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National Guard Role in the Korean War


When the Korean War broke out, American troops stationed in neighboring Japan were unexpectedly thrown into war, and quickly discovered the strength and determination of an aggressing North Korean enemy.  Hundreds upon hundreds of combat-experienced and inexperienced American soldiers were killed in those first days of war on the Korean peninsula, so much so that MacArthur requested more troops to bring units up to strength and replace battle casualties.  He asked for artillery batteries, tank battalions, filler ground troops, a Marine Corps combat team, combat engineers, and more. Unfortunately, after World War II ended, the regular U.S. military had been considerably downsized.  MacArthur's request for more troops was approved, but in order to meet his needs quota, it became necessary to activate thousands of National Guardsmen from all across the United States.  From then on, our nation's National Guard played an important role in the Korean War.

According to the National Guard Bureau in Arlington, Virginia, about one third (138,600 men) of the Army Guard's total strength was mobilized when war broke out in Korea. Forty-three units, including two infantry divisions, actually served in Korea. Other guard units were deployed to stateside and worldwide locations close to and far away from Korea. Not just National Guard manpower was needed, either.  Some 67 percent of the Army National Guard's equipment was also mobilized for war.  According to The Korean War: An Encyclopedia [page 300], edited by Stanley Sandler:

The Army National Guard gave up motor vehicles, tanks, and other ground weapons, plus light aircraft.  Besides 156 M-26 tanks, some 592 M-4 medium tanks were withdrawn from National Guard inventories.  The impact is suggested by the fact that, a year into the war, the Army National Guard had on hand only 33 percent of its authorized equipment.  Likewise, the Air National Guard was stripped of its F-74 jet fighter aircraft, and even such items as life vests, life rafts, and spare parts for F-51 aircraft were withdrawn for use by the active forces.

Elements of the Air National Guard were deployed, too.  By Fall of 1950, about one sixth of the Air National Guard had been activated.  During 1951, 22 of the 27 Air National Guard wings, with supporting units, were called up.  Like the Army National Guard, the Air National Guard's equipment was also put into action for the war effort, including F-84 jet fighters, life vests and rafts, and spare parts for aircraft. 

The Guardsmen left civilian jobs, new brides, young children, college studies, and many post-World War II hopes and dreams when their units were activated for the war.  Their contribution to the war effort was so significant that the Korean War Educator created this page to honor and remember our country's National Guardsmen, and to provide information about the National Guard's important role in the Korean War.  

The National Guard page of the Korean War Educator opened on Nov 16, 2004 with emphasis on the Army National Guard.  However, as the weeks and months go by, our readers will see extensive information and statistics added about the Air National Guard in Korea, too. Be sure to revisit this page often to see the progress being made on this important aspect of the Korean War.

Page Contents

Increments of Activation

[Source: "When Are We Going? The Army National Guard and the Korean War, 1950-1953," authored by Renee Hylton, National Guard Bureau, Arlington, VA, p. 49.]

Increment No. 1 - 14 Aug 1950
Increment No. 2 - 14 Aug 1950
Increment No. 3 - 19 Aug 1950
Increment No. 4 - 1 Sep 1950
Increment No. 5 - 3 Sep 1950
Increment No. 6 - 14 Sep 1950
Increment No. 7 - 11 Sep 1950
Increment No. 8 - 11 Sep 1950
Increment No. 9 - 15 Sep 1950
Increment No. 10 - 5 Oct 1950
Increment No. 11 - 15 Oct 1950
Increment No. 12 - 21 Oct 1950
Increment No. 13 - 16 Jan 1951
Increment No. 14 - 23 Jan 1951
Increment No. 15 - 16 Mar 1951
Increment No. 16 - 1 May 1951
Increment No. 17 - 15 May 1951
Increment No. 18 - 15 Jan 1952
Increment No. 19 - 15 Feb 1952

Army National Guard Units That Served in Korea

The source of the following is: "When Are We Going? The Army National Guard and the Korean War, 1950-1953," authored by Renee Hylton, National Guard Bureau, Arlington, VA, p. 48.  They are listed by unit, state, when they were federalized, and when they arrived in Korea.

