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Post-Armistice Deaths: Army Aircraft

Many of the following names and casualty details of Army aircraft post-war deaths/injuries in Korea were found on the website: Army AirCrews.Com.  Not everything listed on that website has been verified by the Korean War Educator. If anyone has information about the casualties to add to this page, contact us. 

God bless these casualties and their families.
They are not forgotten.

Table of Contents:


December 22, 1953   

Unknown name - pilot

Unknown name - ME    This aircraft crashed on a training flight.

January 12, 1954

Nicholson, 1Lt. Joe S. - His aircraft crashed into a mountainside and burned while returning from a 45th Infantry Division training area.

Thomas, 1Lt. Joe Cleveland - His aircraft crashed into a mountainside and burned while returning from a 45th Infantry Division training area.

June 07, 1954

Badger, Bertrand McCullough "Mack" - His aircraft developed engine trouble shortly before 1100 hours and crashed into a building five miles east of Seoul.

One other crew member - His aircraft developed engine trouble shortly before 1100 hours and crashed into a building five miles east of Seoul.

October 02, 1954 

Deshler, Capt. James Mayne - Died in a mid-air collision between two L-19s during a fly over exhibition of South Korean army units.  The other L-19 was crippled and made an emergency landing.  

Duncan, 1Lt. Gordon Morgan - Died in a mid-air collision between two L-19s during a fly over exhibition of South Korean army units.  The other L-19 was crippled and made an emergency landing.

January 20, 1955

Glenn, LTC Thomas H. - His aircraft was hit by shell fragments around noon near the Korean DMZ.  LTC Glenn died eight days later from his wounds.

Pipes, Pvt. Robert C. - His aircraft was hit by shell fragments around noon near the Korean DMZ.  

November 07, 1955

Savage, 2Lt. Harold S. - Died in a plane crash that occurred approximately 1130 hours 30 miles north of Kusan while enroute to Kimpo air base.  The accident was caused by snow flurries & low visibility

3 Polish passengers - The passengers were members of the Neutral Nations Truce Supervisory Commission.

February 20, 1956

Donahoe, Capt. Don - This artillery officer was killed when he walked into the spinning propeller of the plane after he climbed out at an airstrip 35 miles north of Seoul.

September 21, 1956

Atkins, 1Lt. James C. - Detach G/KMAG - His aircraft crashed near the town of Hadong, 20 miles west of K-4, while traveling from Kwanju to Pusan.

Jakle, Col. John Joseph - Detach G/KMAG - His aircraft crashed near the town of Hadong, 20 miles west of K-4, while traveling from Kwanju to Pusan.

February 08, 1958 

Alexander, 1Lt. Elmer - His aircraft crashed north of Yong Wol after running into bad weather while enroute to the aid of a seriously injured American civilian construction worker.

Grant, Sp2 Bill Leon - His aircraft crashed north of Yong Wol after running into bad weather while enroute to the aid of a seriously injured American civilian construction worker.  He was serving with KMAG.

Kane, 1Lt. Paul Desmond - His aircraft crashed north of Yong Wol after running into bad weather while enroute to the aid of a seriously injured American civilian construction worker.

March 21, 1958

Harris, Capt. Morton C. - The helicopter he was riding in crashed near Seoul while on a special mission.

Jamieson, CWO Walter E. Jr. - The helicopter he was riding in crashed near Seoul while on a special mission.

Shumar, Lt. Robert Calvin - The helicopter he was piloting crashed near Seoul while on a special mission.

Winchester, SP3 James E. - The helicopter he was riding in crashed near Seoul while on a special mission.

January 14, 1959

Mullady, DAC Jane M. - Assigned as a service club director, Jane was killed when she walked into the spinning propeller while attempting to board the plane at K-16 air strip.  Lieutenant Mulladay was a World War II veteran in the Medical Corps.

April 01, 1959

Dirks, CWO Gerald H. - The aircraft "fell through" and the forward rotor hit the mountain below the ridge near Camp Kaiser.  It flipped end over end and slid down the mountain about 100 yards, coming to rest against a tree stump.

September 13, 1959

Sealy, CWO Marion N. Jr.  - When his aircraft went out of control, it crashed into a riverbank about 10 miles north of Seoul while attempting a forced landing.

