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Airplane Crashes in 1953

Table of Contents

  • C-47, January 03, 1953 (Raleigh, North Carolina)
  • C-46 (Trip 1-6-6A), January 07, 1953 (Fish Haven, Idaho)
  • B-29 Superfortress Bomber Crash, February 02, 1953
  • B29 Superfortress Crash Tripoli, Lybia February 2, 1953
  • RB-36 Crash, March 18, 1953 (Newfoundland, Canada)
  • B-29 Superfortress Bomber Crash, March 29, 1953
  • Drone Plane, May 12, 1953 (USS Wright CVL-49)
  • Triple Collision, May 15, 1953 (Mannheim, W. Germany)
  • Globemaster Crash, June 18, 1953 (Tachikawa, Japan)
  • F2H Banshees in Mid-Air Collision, June 24, 1953 (Rhode Island)
  • R4Q Fairchild Marine Cargo Plane Crash, July 17, 1953 (Milton, Florida)
  • C-46, September 28, 1953 (Louisville, Kentucky)
  • C-119 and Paratroopers, November 17, 1953 (Ft. Bragg, NC)
  • B-29 Crash, December 17, 1953 (Guam)

C-47, January 03, 1953 (Raleigh, North Carolina)

C-46 (Trip 1-6-6A), January 07, 1953 (Fish Haven, Idaho)

B-29 Superfortress Bomber Crash, February 02, 1953

B29 Superfortress Crash Tripoli, Lybia February 2, 1953

RB-36 Crash, March 18, 1953 (Newfoundland, Canada)

B-29 Superfortress Bomber Crash, March 29, 1953

Drone Plane, May 12, 1953 (USS Wright CVL-49)

Triple Collision, May 15, 1953 (Mannheim, W. Germany)


Seven airmen were killed on May 15, 1953, when two C-119 Flying Boxcars and an F-84 Thunderjet collided 40 miles south of Frankfurt.  The Boxcars were flying at an altitude of 5,000 feet.  The F-84 (tail number 51-628) broke into a formation of C-119 Boxcars, rammed into C119 (tail number 51-8241), and tore the wing off C119 (tail number 51-8235).  The F-84 pilot (Lt. James W. Chilton) and three crewmen from the Flying Boxcars ejected and parachuted to safety.  Two other transports were damaged but made it back to base safely.


Clement, Cpt. Wesley Yeo - aircraft observer on C119 #51-8235

Dahl, Lt. Edwin Eugene - co-pilot of C119 #51-8241

Osborn, Lt. Col. John William - flight commander for C119 #51-8235

Ray, Maj. Joseph H. - co-pilot of C119 #51-8235

Sohns, SSgt. Dean Oscar - radio operator on C119 51-8235

Thompson, Cpt. Carl J. - navigator on C119 #51-8235

Wells, Maj. Williston G. "Bill" - pilot of C119 #51-8241

Among the Survivors

Battiste, A1C Michael - engineer on C-119 #51-8241

Chilton, Lt. James W. - pilot of the F-84


Globemaster Crash, June 18, 1953 (Tachikawa, Japan)

F2H Banshees in Mid-Air Collision, June 24, 1953 (Rhode Island)

R4Q Fairchild Marine Cargo Plane Crash, July 17, 1953 (Milton, Florida)

C-46, September 28, 1953 (Louisville, Kentucky)

C-119 and Paratroopers, November 17, 1953 (Ft. Bragg, NC)

B-29 Crash, December 17, 1953 (Guam)