  • 30th Ordnance Battalion, HQ & HQ Det.    NC    14 Aug 1950    21 Mar 1951
  • 32nd Ordnance Battalion, HQ & HQ Det.    IL    19 Aug 1950    10 Jul 1951
  • 32d Quartermaster Group, HQ & HQ Co.    PA    11 Sep 1950    17 Feb 1952
  • 40th Infantry Division    CA    1 Sep 1950     *11 Jan 1952
  • 45th Infantry Division    OK    1 Sep 1950    * 5 Dec 1951
  • 65th Infantry Regiment    PR    (Regular Army - later ARNG)    
  • 101st Signal Battalion    NY    19 Aug 1950    7 Apr 1951
  • 106th Ordnance (H) Maintenance Co    MO    9 Aug 1950    26 Mar 1951
  • 107th Ordnance (M) Maintenance Co.    MI    9 Aug 1950    9 Mar 1951
  • 107th Transportation Truck Co.    AL    9 Aug 1950    8 Jan 1951
  • 116th Engineer Combat Battalion    ID    3 Sep 1950    28 Feb 1951
  • 121st Transportation Truck Co.    PA    19 Aug 1950    1 Jan 1951
  • 131st Transportation Truck Co.    PA    19 Aug 1950    1 Jan 1951
  • 138th Engineer Pontoon Bridge Co.    MS    14 Aug 1950    6 Feb 1951
  • 145th Field Artillery Battalion    UT    3 Sep 1950    5 Dec 1951
  • 151st Engineer Combat Battalion    AL    14 Aug 1950    9 Feb 1951
  • 167th Transportation Truck Battalion, HQ & HQ Det.    PA    9 Aug 1950    1 Jan 1951
  • 176th Armored Field Artillery Battalion    PA    19 Aug 1950    17 Feb 1951
  • 194th Engineer Combat Battalion    TN    19 Aug 1950    16 Feb 1951
  • 196th Field Artillery Battalion    TN    19 Aug 1950    9 Feb 1951
  • 204th Field Artillery Battalion    UT    19 Aug 1950    2 Feb 1951
  • 213th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion    PA    14 Aug 1950    11 Nov 1951
  • 213th Armored Field Artillery Battalion    UT    19 Aug 1950    16 Feb 1951
  • 217th Medical Collecting Company    AR    19 Aug 1950    4 May 1951
  • 227th AAA Group, HQ & HQ Battery    FL    15 May 1951    21 Mar 1952
  • 231st Transportation Truck Battalion, HQ & HQ Det.    MD    19 Aug 1950    1 Jan 1951
  • 235th Field Artillery Observation Battalion    PA    1 Sep 1950    10 Dec 1952
  • 252d Transportation Truck Co.    AL    19 Aug 1950    1 Jan 1951
  • 300th Armored Field Artillery Battalion    WY    19 Aug 1950    16 Feb 1951
  • 378th Engineer Combat Battalion    NC    14 Aug 1950    24 Feb 1951
  • 568th Ordnance (H) Maintenance Co.    TN    14 Aug 1950    19 Mar 1951
  • 623d Field Artillery Battalion    KY    1 Sep 1950    23 Dec 1951
  • 715th Transportation Truck Company    DC    14 Aug 1950    5 Jan 1951
  • 726th Transportation Truck Company    MD    19 Aug 1950    31 Dec 1950
  • 773d Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion    NY    1 May 1951    18 Oct 1952
  • 936th Field Artillery Battalion    AR    19 Aug 1950    10 Feb 1951
  • 937th Field Artillery Battalion    AR    19 Aug 1950    10 Feb 1951
  • 955th Field Artillery Battalion    NY    19 Aug 1950    2 Feb 1951
  • 987th Armored Field Artillery Battalion    OH    14 Aug 1950    16 Feb 1951
  • 1092d Engineer Combat Battalion    WV    19 Aug 1950    3 Mar 1951
  • 1169th Engineer Group, HQ & HQ Co.    AL    14 Aug 1950    28 Feb 1951
  • 1343d Engineer Combat Battalion    AL    14 Aug 1950    9 Feb 1951
  • 1437th Engineer Treadway Bridge Co.    MI    14 Aug 1950    2 Mar 1951
  • 2998th Engineer Treadway Bridge Co.    TN    19 Aug 1950    27 Feb 1951
  • *First divisional elements arrive.  Note: Two ARNG infantry divisions, the 28th (PA) and 43d (RI and CT), deployed to Germany after Federalization.

Army National Guard Units Federalized for the War

The source of the following information is: "When Are We Going? The Army National Guard and the Korean War, 1950-1953," authored by Renee Hylton, National Guard Bureau, Arlington, VA, p. 49-61.  The units are posted by state, unit designation, increment number and release date.