Thatcher, 1Lt. Thomas A. - When his aircraft went out of control, it crashed into a riverbank about 10 miles north of Seoul while attempting a forced landing.

August 26, 1960

Holloway, 1Lt. Robert J. -  His aircraft crashed four minutes after takeoff into a field eight miles northeast of Chunchon.

November 13, 1961

Humphreys, CW2 Benjamin K. - His aircraft crashed near Osan Air Force Base while on a routine military passenger flight.  Four passengers were with the 65th Ordnance Company.

Lingle, CW2 William L. Jr. - His aircraft crashed near Osan Air Force Base while on a routine military passenger flight.  Four passengers were with the 65th Ordnance Company.

Neal, SP5 Coleman L. - His aircraft crashed near Osan Air Force Base while on a routine military passenger flight.  Four passengers were with the 65th Ordnance Company.

O'Flahavan, Capt. Lawrence V. - His aircraft crashed near Osan Air Force Base while on a routine military passenger flight.  Four passengers were with the 65th Ordnance Company.

Ramirez, SP5 Oscar - His aircraft crashed near Osan Air Force Base while on a routine military passenger flight.  Four passengers were with the 65th Ordnance Company.

White, SP4 Jack L. - His aircraft crashed near Osan Air Force Base while on a routine military passenger flight.  Four passengers were with the 65th Ordnance Company.

Withers, SP5 Lesley V. - His aircraft crashed near Osan Air Force Base while on a routine military passenger flight.  Four passengers were with the 65th Ordnance Company.

June 20, 1962

McGowen, 1Lt. Donald R. - His aircraft crashed in the mountains west of Hwachon Reservoir just north of Mae Bong Mountain while patrolling the DMZ.

Unidentified NCO - His aircraft crashed in the mountains west of Hwachon Reservoir just north of Mae Bong mountain while patrolling the DMZ.

February 01, 1963

Boswell, Capt. Aubrey R. - His plane crashed in a mountainous area some 20 miles north of Seoul while on a routine convoy control mission.

Farrow, Sp4 Louis H. - His plane crashed in a mountainous area some 20 miles north of Seoul while on a routine convoy control mission.

May 31, 1963

Daniel, 1Lt. James Newton Jr.  -  His plane crashed 20 miles north of Seoul.

August 4, 1963

Alves, Capt. Kenneth - His Army plane crashed and burned on 4,700-foot Pangdae-San Mountain while on a routine training flight from Kangson-ni to Pyongtaek.  Wreckage was found at 4,000 feet on the mountainside.

Cooper, Capt. Russell E. - His Army plane crashed and burned on 4,700-foot Pangdae-San Mountain while on a routine training flight from Kangson-ni to Pyongtaek.  Wreckage was found at 4,000 feet on the mountainside.

Davis, Capt. Joseph M. - His Army plane crashed and burned on 4,700-foot Pangdae-San Mountain while on a routine training flight from Kangson-ni to Pyongtaek.  Wreckage was found at 4,000 feet on the mountainside.

Moore, Capt. Travis L. Sr. - His Army plane crashed and burned on 4,700-foot Pangdae-San Mountain while on a routine training flight from Kangson-ni to Pyongtaek.  Wreckage was found at 4,000 feet on the mountainside.

Morgan, MSG Marvin E. - His Army plane crashed and burned on 4,700-foot Pangdae-San Mountain while on a routine training flight from Kangson-ni to Pyongtaek.  Wreckage was found at 4,000 feet on the mountainside.

Truit, Capt. Gene A. - His Army plane crashed and burned on 4,700-foot Pangdae-San Mountain while on a routine training flight from Kangson-ni to Pyongtaek.  Wreckage was found at 4,000 feet on the mountainside.

September 24, 1963

Hendrickson, Capt. James W. - His L-20 observation plane crashed 25 miles northwest of Seoul.  The body of Hendrickson was found on edge of Han River. 

Marmaduke, Maj. Robert Dare - His L-20 observation plane crashed 25 miles northwest of Seoul. The body of Marmaduke was found in Han River Estuary.

November 23, 1964

Hogan, Capt. Charles E. - His aircraft crashed and burned in a rice paddy after developing mechanical trouble four miles south of Uijongbu enroute to Seoul.

