[Please enable JavaScript.][Please enable JavaScript.]111 E. Houghton St.Tuscola, IL 61953

How to Support Us

Method #1: Membership

The Korean War Educator is the world's largest website devoted entirely to the history of the Korean War and its veterans. The site serves as a reference for Korean War veterans and their families, the news media, students, scholars, government officials, educators, and the general public. Our members help honor the legacy of the Korean War veterans by keeping this history online. Membership is open to the public, so a direct connection to the Korean War is neither required nor expected.

100% of dues go to supporting this website.

Unlike most other nonprofits which have overhead expenses of salaries, utilities, and rent, the KWE is maintained almost exclusively by Lynnita Brown, without salary or tax benefit, out of her home. This allows us to reduce our expenses to webhosting, office supplies, postage, internet service, minimal equipment for recording veterans' interviews, and other related expenses. Your membership dues and other donations help cover these expenses and keep this valuable resource online. For additional information about the KWE's fiscal responsibility, visit About > The KWE Foundation > Financial Information.

Membership Fees

Membership is voluntary. Unless indicated otherwise, members and other donors will be recognized for their contribution on our website.

Donations are tax-deductible because the KWE Foundation is a federally registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Annual Membership

The annual general membership fee is $10. Membership is voluntary and we will not send renewal notices. Annual membership fees go directly toward the KWE general operating fund. View Annual Members List

Lifetime Membership

The lifetime membership fee is a one-time payment of $100. Half of this fee goes directly into the KWE general operating fund while the other half goes into our endowment fund which is designated to keeping the KWE online when Ms. Brown is no longer able to maintain it herself. View Lifetime Members List

Paying Dues


  • Lifetime membership ($100): Donate
  • Annual membership ($10): Donate

By Mail

Please include a note indicating the purpose of your payment. Checks should be made out to:

Korean War Educator
c/o Lynnita Brown
111 E. Houghton St.
Tuscola, IL 61953

Method #2: Sponsorship

The Korean War Educator Foundation is financially supported solely by the contribution of website visitors. These, our "Circle of Friends," contribute because they believe that one of the best ways to honor those who served and died in the Korean War is to educate the public about the war, and this website is dedicated to that purpose. When Americans learn about Korea and the bloody war that raged there in 1950-53, perhaps they will more fully understand that the price of freedom can't be paid in dollars. Our veterans—the men and women who endure, suffer, and die in the misery of war—pay the high cost for our liberty.

For information about the KWE's annual income and expenses, visit About > The KWE Foundation > Financial Information.

In addition to membership dues (above), there are four other types of donations to financially support the Korean War Educator. Read about each below.

  • General Donations
  • Memorial Gifts
  • Webhosting Sponsorship
  • Endowment Fund

General Donations Donate

Unless specified otherwise, general donations go directly into the KWE's general operating fund and donors will be recognized on our website. These donors fall into three tiers of recognition:

Memorial Gifts Donate

Place a donation in memory of a friend or loved one through our memorial gift option. Unless indicated otherwise, the donation will go directly into the KWE's general operating fund, and both the donor and the recipient of honor will be recognized on our website. You may include a note with your donation, but we reserve the right to edit the note for clarity, brevity, and reverence. See Memorial Gifts listed here.

Webhosting Sponsorship Donate

You or your business can help keep our website online by sponsoring a year for $400. This covers our expenses paid to CloudCarpenter Websites for webhosting, renewal for our multiple domain names, regular security maintenance, and support. Our sponsors are listed here.

Endowment Fund Donate

The Endowment Fund secures the perpetuation of the KWE after the death or incapacitation of its founder, Lynnita Brown, who currently maintains the website herself. These funds are inaccessible until her incapacitation, and even then, will be accessed only after the webhosting sponsorship funds have been exhausted. Half of each lifetime membership goes into this fund, as do donations earmarked for this fund.

Donate by Mail

Please include a note indicating the purpose of your payment. Checks should be made out to:

Korean War Educator
c/o Lynnita Brown
111 E. Houghton St.
Tuscola, IL 61953