  • 31st Infantry Division (in part)    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 31st Infantry Division HQ (in part)    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 31st Infantry Division Med Det., Division Headquarters    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 31st Infantry Division HQ Co.    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 31st Military Police Co.    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 731st Ordnance Maintenance Co.    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 31st Quartermaster Co.    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 31st Signal Co.    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 167th Infantry    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 200th Infantry    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 31st Div Arty, HQ & HQ Btry (in part)    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 31st Div Arty, Medical Det    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 117th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 933d Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 104th AAA AW Battalion (SP)    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 31st Infantry Division Band    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 226th AAA Group, HQ & Q Battery     6    3 Sep 1952
  • 711th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)     6    3 Sep 1952
  • 464th AAA AW Battalion (Mbl)    14    22 Dec 1952
  • 378th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C     1    23 Oct 1953
  • 1169th Engineer Combat Group, HQ & HQ Co.     1    20 Jan 1955
  • 151st Engineer Combat Battalion     2    21 Feb 1955
  • 1343d Engineer Combat Battalion     2    21 Feb 1955
  • 131st Heavy Tank Battalion     2    17 Dec 1954
  • 109th Ordnance (M) Maintenance Co.     7    1 Dec 1954
  • 107th Transportation Truck Company     3    21 Feb 1955
  • 252d Transportation Truck Company     3    21 Feb 1955


  • 142d Field Artillery Group, HQ & HQ Battery    5    17 Dec 1954
  • 936th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer, Trac-dr)    3    10 Nov 1954
  • 937th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Gun, SP)    3    26 Nov 1954
  • 101st Med Battalion, HQ & HQ Det.    7    26 Nov 1954
  • 217th Medical Collection Co (Sep)    3    21 Feb 1953
  • 218th Motor Ambulance Co (Sep)    14    20 Dec 1954


  • 40th Infantry Division    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 40th Infantry Division Headquarters    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 40th Infantry Division, Med Det, Division Headquarters    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 40h Infantry Division Headquarters Co.    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 40th Military Police Company    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 40th Quartermaster Company    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 40th Signal Company    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 160th Infantry    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 223d Infantry    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 224th Infantry    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 40th Division Artillery HQ & HQ Battery    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 40th Division Artillery, Med Det    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 143d Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 625th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 980th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 981st Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer)    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 140th AAA AW Battalion (SP)    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 140th Heavy Tank Battalion    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 40th Recon Company    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 578th Engineer Combat Battalion    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 115th Medical Battalion    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 40th Infantry Division Band    4    30 Jun 1954
  • 250th AAA Gp HQ & HQ Battery    2    20 Jul 1952
  • 718th AAA Gun Bn (90mm)    17    14 May 1953
  • 719th AAA Gun Bn (90mm)    2    20 May 1952
  • 728th AAA Gun Bn (90mm)    17    14 May 1953
  • 746th AAA Gun Bn (120mm)    2    13 Jun 1952
  • 184th AAA Opn Det    7    10 Aug 1952
  • 186th AAA Opn Det    6    3 Sep 1952
  • 1401st Engineer Combat Battalion    7    17 Jan 1955
  • 1402d Engineer Combat Battalion    7    17 Jan 1955
  • 3632d Ordnance (M) Maintenance Company    14    20 Jan 1955
  • 161st Ordnance Depot Co.    1    10 Mar 1955
  • 425th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    1    15 Nov 1954
  • 93d Army Band    11    24 Feb 1955
  • 117th Transportation Truck Company    7    10 Mar 1955


  • 193d Heavy Tank Battalion    5    2 Jul 1952
  • 199th Engineer Combat Battalion    7    17 Jan 1955
  • 947th Clearing Company (Sep)    7    9 Feb 1955
  • 869 Medical Collection Co (Sep)    7    9 Feb 1955
  • 928th Motor Ambulance Co (Sep)    14    7 Mar 1955
  • 43d Infantry Division, Med Det. Division Headquarters    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 43d Military Police Company    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 102d Infantry    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 169th Infantry    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 43d Division Artillery, Med Det. (in part)    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 192d Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 963d Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 143d Heavy Tank Battalion    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 118th Medical Battalion    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 43d Infantry Division Band    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 172d AAA Opn Det    1    13 Jul 1952
  • 208th AAA Gp HQ & HQ Battery    17    13 May 1953
  • 242d AAA Gp HQ & HQ Battery    17    14 May 1953
  • 238th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    1    13 Jun 1952
  • 745 AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    1    13 Apr 1952
  • 400th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    14    7 Mar 1955

[KWE Note:  The following observation was sent to the KWE by a veteran of the 238th AAA Gun Battalion:  "In the subject list I notice that at least two units attributed to Colorado were actually units from Connecticut  (1) 238th AAA Gun Bn (2) 745th Gun Bn.  I served as Bn Radar Sergeant for the 238th at Itazuki AFB, Japan. - Albert R. Brown  Melbourne, FL"]


  • 43d Infantry Division (in part)          
  • 43d Division Headquarters (in part)    4    16 Jun 1954
  • 43d Division Headquarters Company    4    15 Jun 1954


  • 736th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    2    28 Aug 1952
  • 286th AAA Opn Det    16    18 Mar 1955
  • 361st Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    2    15 Nov 1954