Warren, Stanley S. Warren (civilian) - His aircraft crashed and burned in a rice paddy after developing mechanical trouble four miles south of Uijongbu enroute to Seoul.

February 09, 1965

Giglio, LTC Rudolph F. - His aircraft crashed in the South Korean village of Ma Dong near the DMZ.

Unnamed 6-year-old Korean boy was also killed in the same crash.

June 25, 1965

Huckobey, SP5 James D. - His aircraft crashed nine miles south of Uijongbu while on a routine morning resupply mission.

November 27, 1968

Ingram, CW2 Julius Harold -  His aircraft crashed in the Sea of Japan while e route to its base in Kangnung.  Flying conditions at the time were described as marginal with a heavy cloud cover from 700 feet to 9,000 feet.  SAR operations failed to locate the missing aircraft and were called off on December 4th.

Griggs, 1LT Richard J. -  His aircraft crashed in the Sea of Japan while e route to its base in Kangnung.  Flying conditions at the time were described as marginal with a heavy cloud cover from 700 feet to 9,000 feet.  SAR operations failed to locate the missing aircraft and were called off on December 4th.

Holz, Pvt. Gary A. -  His aircraft crashed in the Sea of Japan while e route to its base in Kangnung.  Flying conditions at the time were described as marginal with a heavy cloud cover from 700 feet to 9,000 feet.  SAR operations failed to locate the missing aircraft and were called off on December 4th.

Miller, SP4 Terence D. -  His aircraft crashed in the Sea of Japan while e route to its base in Kangnung.  Flying conditions at the time were described as marginal with a heavy cloud cover from 700 feet to 9,000 feet.  SAR operations failed to locate the missing aircraft and were called off on December 4th.

Smith, LTC William L. - His aircraft crashed in the Sea of Japan while e route to its base in Kangnung.  Flying conditions at the time were described as marginal with a heavy cloud cover from 700 feet to 9,000 feet.  SAR operations failed to locate the missing aircraft and were called off on December 4th.

March 16, 1969

Kern, SP4 Peter M. -  A medivac helicopter carrying soldiers wounded in a clash with North Korean troops crashed shortly after takeoff along the western sector of the DMZ at 2145 hours approximately three miles southwest of Panmunjom.

Kim, Col. J.B. (ROK) -  A medivac helicopter carrying soldiers wounded in a clash with North Korean troops crashed shortly after takeoff along the western sector of the DMZ at 2145 hours approximately three miles southwest of Panmunjom.

McKinney, SSgt. George T. -  A medivac helicopter carrying soldiers wounded in a clash with North Korean troops crashed shortly after takeoff along the western sector of the DMZ at 2145 hours approximately three miles southwest of Panmunjom.

Park, Capt. Benjamin S. Jr. - A medivac helicopter carrying soldiers wounded in a clash with North Korean troops crashed shortly after takeoff along the western sector of the DMZ at 2145 hours approximately three miles southwest of Panmunjom.

Rothwell, Maj. James C. -  A medivac helicopter carrying soldiers wounded in a clash with North Korean troops crashed shortly after takeoff along the western sector of the DMZ at 2145 hours approximately three miles southwest of Panmunjom.

Stoller, SP4 Edwin L. -  A medivac helicopter carrying soldiers wounded in a clash with North Korean troops crashed shortly after takeoff along the western sector of the DMZ at 2145 hours approximately three miles southwest of Panmunjom.

Zanchi, SP5 Carroll C. - A medivac helicopter carrying soldiers wounded in a clash with North Korean troops crashed shortly after takeoff along the western sector of the DMZ at 2145 hours approximately three miles southwest of Panmunjom.

February 06, 1970

King, SP4 Stanley T. -  His aircraft lost control on approach and crashed and burned at Rodriguez Range during a night-time extraction of troops.

October 08, 1970

Cox, Capt. Kenneth Maurice  - His aircraft crashed and exploded near Chuncheon while on a routine administrative flight from K-16 to Camp Page.

Mathias, WO1 Frank Lloyd - His aircraft crashed and exploded near Chuncheon while on a routine administrative flight from K-16 to Camp Page.

