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Latest News

Apr 11

We are heartened to give our readers updated news about the changes to the KWE that are currently occurring behind the scenes of this website. Two financial gifts (one in December and one in March) from Sheila Kronenberger in Southern Illinois enabled us to send $1,000 to the Cloud Carpenter web design company. As a result, one of his employees is now assigned to move the KWE's Memoirs over to the new server. Meanwhile, Lynnita is taking baby steps to learn how to make updates, transfer text and create new pages. While doing that, Lynnita has also been concentrating on adding numerous Silver Star citations to the website. James Blackwell of Virginia sent $100 to help the KWE continue to grow. Merry Helm, a Korean War researcher in Washington State, became a life member and concurrently sent us several Silver Star citations. Tonight we received a $500.00 PayPal contribution from Donald Hall in Maryland. We've got a long way to go and we still need an influx of money for this big transition, but things are getting brighter for the KWE's future. Many thanks to everyone who is making the impossible possible!

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