District of Columbia

  • 260th AAA Gp HQ & HQ Battery    7    10 Sep 1952
  • 260th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    16    31 Jan 1953
  • 380th AAA AW Battalion (Mobile)    17    14 Apr 1953
  • 370th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    2    13 Oct 1953
  • 715th Transportation Truck Company    1    21 Jan 1955
  • 163d Military Police Battalion    5    2 Jul 1952
  • 171st Military Police Battalion    7    10 Jul 1952


  • 227th AAA Gp HQ & HQ Battery    17    14 May 1953
  • 712th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    16    30 Apr 1953
  • 144th Transportation Truck Company    7    10 Mar 1955


  • 108th AAA Brig HQ & HQ Battery    1    13 Jun 1952
  • 178th AAA Opn Det    1    13 Aug 1952
  • 101st AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    1    13 Apr 1952
  • 250th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    1    13 May 1952
  • 420th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    2    15 Nov 1954


  • 116th Engineer Combat Battalion    5    20 Jan 1955
  • 148th Field Artillery Battalion    16    18 Mar 1955
  • 25th Army Band    11    24 Jun 1955


  • 44th Infantry Division    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 44th Infantry Division Headquarters    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 44th Infantry Division, Med Det., Division Headquarters    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 44th Infantry Division Headquarters Company    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 44th Military Police Company    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 44th Ordnance Maintenance Company    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 44th Quartermaster Company    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 44th Signal Company    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 123d Infantry    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 129th Infantry    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 130th Infantry    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 44th Division Artillery Headquarters & Headquarters Battery    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 44th Division Artillery Med Det.    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 209th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 223d Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 233d Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    10    10 Oct 1954
  • 123d Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howtizer)    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 144th AAA AW Battalion (SP)    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 106th Heavy Tank Battalion    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 44th Recon Company    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 135th Engineer Battalion    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 203d Medical Battalion    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 44th Infantry Division Band    19    10 Oct 1954
  • 184th Medical Collection Company    7    9 Feb 1955
  • 698th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    16    31 Jan 1953
  • 768th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    17    14 Apr 1953
  • 179th AAA Opn Det    16    18 Mar 1955
  • 385th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    14    7 Mar 1955
  • 32d Ordnance Battalion Headquarters & Headquarters Det    3    26 May 1955
  • 3637th Ordnance M Auto Maintenance Company    7    9 Feb 1955


  • 915th Mtr Ambulance Co (Sep)    5    6 Jan 1955


  • 194th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer, Trac-dr)    7    17 Jan 1955
  • 3657 Ordnance M Maintenance Company    14    7 Mar 1955


  • 130th Field Artillery Group, HQ & HQ Battery    7    25 Jul 1952
  • 195th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer, trac-dr)    16    10 Oct 1954
  • 174th Military Police Battalion    12    20 Dec 1952


  • 198th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer, Trac-dr)    16    2 Dec 1954
  • 623d Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer, Trac-dr)    14    18 Mar 1955
  • 452d Armored Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer, SP)    7    17 Jan 1955
  • 201st Engineer Combat Battalion    16    30 Mar 1955
  • 916th Mtr Ambulance Company (Sep)    7    9 Feb 1955
  • 917th Mtr Ambulance Company (Sep)    14    21 Feb 1955
  • 113th Ordnance M Maintenance Company    5    20 Jan 1955
  • 413th Ordnance By Maintenance Company (Army)    5    6 Jan 1955
  • 718th Transportation Truck Company    3    3 Dec 1954


  • 773d Heavy Tank Battalion    10    1 Nov 1954


  • 703d AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    1    13 Apr 1952
  • 354th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    1    15 Nov 1954


  • 231st Transportation Truck Battalion, HQ & HQ Det    3    21 Feb 1955
  • 147th Transportation Truck Company    3    3 Dec 1954
  • 165th Transportation Truck Company    5    2 Sep 1954
  • 726th Transportation Truck Company    3    21 Feb 1955


  • 173d AAA Opn Det    6    3 Sep 1952
  • 704th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    15    15 Mar 1953
  • 685th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    16    31 Jan 1953
  • 356th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    1    15 Nov 1954
  • 357th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    1    15 Nov 1954
  • 272d Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer, Trac-dr)    7    17 Jan 1955
  • 86th Army Band    11    30 Jun 1954
  • 272d Army Band    11    7 Nov 1953


  • 387th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    6    6 Jan 1955
  • 107th Ordnance M Maintenance Company    3    27 Oct 1954
  • 1279th Engineer Combat Battalion    3    3 Dec 1954
  • 1437th Engineer Treadway Bridge Company    1    18 Mar 1955
  • 979th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Gun, SP)    14    4 Apr 1955