January 13, 1971

Alvarez, SFC David L. - The aircraft was in a ten-ship formation when the #1 hanger bearing seized and the short T/R drive shaft came apart in flight.  The aircraft started a right descending turn when the T/B separated, followed by mast bumping with the rotor separating, crashed and burned upon impact.  The partial separation of the exhaust pipe from the rear of the engine case allowed the hot exhaust gases to impinge upon the #1 T/R driveshaft hanger baring.  The bearing failed due to lack of lubrication.

Schroeder, SP4 Kurt J. -The aircraft was in a ten-ship formation when the #1 hanger bearing seized and the short T/R drive shaft came apart in flight.  The aircraft started a right descending turn when the T/B separated, followed by mast bumping with the rotor separating, crashed and burned upon impact.  The partial separation of the exhaust pipe from the rear of the engine case allowed the hot exhaust gases to impinge upon the #1 T/R driveshaft hanger baring.  The bearing failed due to lack of lubrication.

Sutera, 1Lt. Nick L. - The aircraft was in a ten-ship formation when the #1 hanger bearing seized and the short T/R drive shaft came apart in flight.  The aircraft started a right descending turn when the T/B separated, followed by mast bumping with the rotor separating, crashed and burned upon impact.  The partial separation of the exhaust pipe from the rear of the engine case allowed the hot exhaust gases to impinge upon the #1 T/R driveshaft hanger baring.  The bearing failed due to lack of lubrication.

Uyenoyama, Capt. Dennis H. - The aircraft was in a ten-ship formation when the #1 hanger bearing seized and the short T/R drive shaft came apart in flight.  The aircraft started a right descending turn when the T/B separated, followed by mast bumping with the rotor separating, crashed and burned upon impact.  The partial separation of the exhaust pipe from the rear of the engine case allowed the hot exhaust gases to impinge upon the #1 T/R driveshaft hanger baring. The bearing failed due to lack of lubrication.

April 21, 1971

Healy, CWO Robert M. - His aircraft crashed near Chunchon while on a regular operational mission, reportedly due to a wire strike.

March 22, 1972

Ayton, Capt. James S. - (2 others injured) - Chinook aircraft 65-7972 crashed on a routine flight near Waegwan about one mile south of Camp Carroll.  Aircraft unit was based in Pyongtaek.

Dehart, SP4 Jay D. - (2 others injured) - Chinook aircraft 65-7972 crashed on a routine flight near Waegwan about one mile south of Camp Carroll.  Aircraft unit was based in Pyongtaek.

Maxwell, SP5 David N. - (2 others injured) - Chinook aircraft 65-7972 crashed on a routine flight near Waegwan about one mile south of Camp Carroll.  Aircraft unit was based in Pyongtaek.

Pappas, SP4 Richard Alan - (2 others injured) -  Chinook aircraft 65-7972 crashed on a routine flight near Waegwan about one mile south of Camp Carroll.  Aircraft unit was based in Pyongtaek.

Pomeroy, SFC Charles G. - (2 others injured) - Chinook aircraft 65-7972 crashed on a routine flight near Waegwan about one mile south of Camp Carroll.  Aircraft unit was based in Pyongtaek.

Winchester, DAC Virgil S. - (2 others injured) - Chinook aircraft 65-7972 crashed on a routine flight near Waegwan about one mile south of Camp Carroll.  Aircraft unit was based in Pyongtaek.

November 28, 1972

Covert, CW2 Charles M. - His aircraft crashed in a mountainous area near Chonan after leaving Osan Air Base en route to base at Taegu.

Smith, SP5 Fred L.  - His aircraft crashed in a mountainous area near Chonan after leaving Osan Air Base en route to base at Taegu.

February 22, 1973

Karstens, Capt. Thomas E. - His aircraft hit several trees, rolled into a ravine, and caught fire about 10 miles north of Uijongbu.  Two boys age 12 and 19 were also killed on the ground and four more were injured.

Maisel, WO Barney - His aircraft hit several trees, rolled into a ravine, and caught fire about 10 miles north of Uijongbu. Two boys age 12 and 19 were also killed on the ground and four more were injured.

Stitzel, Capt. Victor N. - His aircraft hit several trees, rolled into a ravine, and caught fire about 10 miles north of Uijongbu. Two boys age 12 and 19 were also killed on the ground and four more were injured.

