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Helicopter Crew Fatalities Post-Armistice Outside Korea

Note: The Korean War ended in 1953, but war-related conflicts continued well after this. Those who died during military operations after the war ended, but before January 31st, 1955, are still considered Korean War veterans. Thus, the following fatalities, although unrelated to the Korean War are technically considered "Korean War Casualties."


January 20, 1954: Sikorsky HO4S-3G [HH]19G crash in water near Air Station, Port Angeles, Washington

The helicopter crew was practicing auto rotations from an altitude of 1,500 feet. Upon reaching 500 feet, the helicopter appeared to go out of control. Upon partial recovery at 100 feet, the main rotor departed the aircraft, followed by the tail rotor, tail boom and drive assembly. The helicopter plunged into the water near Coast Guard Air Station Port Angeles, Washington. Five men were killed.

Fatalities (5):

  • Chauvin, AD3 Robert A.
  • Day, Lt. John W.
  • Goodman, AD3 William G.
  • Littleford, AD3 Dale R.
  • Palombini, AD3 William J.