  • 47th Infantry Division (in part)    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 47th Infantry Division Headquarters (in part)    13    2 Dec 1954\
  • 47th Infantry Division, Medical Det, Division Headquarters    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 47th Infantry Division Headquarters Company (in part)    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 47th Military Police Company    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 747th Ordnance Maintenance Company    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 47th Quartermaster Company    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 47th Signal Company    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 135th Infantry    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 136th Infantry    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 47th Division Artillery Headquarters and Headquarters Battery    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 47th Division Artillery Medical Det (less one Battalion Det)    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 125th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 175th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 151st Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer)    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 256th AAA AW Battalion (SP)    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 194th Heavy Tank Battalion    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 47th Recon Company    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 682d Engineer Combat Battalion    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 204th Medical Battalion    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 47th Infantry Division Band    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 216th AAA Gp Headquarters and Headquarters Battery    2    13 Jun 1952
  • 109th Transportation Truck Battalion Headquarters & Headquarters Det    7    18 Sep 1954
  • 114th Transportation Truck Company    7    30 Jun 1954
  • 115th Transportation Truck Company    7    3 Dec 1954


  • 31st Infantry Division (in part)    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 31st Infantry Division Headquarters (in part)    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 155th Infantry    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 31st Division Artillery, Headquarters & Headquarters Battery    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 31st Division Artillery, Medical Det (less three Battalion Dets)    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 932d Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 114th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 198th Heavy Truck Battalion    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 31st Recon Company    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 106th Engineer C Battalion    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 106th Medical Battalion    13    30 Jun 1954
  • 115th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    16    31 Jan 1953
  • 101st Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    1    15 Nov 1954
  • 631st Armored Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer SP)    5    17 Dec 1954
  • 114th Engineer Combat Battalion    7    17 Jan 1955
  • 138th Engineer Pontoon Bridge Company (Rigid Boat)    1    01 Mar 1952
  • 139th Engineer Treadway Bridge Company    7    17 Jan 1955
  • 213th Medical Battalion Headquarters & Headquarters Det    7    21 Feb 1955
  • 932d Clearing Company (Sep)    3    5 Dec 1954
  • 123d Medical Collection Company (Sep)    3    3 Dec 1954
  • 854th Medical Collection Company (Sep)    7    10 Jul 1952
  • 913th Mtr Ambulance Company (Sep)    3    3 Dec 1954


  • 1438th Engineer Treadway Bridge Company    3    3 Dec 1954
  • 923d Mtr Ambulance Co (Sep)    14    21 Feb 1955
  • 175th Military Police Battalion    7    9 Feb 1955
  • 106th Ordnance Heavy Maintenance Company (Army)    3    26 May 1955


  • 43d Army Band    11    10 Oct 1954

New Hampshire

  • 197th AAA Group, Headquarters & Headquarters Battery    2    13 Aug 1952
  • 358th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    2    15 Nov 1954

New Jersey

  • 112th Field Artillery Gp, Headquarters & Headquarters Battery    5    17 Jan 1955
  • 150th Engineer Pontoon Bridge Company, Rigid Boat    3    20 Oct 1954
  • 695th Armored Field Artillery Battalion    5    17 Dec 1954
  • 30th Ordnance Battalion, Headquarters & Headquarters Det    1    26 Nov 1954
  • 122d Ordnance M Maintenance Company    11    20 Dec 1954
  • 63d Army Band    14    20 Jun 1954

New Mexico

  • 181st AAA Opn Det    16    18 Mar 1955
  • 716th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    1    13 Aug 1952
  • 717th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    16    28 Feb 1953
  • 726th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    1    13 May 1952
  • 394th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    6    06 Jan 1955
  • 395th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    14    07 Mar 1955

New York

  • 102d AAA Brig Headquarters & Headquarters Battery    1    13 Jul 1952
  • 102d AAA Opn Det    1    13 Jul 1952
  • 105th AAA Opn Det    6    03 Sep 1952
  • 209th AAA Gp Headquarters & Headquarters Battery    1    13 Aug 1952
  • 773d AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    16    30 Apr 1953
  • 369th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    7    10 Sep 1952
  • 715th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    2    13 Jun 1952
  • 336th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    17    14 Mar 1953
  • 245th AAA Gun Battalion (120mm)    2    13 Jul 1952
  • 259th AAA Gun Battalion (120mm)    14    22 Dec 1952
  • 102d AAA AW Battalion (Mbl)    1    13 Jul 1952
  • 633d AAA AW Battalion (Mbl)    17    14 Apr 1953
  • 367th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    2    11 Nov 1954
  • 368th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    2    13 Oct 1953
  • 369th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    1    18 Mar 1955
  • 421st Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    1    15 Nov 1954
  • 187th Field Artillery Group, Headquarters & Headquarters Battery    7    17 Jan 1955
  • 187th Field Artillery Observation Battalion    5    17 Dec 1954
  • 955th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer, Trac-dr)    3    18 Mar 1955
  • 29th Ordnance Battalion Headquarters & Headquarters Det    3    18 Nov 1954
  • 102d Quartermaster Group Headquarters & Headquarters Det    7    24 Jan 1955
  • 148th Transportation Truck Battalion, Headquarters & Headquarters Battalion    5    03 Dec 1954
  • 701st Quartermaster Subs Supply Company    3    03 Dec 1954
  • 148th Transportation Truck Company    3    21 Feb 1955
  • 289th Quartermaster Petroleum Supply Company (Mbl)    3    03 Dec 1954
  • 101st Signal Battalion (Sep)    3    23 Sep 1954
  • 89th Army Band    11    24 Feb 1955
  • 199th Army Band    11    15 Feb 1955
  • 133d Ordnance M Maintenance Company    7    20 Jan 1955
  • 132d Ordnance M Auto Maintenance Company    7    28 Jan 1955
  • 134th Ordnance M Auto Maintenance Company    7    28 Jan 1955