April 07, 1973

Carlson, Sven Eric (civilian child) - The aircraft he was in  crashed into the North Han River at approximately 1430 hours. Sven was the 18-month old son of the pilot, CW2 Bruce Carlson.

Whittle, Pfc. Michael E. - The aircraft he was in  crashed into the North Han River at approximately 1430 hours.

March 05, 1975

Johanson, SP4 Bengt E. - His aircraft struck a power line and crashed into a small tributary of the North Han River near Chuncheon at 1030 hours.

Johnson, SP6 Joseph H. - His aircraft struck a power line and crashed into a small tributary of the North Han River near Chuncheon at 1030 hours.

McGrew, SP4 Daniel V. -His aircraft struck a power line and crashed into a small tributary of the North Han River near Chuncheon at 1030 hours.

Sain, JCW2 Larry N. - His aircraft struck a power line and crashed into a small tributary of the North Han River near Chuncheon at 1030 hours.

Wancura, SP5 Everett W. - His aircraft struck a power line and crashed into a small tributary of the North Han River near Chuncheon at 1030 hours.

July 19, 1976

Benoit, CW2 Clarence L. - Lead in a formation flight, their aircraft struck a power line severing control tubes and crashed near Pocheon.  The other aircraft in formation were able to avoid the wires.

Craven, Capt. Patrick F. - Lead in a formation flight, their aircraft struck a power line severing control tubes and crashed near Pocheon.  The other aircraft in formation were able to avoid the wires.

Jones, SP4 John V. -  Lead in a formation flight, their aircraft struck a power line severing control tubes and crashed near Pocheon.  The other aircraft in formation were able to avoid the wires.

March 02, 1977

Dostal, Capt. Edward A. - Aircraft from Camp Humphreys crashed and burned about 20 miles southeast of Pyongtaek after hitting a high voltage cable in fog.  Aircraft was flying from Camp Humphreys to Camp Ames with two other helicopters when dense fog and rain prevented them from landing at Ames.  Crash occurred at approximately 0730 hours while returning to Humphreys.

Laughlin, CWO Guy E. Jr. - Aircraft from Camp Humphreys crashed and burned about 20 miles southeast of Pyongtaek after hitting a high voltage cable in fog.  Aircraft was flying from Camp Humphreys to Camp Ames with two other helicopters when dense fog and rain prevented them from landing at Ames.  Crash occurred at approximately 0730 hours while returning to Humphreys.

Morgan, SP6 Granville W. - Aircraft from Camp Humphreys crashed and burned about 20 miles southeast of Pyongtaek after hitting a high voltage cable in fog.  Aircraft was flying from Camp Humphreys to Camp Ames with two other helicopters when dense fog and rain prevented them from landing at Ames.  Crash occurred at approximately 0730 hours while returning to Humphreys.

Smith, SP5 James W. - Aircraft from Camp Humphreys crashed and burned about 20 miles southeast of Pyongtaek after hitting a high voltage cable in fog.  Aircraft was flying from Camp Humphreys to Camp Ames with two other helicopters when dense fog and rain prevented them from landing at Ames.  Crash occurred at approximately 0730 hours while returning to Humphreys.

July 13, 1977

Lashley, Capt. William A. - Their plane crashed at 2225 hours in rainy skies approximately nine miles north of Taegu while attempting rescue of downed Marine UH-1N helicopter assigned to HML-367, Det. B.

Miles, CW2 James H.  - Their plane crashed at 2225 hours in rainy skies approximately nine miles north of Taegu while attempting rescue of downed Marine UH-1N helicopter assigned to HML-367, Det. B.

Robinson, SSGT Horace P. - Their plane crashed at 2225 hours in rainy skies approximately nine miles north of Taegu while attempting rescue of downed Marine UH-1N helicopter assigned to HML-367, Det. B.

July 14, 1977

Haynes, SP5 Robert C. -Chinook helicopter shot down by North Korean ground fire after it tried to take off after mistaking the first ground fire for engine trouble and putting down to check it out.  Aircraft accidentally crossed DMZ.

May 08, 1978

Bauman, 1Lt. Geary O. - Their aircraft crashed north of Seoul.  No further details yet found.

Miles, CW2 Joesph [sic] A. - Their aircraft crashed north of Seoul.  No further details yet found.

Wells, SGT Ronald E. - Their aircraft crashed north of Seoul.  No further details yet found.

