1956), and Damionia Lott (died 2021). Also added were American Korean War veteran notables Donald Allison Durant and Jeffy Alf Jolstead. A short bio for World War II and Korean war correspondent Cletus Enoch "Clete" Haase Roberts was also added.

6/09/2022: The following Silver Star citations were added to the KWE tonight: Lt. Col. Robert J. O'Donnell (2ID - two awards), 1Lt. George S. Oliver (7ID), Cpl. Roger E. Lewis (7ID), 1Lt. Robert E. Strom (3ID - 2nd award), and Sgt. Donald E. Youngberg (7ID).

6/08/2022: The Silver Star citation of Capt. Edward Joseph Cavanaugh (7ID) was posted on the KWE this evening.

6/07/2022: The Silver Star citation awarded to Sgt. Maj. Joseph Lawrence Annello (machine gun platoon, H Company, 7th RCT, 3ID) and the Silver Star citation awarded to Sgt. Jack DePinenil (Medical Detachment, 13th Engineer Combat Battalion) were added to the KWE this evening.

6/06/2022: Added to the KWE tonight were the Silver Star citations awarded to: 1Lt. Mayo S. Heath (1st Airborne Ranger Company, 2ID - posthumous), Capt. Roger C. White Jr. (2ID) and SFC Yukio Yokoe (25ID).

6/04/2022: A new page was uploaded onto the KWE this evening. The Non-Battle Accident Casualties page is far from comprehensive, but it's a starting point for KWE readers who wish to add information about a known accident casualty victim to this website.

6/02/2022: The Silver Star citation for BG George C. Stewart and SFC Walter J. Matyjasik were added to the Silver Star page of the KWE. Also added were the Bronze Star citations of Sgt. Billy Stubblefield, SFC Roy Fyffe, Sgt. Glen D. Arledge, Sgt. Clyde J. Clouser, Sgt. Artghur A. Nickerson, Sgt. Henry S. Petzoldt, Sgt. Dominick E. Tolipani, Sgt. Douglas F. Touchette, Cpl. Clifford B. Bowen, Capt. Raymond J. McCarrell (1st Oak Leaf Cluster), Maj. Harris M. Pope (1st Oak Leaf Cluster), Cpl. Martin Hannigan, Cpl. Harry O'Brien, Pvt. Charles Pigeon, and Pfc. Walter H. Smith. Each of these citations was sent to the KWE courtesy of the Barkers of the Korean War Project, and we thank them for sharing.

3/25/2022: Added to the Airplane Crashes page of the KWE tonight is information about a TBM-3E that struck a cable and crashed between K-1 and K-2. Find it here.

3/17/2022: Silver Star citations for Pfc. Martin Benge (24ID) (KIA) and Sgt. George Stand (2ID) were added to the KWE tonight.

2/25/2022: A Globemaster with the tail number 49244 ditched in the sea near Ireland. Details about this ditching have been on the KWE website for quite some time, but just added is an article entitled, "Last Flight of 49244."

2/25/2022: Added to the KWE tonight are the names of 3,121 African-American casualties in the Korean War.

1/29/2022: Thanks to a generous donation from KWE supporter Sheila Kronenberger of southern Illinois, the KWE's new African-Americans in the Korean War page is now live on our website. We hope you take the time to look the page over to see if there is anything that our readers can add to it to educate the public about this important topic. Contact [Please enable JavaScript.] if you do.

1/19/2022: Added to the KWE tonight was the Bronze Star citation for USMC veteran Paul T. Desforges, a Chosin Reservoir survivor and Purple Heart recipient.

1/04/2022: Thanks to Holly Ryan of Connecticut, the KWE added the following Bronze Star recipients (3rd Infantry Division) to the website tonight: Maj. Anthony J. Iannacone (Dental Corps), Capt. Lawrence J. Keene (Artillery), Capt. Leonard F. Stegman (Chaplain), 1Lt. Thomas G. Houghton (Infantry), MSgt. Francisco Billoch (Infantry), Sgt. William J. Huebner (HQ & HQ), and 2Lt. Jose A. Bonilla-Matos (Medical Service Corps).