AACS Units
1249th AACS Sqdn
1818th AACS Group
1935th AACS Sqdn
1954th AACS Sqdn
1973rd AACS Sqdn
1993rd AACS Sqdn
1st AACS Sqdn - Mobile
Air Control Units - Tactical
116th Tactical Control Sqdn
502nd Tactical Control Group
605th Tactical Control Sqdn
6132nd Tactical Control Sqdn
6143rd Tactical Control Sqdn
6147th Tactical Control Group
6148th Tactical Control Sqdn
6149th Tactical Control Sqdn
69150th Tactical Control Sqdn
6164th Tactical Control Sqdn
Air Control Units
511th Air Control and Warning Group
527th Air Control and Warning Sqdn
528th Air Control and Warning Sqdn
529th Air Control and Warning Group
606th Air Control and Warning Sqdn
607th Air Control and Warning Sqdn
608th Air Control and Warning Sqdn
848th Air Control and Warning Sqdn
Air Force Advisory Group
6146th Air Force Advisory Group
Air Police
3rd Air Police Sqdn
49th Air Police Sqdn
374th Air Police Sqdn
452nd Air Police Sqdn
1503rd Air Police Sqdn
6149th Air Police Sqdn
Air Rescue Units
3rd Air Rescue Group
3rd Air Rescue Sqdn
39th Air Rescue Sqdn
Det. F, 2157th Air Rescue Sqdn (re-designated 36th Air Rescue Sqdn)
Ammunition Units
543rd Ammunition Depot Sqdn
547th Ammunition Supply Sqdn
567th Ammo Supply Sqdn
Bomber Units
2nd Bomb Sqdn
3rd Bomb Group
3rd Bomb Wing
8th Bomb Sqdn
30th Bomb Sqdn
130th Bomb Sqdn
13th Bomb Sqdn
17th Bomb Wing (Group)
19th Bomb Group
19th Bomb Sqdn
22nd Bomb Sqdn
22nd Bomb Wing
28th Bomb Sqdn
33rd Bomb Sqdn
34th Bomb Sqdn
37th Bomb Sqdn
84th Bomb Sqdn
85th Bomb Sqdn
90th Bomb Sqdn
92nd Bomb Wing
93rd Bomb Sqdn
95th Bomb Sqdn
97th Bomb Group
98th Bomb Sqdn
98th Bomb Wing
301st Bomb Wing
307th Bomb Sqdn
307th Bomb Wing
325th Bomb Sqdn
326th Bomb Sqdn
327th Bomb Sqdn
343rd Bomb Sqdn
344th Bomb Sqdn
345th Bomb Sqdn
352nd Bomb Wing
355th Bomb Sqdn
370th Bomb Sqdn
371st Bomb Sqdn
372nd Bomb Sqdn
432nd Bomb Wing
452nd Bomb Sqdn
452nd Bomb Wing
509th Bomb Wing
728th Bomb Sqdn (L)
729th Bomb Sqdn (L)
730th Bomb Sqdn (L)
731st Bomb Sqdn (L)
2728th Bomb Sqdn
Combat Camera Units
AAVS (Combat Camera)
Combat Cargo Units
1st Combat Cargo Group
Communications Units
3rd Communications Squadron
2nd Radio Relay Sqdn
5th Communications Group (934th Signal Bn)
7th Communications Group - 5th Air Force
18th Communications Sqdn
67th Communications Sqdn (K-14)
452nd Communications Sqdn
Ferry Units
1737th Ferry Sqdn
Fighter Units
187th Fighter Sqdn
532nd Fighter Sqdn
Fighter Units, All Weather
4th All Weather Fighter Sqdn
68th All Weather Fighter Sqdn
339th All Weather Fighter Sqdn
Fighter Bomber Units
2nd South African Air Force (18FBW)
7th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
8th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
8th Fighter Bomber Wing
9th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
12th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
15th Fighter Bomber Group
18th Fighter Bomber Wing
35th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
36th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
40th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
44th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
48th Fighter Bomber Wing
49th Fighter Bomber Group
49th Fighter Bomber Wing
58th Fighter Bomber Wing
67th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
68th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
69th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
80th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
111th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
116th Fighter Bomber Wing
136th Fighter Bomber Wing
154th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
182nd Fighter Bomber Sqdn
310th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
311th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
428th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
429th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