North Carolina

  • 150th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    16    31 Mar 1953
  • 382d Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    2    15 Nov 1954
  • 378th Engineer Combat Battalion    1    21 Feb 1954
  • 449th Field Artillery Observation Battalion    7    17 Jan 1955
  • 690th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer Trac-dr)    14    4 Apr 1955
  • 540th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Gun, Trac-dr)    5    17 Dec 1954

North Dakota

  • 47th Infantry Division (in part)          
  • 47th Infantry Division Headquarters (in part)    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 47th Infantry Division Headquarters Company (in part)    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 164th Infantry    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 188th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 47th Division Artillery    13    2 Dec 1954
  • 231st Engineer Combat Battalion    5    10 Oct 1954


  • 37th Infantry Division    No Info    No Info
  • 37th Infantry Division Headquarters    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 37th Infantry Division, Medical Det, Division Headquarters    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 37th Infantry Division Headquarters Company    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 37th Military Police Company    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 737th Ordnance Maintenance Company    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 37th Quartermaster Company    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 37th Signal Company    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 145th Infantry    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 147th Infantry    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 148th Infantry    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 37th Infantry Division Artillery, Headquarters & Headquarters Battery    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 37th Division Artillery, Medical Det    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 134 Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 135th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 140th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 136th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 137th AAA AW Battalion (SP)    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 137th Heavy Tank Battalion    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 37th Recon Company    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 112th Engineer Combat Battalion    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 112th Medical Battalion    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 37th Infantry Division Band    18    15 Jun 1954
  • 182nd AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    16    31 Dec 1952
  • 1428th Engineer Treadway Bridge Company    7    28 Jan 1955
  • 987th Armored Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    2    27 Sep 1954
  • 151st Mtr Ambulance Company (Sep)    7    28 Jan 1955
  • 50th Ordnance Group, Headquarters & Headquarters Det    7    10 Jun 1954
  • 37th Ordnance Battalion, Headquarters & Headquarters Det    3    3 Dec 1954
  • 38th Ordnance Battalion, Headquarters & Headquarters Det    3    3 Dec 1954
  • 357th Ordnance Heavy Maintenance Company (Army)    5    6 Jan 1955
  • 3641st Ordnance M Auto Maintenance Company    7    28 Jan 1955
  • 112th Ordnance M Maintenance Company    7    1 Dec 1954
  • 112th Transportation Truck Battalion, Headquarters & Headquarters Det    5    28 Jan 1955
  • 3582d Transportation Truck Company    3    3 Dec 1954
  • 3583d Transportation Truck Company    3    3 Dec 1954
  • 3584th Transportation Truck Company    5    3 Dec 1954
  • 122d Army Band    12    24 Feb 1955


  • 45th Infantry Division          
  • 45th Infantry Division Headquarters    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 45th Infantry Division Medical Det, Division Headquarters    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 45th Infantry Division, Headquarters Company    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 45th Military Police Company    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 700th Ordnance Maintenance Company    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 45th Quartermaster Company    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 45th Signal Company    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 179th Infantry    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 180th Infantry    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 279th Infantry    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 45th Division Artillery, Headquarters & Headquarters Battery    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 45th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 158th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 160th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 171st Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 189th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer)    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 145th AAA AW Battalion (SP)    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 245th Heavy Tank Battalion    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 45th Recon Company    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 120th Engineer Combat Battalion    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 120th Medical Battalion    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 45th Infantry Division Band    4    30 Apr 1954
  • 143d Engineer Treadway Bridge Company    7    17 Jan 1955


