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American Prisoners Held in China And Soviet Union

Before, During, and After the Korean War

1941 – 10/12/1963

Walter Joseph Ciszek

An American-born Jesuit priest, Ciszek was accused of espionage.

John T. "Jack" Downey

11/30/1952 – 03/11/1973

A CIA operative held in China, Downey survived a shoot down and was accused of espionage.

Richard G. Fecteau

11/30/1952 – 12/13/1971

A CIA operative that survived a shoot down over China, Fecteau was released along with Mary Ann Harbert.

Francis Gary Powers

05/01/1960 – 02/10/1962

Pilot of an American U-2 spy plane, he was shot down while conducting aerial reconnaissance in Soviet territory.

Marvin William Makinen

1961 – 10/12/1963

While traveling in the Soviet Union, Makinen was arrested for espionage and sentenced to eight years in prison.

Mary Ann Harbert

4/21/1968 – 12/13/1971

She was captured on a yacht in waters near Hong Kong while she and friend Gerald Ross McLaughlin were returning the yacht to the States.

Gerald Ross McLaughlin

4/21/1968 – Died in prison 03/07/1969

He was captured on the yacht with Mary Ann Harbert. Chinese officials said he committed suicide.