430th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
474th Fighter Bomber Group
525th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
526th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
750th Fighter Bomber Sqdn
Fighter Escort Units
27th Fighter Escort Wing
522nd Fighter Escort Sqdn
523rd Fighter Escort Sqdn
524th Fighter Escort Sqdn
Fighter Interceptor Units
1st Fighter Interceptor Sqdn
4th Fighter Interceptor Wing
16th Fighter Interceptor Sqdn
25th Fighter Interceptor Sqdn
35th Fighter Interceptor Wing
39th Fighter Interceptor Sqdn
40th Fighter Interceptor Sqdn
41st Fighter Interceptor Sqdn
51st Fighter Interceptor Wing
55th Fighter Interceptor Group
57th Fighter Interceptor Sqdn
68th Fighter Interceptor Sqdn
319th Fighter Interceptor Sqdn
334th Fighter Interceptor Sqdn
335th Fighter Interceptor Sqdn
336th Fighter Interceptor Sqdn
Headquarters Units
13th Air Base Group
42nd Air Div Eighth Air Force
49th Air Base Group
6002nd Air Base Group
6146th Air Base Unit
6152nd Air Base Sqdn
6153rd Air Base Sqdn
6162nd Air Base Wing
6167th Air Base Group
HQ Fifth Air Force
Intelligence Units
6004th Air Intel Service Sqdn
Baker Flight, 581st Air Resupply and Communications Sqdn (K-16)
Liaison Units
10th Liaison Sqdn
Maintenance Units
3rd Maintenance Sqdn
18th Fighter Bomber Maintenance Sqdn
Medical Units
67th Medical Group
1600th Medical Group - Air Evacuation
6530th Medical Group
Postal Units
1st Air Postal Sqdn
Radar Bomb Scoring Units
3903rd Radar Bomb Scoring Group
Reconnaissance Units
2nd Photo Recon Sqdn
8th Tactical Recon Sqdn (Photo Jet)
11th Tactical Recon Sqdn
12th Tactical Recon Sqdn
15th Tactical Recon Sqdn
18th Tactical Recon Sqdn
25th Tactical Recon Sqdn
31st Strategic Recon Sqdn
45th Tactical Recon Sqdn
51st Tactical Recon Sqdn
56th Strategic Recon Sqdn
67th Tactical Recon Wing
91st Strategic Recon Sqdn
162nd Tactical Recon Sqdn
343rd Strategic Recon Sqdn
363rd Recon Technical Sqdn
543rd Tactical Support Group
6166th Weather Recon Sqdn
Strategic Air Command Hq.
Security Units
Air Force Security Service (USAFSS)
Shoran Units
1st Shoran Beacon Unit
Signal Units
15th Radio Sqdn Mobile - USAFSS
16th Communications Sqdn
Supply Units
3rd Supply Sqdn
4th Far East Air Material Sqdn
4th Supply Squadron
581st Air Resupply & Communications Sqdn (intelligence operations)
Support Units
3rd Motor Vehicle Sqdn
75th Air Depot Wing - FEAF
2349th Personnel Processing Group
811th Food Service Sqdn
1503rd Field Maintenance Sqdn
6127 Air Terminal Group (315 Air Div.)
6131st Tactical Support Wing
6161 Maintenance Sqdn - Yokota
6400th Field Maintenance Unit
Transport Units
49th Air Transport Sqdn
1266th Air Transport Sqdn
1273rd Air Transport Sqdn
1503rd Air Transport Wing
Troop Carrier Units
4th Troop Carrier Sqdn
6th Troop Carrier Sqdn
7th Troop Carrier Sqdn
21st Troop Carrier Sqdn
22nd Troop Carrier Sqdn
34th Troop Carrier Sqdn
36th Troop Carrier Sqdn
37th Troop Carrier Sqdn
50th Troop Carrier Sqdn
61st Troop Carrier Sqdn
62nd Troop Carrier Sqdn
63rd Troop Carrier Sqdn
65th Troop Carrier Sqdn
83rd Troop Carrier Sqdn
84th Troop Carrier Sqdn
85th Troop Carrier Sqdn
86th Troop Carrier Sqdn
315th Air Division
374th Troop Carrier Wing
403rd Troop Carrier Group
437th Troop Carrier Group (later 315th)
446 Troop Carrier Wing
483rd Troop Carrier Wing
815th Troop Carrier Sqdn
817th Troop Carrier Sqdn
6461st Troop Carrier Sqdn
Weather Units
6th Weather Sqdn - Mobile
20th Weather Sqdn
30th Weather Sqdn
2015th Weather Detachment
2143rd Air Weather Wing (Tokyo)
[KWE Note: The following information was supplied to the Korean War Educator by Fred Gorsek. He received the information from Maxwell AFB Historical section. We encourage our visitors to check out the Maxwell site. It is outstanding. Fred Gorsek was assigned to the 5th Air Force 502nd TCG, 605th TCS with the Air Police from July 1952 to July 1953.]