  • 28th Infantry Division          
  • 28th Infantry Division Headquarters    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 28th Infantry Division, Medical Det, Division Headquarters    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 28th Infantry Division, Headquarters Company    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 28th Military Police Company    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 728th Ordnance Maintenance Company    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 28th Quartermaster Company    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 28th Signal Company    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 109th Infantry    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 10th Infantry    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 112th Infantry    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 28th Division Artillery, Headquarters & Headquarters Battery    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 28th Division Artillery, Medical Det    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 107th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 109th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 229th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 108th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer)    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 899 AAA AW Battalion (SP)    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 628th Heavy Tank Battalion    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 28th Recon Company    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 103d Engineer Combat Battalion    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 103d Medical Battalion    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 28th Infantry Division Band    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 51st AAA Brig, Headquarters & Headquarters Battery    2    15 Jun 1954
  • 151st AAA Opn Det    2    28 Jul 1952
  • 213th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    1    28 May 1952
  • 337th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    16    31 Dec 1952
  • 707th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    2    13 Jun 1952
  • 708th AAA Gun Battalion (120mm)    16    28 Feb 1953
  • 709th AAA Gun Battalion (120mm)    2    13 Aug 1952
  • 3622d Ordnance M Maintenance Company    7    10 Oct 1954
  • 3623d Ordnance M Maintenance Company    7    10 Mar 1955
  • 372d Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    2    15 Nov 1954
  • 393d Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    1    15 Nov 1954
  • 373d Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    2    15 Nov 1954
  • 68th Engineer Combat Group, Headquarters & Headquarters Company    9    24 Feb 1955
  • 645th Engineer Combat Battalion    7    17 Jan 1955
  • 190th Field Artillery Group, Headquarters & Headquarters Battery    7    15 Feb 1955
  • 176th Armored Field Artillery Battalion (105mm)    3    27 Sep 1954
  • 967th Armored Field Artillery Battalion    16    18 Mar 1955
  • 200th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer, Trac-dr)    14    07 Mar 1955
  • 235th Field Artillery Observation Battalion    7    20 Dec 1954
  • 32d Quartermaster Group, Headquarters & Headquarters Det    7    28 Jan 1955
  • 154th Transportation Truck Battalion, Headquarters & Headquarters Det    7    28 Jan 1955
  • 167th Transportation Truck Battalion, Headquarters & Headquarters Det    3    23 Jun 1955
  • 121st Transportation Truck Company    3    21 Feb 1955
  • 131st Transportation Truck Company    3    18 Sep 1954
  • 721st Transportation Truck Company    3    3 Dec 1954
  • 722d Transportation Truck Company    7    7 Jan 1955
  • 185th Signal Light Construction Battalion    5    21 Sep 1954
  • 243d Army Band    11    20 May 1954
  • 276th Army Band    11    14 Mar 1954
  • 129th Signal Service Company (Rad Int), Corps    7    15 Apr 1955
  • 150th Signal Service Company (Rad Int), Corps    7    25 Jun 1955

Puerto Rico

  • 296th Regimental Combat Team          
  • 296th Infantry    8    19 Nov 1954
  • 482d Field Artillery Battalion    14    19 Nov 1954
  • 225th Engineer Combat Company    14    2 Dec 1954

Rhode Island

  • 43d Infantry Division (in part)    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 43d Infantry Division Headquarters (in part)    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 743d Ordnance Maintenance Company    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 43d Quartermaster Company    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 43d Signal Company    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 43d Division Artillery, Headquarters & Headquarters Battery    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 43d Division Artillery Medical Det (less Three Battalion Dets)    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 103d Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer, Trac-dr)    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 169th AAA AW Bn (SP)    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 43d Recon Company    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 118th Engineer Combat Battalion    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 705th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    4    13 Jul 1952
  • 359th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    2    15 Nov 1954

South Carolina

  • 228th AAA Group, Headquarters & Headquarters Battery    7    13 Jul 1952
  • 713th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    1    13 Jun 1952
  • 383d Signal Radar Maintenance Unit, Type C    2    15 Nov 1955
  • 95th Army Band    11    24 Feb 1955

South Dakota

  • 196th Regimental Combat Team          
  • 196th Infantry    4    10 Oct 1954
  • 147th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    4    10 Oct 1954
  • 200th Engineer Combat Company    4    10 Oct 1954
  • 109th Engineer C Battalion    5    17 Dec 1954


  • 278th Regimental Combat Team          
  • 278th Infantry    4    8 Oct 1954
  • 191st Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    4    8 Oct 1954
  • 190th Engineer Combat Company    4    8 Oct 1954
  • 194th Engineer Combat Battalion    3    20 Jan 1955
  • 2998th Engineer Treadway Bridge Company    3    20 Jan 1954
  • 196th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer, Trac-dr)    3    18 Mar 1955
  • 933d Clearing Company (Sep)    7    21 Feb 1955
  • 168th Military Police Battalion    5    2 Jul 1952
  • 961st Ordnance M Maintenance Company    3    3 Dec 1954
  • 568th Ordnance Heavy Maintenance Company (Army)    1    14 Mar 1955
  • 129th Army Band    11    21 Feb 1955