Woodrum, CW3 Gary L. -  Their aircraft crashed north of Seoul.  No further details yet found.

November 02, 1979

Crump, CW2 James H. - This aircraft from Camp Stanton hit the ground at greater than 30 G's near Tongduchon, 9 miles north of Seoul after a DMZ/TAC zone flight for new in-country pilot (flight surgeon) orientation.  Hydraulic failure and control lock-up was suspected to have caused the accident.

Steele, WO1 Michael R. - This aircraft from Camp Stanton hit the ground at greater than 30 G's near Tongduchon, 9 miles north of Seoul after a DMZ/TAC zone flight for new in-country pilot (flight surgeon) orientation.  Hydraulic failure and control lock-up was suspected to have caused the accident.

December 16, 1981

Cochran, CW3 Duane M. Jr. - Their aircraft was on an area orientation flight and was in formation when a M/R pitch change link broke, causing a blade to go through the front cockpit.

Edison, Capt. Clinton R. - Their aircraft was on an area orientation flight and was in formation when a M/R pitch change link broke, causing a blade to go through the front cockpit.

December 11, 1984

German, 1LT Jayme - The aircraft was on a single pilot mission doing low level under NVG's when it struck tree tops and pulled a hard turn into the mountainside approximately 5 miles north of Camp Casey.

December 09, 1985

KATUSA    This KATUSA was killed when his chopper crashed near Chongju after the chopper hit a power line while trying to assist the crew of a U.S. Army CH-47 Chinook that had made an emergency landing.

December 22, 1986

Carlson, CW4 Leslie R. - He and the other men were killed in a mid-air collision with another UH-60 (#83-23857) approximately 4 miles south of Camp Humphreys around 2010 hours during night maneuvers.  A crew of three from the other aircraft was injured.

Fitzgerald, WO1 Victor L. - He and the other men were killed in a mid-air collision with another UH-60 (#83-23857) approximately 4 miles south of Camp Humphreys around 2010 hours during night maneuvers.  A crew of three from the other aircraft was injured.

Winget, Pfc. Jeffrey A. - He and the other men were killed in a mid-air collision with another UH-60 (#83-23857) approximately 4 miles south of Camp Humphreys around 2010 hours during night maneuvers.  A crew of three from the other aircraft was injured.

July 06, 1989

Haney, CW4 Jerry - The aircraft crashed after hitting high voltage power lines on a routine night training mission eight miles east of Seoul at approximately 2200 hours.

November 13, 1991

Taylor, CW2 Robert D. - Midair collision between two AH-1 Cobra helicopters during an NVG training mission.

Zimmermann, Lt. Roy C. -  Midair collision between two AH-1 Cobra helicopters during an NVG training mission.

December 17, 1994

Hilemon, CW2 David - His aircraft was shot down by North Koreans after crossing a "no-fly" zone.  Hilemon was an Apache pilot.  He was in a US Army OH-58A Kiowa (71-20796) that was on a training flight near the Korean DMZ, when it strayed off-course and was shot down over North Korea. David Hilemon, was killed. The North Koreans turned over his body to U.S. authorities five days after the shoot-down at the Panmunjom truce village. Crew member Bobby W. Hall II was taken captive by the North Koreans and released 13 days later.

June 30, 1998

Flecker, 1Lt. Norman T.S. - Their aircraft crashed into a mountain approximately 100' down-slope from the peak near Kapyong.  Cause of accident was inadvertent IMC.

Mason, CW2 Riley W. Jr. - Their aircraft crashed into a mountain approximately 100' down-slope from the peak near Kapyong.  Cause of accident was inadvertent IMC.

Shears, SPC Ryan J. - Their aircraft crashed into a mountain approximately 100' down-slope from the peak near Kapyong.  Cause of accident was inadvertent IMC.

February 04, 1999

Brown, CWO Robert L. -  Their plane crashed in the Twin Bridges Training Area 20 miles north of Seoul at approximately 1235 hours while observing a division training exercise that was in progress ("Warsteed").

Hopkins, CWO David L. - Their plane crashed in the Twin Bridges Training Area 20 miles north of Seoul at approximately 1235 hours while observing a division training exercise that was in progress ("Warsteed").