At the beginning of the Korean War, the U. S. Air Force's only tactical control group was the 502nd at Pope AFB, NC. To meet the emergency in the theater, the Fifth Air Force organized the 6132nd Tactical Air Control Squadron (later, Group), which established a full-scale Tactical Air Control Center (TACC) at Taegu, South Korea, on July 23, 1950.
Less than three months later, the 502nd moved to Korea and in October 1950, replaced the 6132nd in the mission of directing tactical air operations in Korea. Through its 605th Tactical Control Squadron, the group operated the TACC and worked with the U. S. Army in a Joint Operations Center (JOC). Other squadrons operated tactical air direction centers (TADC), which used stationary and mobile radar and communications equipment to guide aircraft on close air support missions. The group also deployed tactical air control parties (TACP), which accompanied ground units to communicate with USAF strike aircraft. The TACPs followed advancing UN troops into North Korea in October and November 1950, but the Chinese Communist offensive soon overran several of them. The 502nd headquarters and the TACC, which operated at Seoul in November and part of December, were forced to return to Taegu at the end of the year. During the spring and summer of 1951, the 502nd directed night bombing of enemy targets, including troop concentrations, supply dumps, and motor convoys. As UN ground forces drove the enemy back across the 38th parallel, the group, TACC, and JOC returned to Seoul in June. In October, the 502nd set up a communications station 100 miles behind enemy lines on Cho-do (Cho Island), three miles off the North Korean coast. From this location the detachment guided UN fighters against enemy airplanes in MiG Alley, bombers against strategic targets along the Yalu River, and search and rescue aircraft toward survivors who had ditched at sea. On June 6, 1952, the 502nd was instrumental in the destruction of nine MiG-15 aircraft through highly effective control procedures to maneuver F-86 Sabres into attack positions. The following month, the 502nd guided warplanes in devastating attacks on enemy troop formations, which blunted communist offensives until the Korean truce in July 1953.
605th Tactical Control Squadron: duration.
606th Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron: duration.
607th Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron: duration.
608th Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron: November 2, 1951-.
6132d Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron: October 9, 1950-November 2, 1951.
1st Shoran Beacon Unit (later, Squadron): attached September 27-December 1, 1950 and September 6, 1952-
Taegu, South Korea, July 23, 1950
Pohang, South Korea, July 28, 1950
Pusan, South Korea, July 30, 1950
Taegu, South Korea, September 24-October 10, 1950.
Pusan, South Korea, September 24, 1950
Taegu, South Korea, October 3, 1950
Seoul, South Korea, October 11, 1950
Taegu, South Korea, December 20, 1950
Seoul, South Korea, June 15, 1951-
Col. William P. McBride, -February 18, 1951
Col. Henry Riera, February 18, 1951
Col. Francis R. Delaney, May 3, 1952
Col. Ernest J. White, Jr., July 25, 1952
Col. Hugh C. Moore, June 15, 1953- .
UN Defensive
UN Offensive.
UN Offensive
CCF Intervention
First UN Counteroffensive
CCF Spring Offensive
UN Summer-Fall Offensive
Second Korean Winter
Korea, Summer-Fall 1952
Third Korean Winter
Korea, Summer 1953
Two Distinguished Unit Citations for actions November 3, 1950-April 21, 1951 and May 1-November 30, 1952.
Three Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citations for periods September 16, 1950-January 25, 1951, January 25, 1951-March 31, 1953, and October 1, 1952-July 27, 1953 .
This list is taken from the Appendix of The United States Air Force in Korea 1950-1953 by Robert Frank Futrell.