  • 95th Medical Group, Headquarters & Headquarters Det    7    21 Feb 1955
  • 211 Medical Battalion, Headquarters & Headquarters Det    7    28 Mar 1955
  • 926 Mtr Ambulance Company (Sep)    7    9 Feb 1955
  • 95th Army Band    11    20 Feb 1955


  • 115th Engineer C Group Headquarters & Headquarters Company    3    5 Dec 1954
  • 115th Engineer C Battalion    16    1 Feb 1956
  • 213th Armored Field Artillery Battalion    3    28 Oct 1954
  • 204th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Gun, Sp)    5    18 Mar 1955
  • 145th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Gun, Trac-dr)    5    18 Mar 1955
  • 653d Field Artillery Observation Battalion    7    17 Jan 1955


  • 43d Infantry Division (in part)          
  • 43d Infantry Division Headquarters (in part)    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 173d Infantry    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 43d Division Artillery, Medical Det (one Battalion Det)    4    15 Jun 1954
  • 206th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer)    4    15 Jun 1954


  • 177th AAA Opn Det    17    18 Mar 1955
  • 224th AAA Group, Headquarters & Headquarters Battery    2    13 Aug 1952
  • 710th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    2    13 Apr 1952
  • 560th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer, Trac-dr)    16    18 Mar 1955
  • 221st Army Band    11    14 Feb 1954


  • 115th AAA Opn Det    1    13 Aug 1952
  • 420th AAA Gun Battalion (90mm)    16    31 Dec 1952
  • 770th AAA Gun Battalion (120mm)    2    13 Jul 1952
  • 66th Field Artillery Group, Headquarters & Headquarters Battery    7    10 Jul 1952

West Virginia

  • 201st Armored Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer SP)    7    17 Jan 1955
  • 1092d Engineer Combat Battalion    3    18 Mar 1955
  • 126th Transportation Truck Battalion, Headquarters & Headquarters Det    7    9 Feb 1955
  • 480th Transportation Truck Company    7    9 Feb 1955
  • 254th Transportation Truck Company    7    10 Mar 1955


  • 141st Tank Battalion    7    17 Jan 1955
  • 300th Armored Field Artillery Battalion    3    27 Sep 1954


The Korean War Educator highly recommends the following educational resources that provide extensive information about the Army National Guard in the Korean War.  If there are other resources available that KWE readers know about, be sure to contact us.

  • A Very Long Weekend: The Army National Guard in Korea 1950-1953.  Authored by Bill Berebitsky, this is the story of the 43 Army Guard units that served in Korea. Unit command reports and long forgotten news articles are combined with the recollections of 83 guardsmen and 9 men assigned to guard units. Hard cover, 300 pages, 28 illustrations, 9 maps. Order Information: $22.45 + $2.50 shipping & handling. Send checks payable to "A Very Long Weekend", 250 Mugo Pine Circle, Reno, NV 89511. Nevada residents add appropriate sales tax.
  • When Are We Going? The Army National Guard and the Korean War, 1950-1953.  Authored by Renee Hylton, this is a publication that was distributed free of charge by the National Guard Bureau in Washington, DC. during the government's activities surrounding the 50th anniversary of the Korean War.  Hylton has done an excellent job of providing a comprehensive review of the Army National Guard's role in the Korean War.  The charts shown above (listing the activated Guard units) came from this booklet.  According to Hylton there are some 3,000 copies of this booklet still available through the National Guard Bureau.  To obtain a copy of it, send your name and U.S. mail address (it cannot be a post office box address), along with a request for a copy of "When Are We Going?" to: [Please enable JavaScript.].
  • Korea 1950.  Center of Military History, Department of the Army [CMH Pub. 21-1], reprinted 1989. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
  • Fighting On The Brink: Defense of the Pusan Perimeter.  Authored by BG Uzal W. Ent, USA, Retired, Turner Publishing Company, 412 Broadway, PO Box 3101, Paducah, KY 42002-0121, 1996.
  • In Mortal Combat Korea, 1950-1953.  John Toland, Quill, William Morrow, NY, 1991.
  • Counterattack on the Naktong, 1950.  From the Leavenworth Papers series, Dr. William Glenn Roberston, Combat Studies Institute, US Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Dec 1985. The book studies the withdrawal by the 24th Infantry division to the Perimeter, their defensive battles along the Naktong River and counterattack by the division on Aug 17, 1950 with the aid of the Provisional Marine Brigade. Available free from USAC&GSC upon request.