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Selective Service

Student Deferment in Selective Service

Executive Order No. 10230 (March 31, 1951) amended the Selective Service Act of 1948 and authorized a testing program that allowed enrolled freshman through senior full-time students to take a test for possible deferment from military service in order to continue study in programs necessary to the national health, safety or interest. Possible deferment of college students was based on a satisfactory test score of 70. Seniors accepted for admission into graduate school might be deferred if their test score was at least 75.

Summary of Selective Service College Qualification Test Administrations - May 1951 to May 1952*

The source of the following information is: Student Deferment in Selective Service: A Vital Factor in National Security by M.H. Trytten, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1952, page 68. This 140-page book is an excellent, detailed source of information about Selective Service deferment in 1952.]

First Series

  • Test date: May 26, 1951 - 1,006 test centers; 165,027 registrants tested; 65 with a score of 70 or above (percentage)
  • Test date: June 16, 1951 - 1,036 test centers; 106,832 registrants tested; 62 with a score of 70 or above (percentage)
  • Test date: June 30, 1951 - 1,037 test centers; 64,003 registrants tested; 61 with a score of 70 or above (percentage)
  • Test date: July 12, 1951 - 273 test centers; 3,204 registrants tested; 58 with a score of 70 or above (percentage)

Total: 3,352 test centers; 339,066 registrants tested; 64 with a score of 70 or above

Second Series

  • Test date: December 13, 1951; 1,000 test centers; 19,574 registrants tested; 61 with a score of 70 or above (percentage)
  • Test date: April 24, 1952; 1,001 test centers; 48,809 registrants tested; 57 with a score of 70 or above (percentage)
  • Test date: May 22, 1952; 521 test centers; 5,943 registrants tested; 57 with a score of 70 or above (percentage)

Total: 2,522 test centers; 74,326 registrants tested; 58 with a score of 70 or above (percentage)

GRAND TOTAL: 5,044 test centers; 413,392 registrants tested; 63 with a score of 70 or above (percentage)