Lt. Gen. George E. Stratemeyer - 21 May 1951
Lt. Gen. Earle E. Partridge - 21 May 1951-1 June 1951
Gen. Otto P. Weyland - 10 June 1951
Lt. Gen. Earle E. Partridge - 21 May 1951
Maj. Gen. Edward J. Timberlake, Jr. - 21 May 1951-June 1951
Lt. Gen. Frank F. Everest - 1 June 1951-30 May 1952
Lt. Gen. Glenn O. Barcus - 30 May 1952-31 May 1953
Lt. Gen. Samuel E. Anderson - 21 May 1953
Maj. Gen. Edward J. Timberlake, Jr. - 18 June 1951
Brig. Gen. Delmar T. Spivey - 6 August 1950-1 December 1950
Brig. Gen. James Ferguson - 18 June 1951-26 January 1952
Brig. Gen. Dudley D. Hale - 26 January 1952-23 September 1952
Brig. Gen. Edward H. Underhill - 23 Sept. 1952
Maj. Gen. Howard M. Turner - 15 October 1951
Maj. Gen. Ernest Moore - 16 October 1951-October 1952
Brig. Gen. John W. Sessums, Jr. - 10 October 1952
Maj. Gen. Alvan C. Kincaid - 31 July 1950
Maj. Gen. Ralph F. Stearley - 31 July 1950-13 January 1953
Brig. Gen. Robert W.C. Wimsatt - 14 January 1953-7 February 1953
Brig. Gen. Fay R. Upthegrove - 8 February 1953
Brig. Gen. John P. Doyle - 10 June 1952
Maj. Gen. Paul E. Ruestow - 10 June 1952
Maj. Gen. Delmar T. Spivey - 1 December 1950-20 January 1953
Maj. Gen. Roy H. Lynn - 20 January 1953
Maj. Gen. Emmett O’Donnell, Jr. - 8 July 1950-10 January 1951
Brig. Gen. James E. Briggs - 10 January 1951-23 May 1951
Brig. Gen. Robert H. Terrill - 23 May 1951-30 September 1951
Brig. Gen. Joe W. Kelly - 30 Sept. 1951-15 March 1952
Brig. Gen. Wiley D. Ganey - 15 March 1952-5 October 1952
Brig. Gen. William P. Fisher - 5 October 1952-15 June 1953
Brig. Gen. Richard H. Carmichael - 15 June 1953
Maj. Gen. William H. Tunner - 26 August 1950-8 February 1951
Brig. Gen. John P. Henebry - 8 February 1951-26 February 1952
Col. Cecil H. Childre - 26 February 1952-10 April 1952
Maj. Gen. Chester E. McCarty - 10 April 1952
Col. Thomas B. Hall - 14 August 1950
Col. Virgil L. Zoller - 14 August 1950-23 August 1950
Col. Donald L. Clark - 23 August 1950-1 December 1950
Col. Virgil L. Zoller - 1 December 1950-24 July 1951
Col. Nils O. Ohman - 24 July 1951-4 March 1952
Col. Marshall R. Gray - 4 March 1952-14 August 1952
Col. Eugene B. LeBailly - 14 August 1952
Brig. Gen. George F. Smith - 31 May 1951
Col. Herman A. Schmid - 31 May 1951-1 November 1951
Col. Harrison R. Thyng - 1 November 1951-2 October 1952
Col. Charles W. King - 2 October 1952-11 November 1952
Col. James K. Johnson - 11 November 1952
Col. John M. Price - 9 December 1950
Col. Charles W. Stark - 9 December 1950-7 April 1951
Col. James B. Tipton - 7 April 1951-March 1952
Col. Raymond K. Gallagher - March 1952-23 January 1953
Col. James J. Stone, Jr. - 24 January 1953-29 May 1953
Col. William E. Elder - 29 May 1953
Col. Albert W. Fletcher - 10 May 1952-3 June 1952
Col. Glenn C. Nye - 3 June 1952-7 October 1952
Col. William C. Lindley, Jr. - 7 October 1952-10 October 1952
Col. Clinton C. Wasem - 10 October 1952
Col. Curtis R. Low - 30 November 1950-1 February 1951
Brig. Gen. Turner C. Rogers - 1 February 1951-2 February 1952
Col. Ernest G. Ford - 2 February 1952-7 March 1952
Col. William H. Clark - 7 March 1952-1 January 1953
Col. Frank S. Perego - 1 January 1953-15 June 1953
Col. John C. Edwards - 15 June 1953-5 July 1953
Col. Maurice L. Martin - 5 July 1953
Col. Ashley B. Packard - 1 May 1951
Col. Raymond F. Rudell - 1 May 1951
Col. Virgil L. Zoller - 14 August 1950
Col. Thomas B. Hall - 14 August 1950-1 December 1950
Col. Frederic C. Gray - 1 December 1950-17 February 1951
Col. Brooks A. Lahon - 18 February 1951-12 May 1951
(Transferred to Japan Air Defense Force)
Col. Jack S. Jenkins - 1 December 1950
Col. Aaron W. Tyer - 1 December 1950-31 August 1951
Col. Joe L. Mason - 1 September 1951-31 January 1952
Col. David T. McKnight - 1 February 1952-August 1952
Col. Robert J. Rogers - August 1952-1 April 1953
Col. William W. Ingenhutt - 1 April 1953-April 1953
Col. Edwin A. doss - April 1953
Col. Victor W. Warford - 10 July 1952-1 July 1953
Col. Joseph Davis, Jr. - 1 July 1953
Col. Karl L. Polifka - 25 February 1951-1 July 1951
Col. Bert N. Smiley - 2 July 1951-4 July 1951
Col. Vincent W. Howard - 4 July 1951
Col. Edwin S. Chickering - 31 October 1951-13 August 1952
Col. Russell A. Berg - 13 August 1952-July 1953
Col. Charles E. Knierim - July 1953
Col. Albert C. Prendergast - 5 November 1951
Col. Alfred G. Lambert, Jr. - 5 November 1951-10 November 1951
Col. James B. Buck - 10 November 1951-9 July 1952
Brig. Gen. Luther W. Sweetser, Jr. - 10 May 1951
Col. Brooks A. Lawhon - 12 May 1951-September 1951
Col. Reginald lJ. Clizbe - September 1951-February 1952
Col. Albert W. Fletcher - February 1952-10 May 1952
Col. William W. Ingenhutt - 10 July 1952-1 April 1953
Col. Curtis R. Low - 1 August 1950-1 December 1950
Col. Robert W. Witty - 1 August 1950-16 August 1950
Col. Charles W. Stark - 16 August 1950-1 December 1950
Col. Virgil L. Zoller - 1 September 1950-1 December 1950
Col. Aaron W. Tyer - 5 September 1950-1 December 1950
Col. Frederic C. Gray - 5 September 1950-1 December 1950
Col. Theodore Q. Graff - 26 September 1950
Col. Payne Jennings Jr. - 26 September 1950-29 March 1951
Col. Donald O. Tower - 29 March 1951-26 July 1951
Col. Adam K. Breckenridge - 26 July 1951-6 February 1952
Col. Julian M. Bleyer - 6 February 1952-8 July 1952
Col. Willard W. Smith - 8 July 1952-24 December 1952
Col. Harvey C. Dorney - 24 December 1952-1 June 1953
Col. Harvey C. Dorney - 1 June 1953
Col. James V. Edmundson
(TDY Kadena Air Base, July 1950-October 1950)
Col. Claude E. Putnam Jr.
(TDY Yokota Air Base, July 1950-October 1950)
Col. Richard H. Carmichael - 31 March 1951
Col. David Wade - 31 March 1951-September 1951
Col. Edwin F. Harding Jr. - September 1951-November 1951
Col. Lewis A. Curtis - November 1951-May 1952
Col. Winton R. Close - May 1952-15 June 1952
Col. Winton R. Close - 16 June 1952-26 October 1952
Col. Charles B. Westover - 26 October 1952-17 June 1953
Col. Edgar S. Davis - 17 June 1953
Col. John A. Hilger - 15 March 1951
Col. John M. Reynolds - 15 March 1951-20 August 1951
Col. William H. Hanson - 20 August 1951-4 February 1952
Col. John C. Jennison Jr. - 4 February 1952-8 May 1952
Col. Raymond L. Winn - 8 May 1952-16 June 1952
Col. Raymond L. Winn - 16 June 1952-September 1952
Col. C.S. Overstreet Jr. - September 1952-29 December 1952
Col. Austin J. Russell - 29 December 1952
1st Troop Carrier Group (Medium) (Provisional)
Col. Cecil H. Childre - 26 August 1950-21 October 1950
Lt. Col. Edward H. Nigro - 21 October 1950-10 January 1951
Col. Frank Norwood - 14 February 1952
Lt. Col. Hal E. Ercanbrack - 14 February 1952
Col. Richard W. Henderson - 27 August 1951
Col. William H. Delacey - 27 August 1951-29 September 1951
Col. David E. Daniel - 29 September 1951-1 May 1952
Col. Kenneth W. Northamer - 10 June 1952-26 July 1953
Col. Robert O. Good - 26 July 1953
Col. Troy W. Crawford - September 1951
Col. Charles W. Howe - September 1951-9 August 1952
Col. James W. Chapman Jr. - 9 August 1952
Brig. Gen. Chester E. McCarty - 10 April 1952
Col. Philip H. Best - 14 April 1952-15 May 1952
Col. Maurice F. Casey, Jr. - 15 May 1952-1 January 1953
Brig. Gen. John P. Henebry - 25 January 1952
Col. John R. Roche - 25 January 1951-May 1952
Col. Kenneth W. Northamer - May 1952-9 June 1952
Col. Maurice F. Casey, Jr. - 1 January 1953
[KWE Note: This document was declassified on March 8, 1974. Companies are listed by company number, name and location.]