August 21, 2002

Shannon, 1Lt. Dustin - The aircraft crashed into a hillside on a nighttime mission near Chunchon.  The weather contributed to poor choices in altitude, airspeed and outflying the sensor.

Wallenburg, CW3 James J. - The aircraft crashed into a hillside on a nighttime mission near Chunchon.  The weather contributed to poor choices in altitude, airspeed and outflying the sensor.

August 12, 2003

Norman, Capt. Kevin Michael - Their aircraft crashed on a maintenance test flight 7 miles southwest of Camp Humphreys.  The plane entered a spin while performing stall checks.

Snow, CW3 David W. - Their aircraft crashed on a maintenance test flight 7 miles southwest of Camp Humphreys.  The plane entered a spin while performing stall checks.

February 26, 2005

Burmaz, Capt. Dion J. - During a training mission, their aircraft cashed near Paju, Northern Gyeonggi province in the Twin Bridges Training Area 20 miles north of Seoul. The crash was attributed to a failure of crew coordination.

Cowan, CW3 Aaron W. - During a training mission, their aircraft cashed near Paju, Northern Gyeonggi province in the Twin Bridges Training Area 20 miles north of Seoul. The crash was attributed to a failure of crew coordination.

November 23, 2015

McCormack, CWO4 Jason - Their AH-64 Apache helicopter crashed on a road in Wonju, South Korea.

Smith, CW3 Brandon - Their AH-64 Apache helicopter crashed on a road in Wonju, South Korea.

About the Casualties

Alexander, 1Lt. Elmer - "First Lt. Elmer Alexander, 25, U. S. Air Force, was killed in an airplane crash February 8, 1959 in Korea, according to a telegram received Sunday by his wife, Mrs. Imogene O Connell Alexander, 2612 17th Ave., Gulfport, Mississippi. Lieutenant Alexander, born in Long Beach June 19, 1932, had been in service seven and a half years and had served in Korea for 14 months. He was scheduled to return to the United States in just 27 days. Lieutenant Alexander received his pilot's training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and Ft. Rucker, Alabama. He had trained and served at numerous other posts during his service career before going to Korea. Lieutenant Alexander, son of Mrs. Norene Alexander, Long Beach, and the late John Alexander, was a graduate of Long Beach High School where he was a member of the football team. Other than his wife and mother, he is survived by two daughters, Carla and Teri Alexander, Gulfport, and three brothers, Mott, Larry and Albert Alexander, all of Long Beach. Funeral arrangements are incomplete, but the body will be returned to the united States and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery in Gulfport."

Alvarez, SFC David Lee - Born in 1933, SFC Alvarez died January 13, 1971, and is buried in Santa Maria Cemetery, Santa Maria, CA.

Alves, Capt. Kenneth - Died in Korea August 04, 1963.  He was an Air Medal recipient:
Captain Kenneth J. Alves, Armor, United States Army, a member of the Aviation Section, Detachment L (Provisional), United States Army Advisory Group to Korea, distinguished himself by heroism while participating in aerial flight near Wonju, Korea, on 17 July 1953. As pilot of an OH-23D helicopter, Captain Alves demonstrated outstanding flying ability, perseverance, and sound judgment in his voluntary efforts to rescue thirty Korean women and children from a small island in the Somgang River which was swollen by the torrential rains of Typhoon Wendy. With complete disregard for his own personal safety, and despite the darkness, heavy rainfall, and hazardous flying conditions, he quickly located the stranded people and effectively completed seven lifts from the island threatened by inundation. Captain Alves' exceptional flying skill and heroic action during this mercy mission reflect distinct credit upon himself and the military service. (This award supersedes award of the Army Commendation Medal for outstanding courage on 17 July 1963 as announced in General Orders Number 81, Headquarters, U.S. Army Advisory Group, Korea, dated 14 August 1963.)

Atkins, 1Lt. James C. - Born April 4, 1932, he died September 21, 1956.  He was the son of Thomas Cecil and Lillie Hart Atkins, both of whom died in 1995.  James is buried in Providence Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery, Elmore County, Alabama.

Ayton, Capt. James Stewart - Born March 03, 1941, he is buried in Silverbrook Cemetery and Memorial Park, Wilmington, Delaware.

Badger, Bertrand McCullough "Mack" - died in Korea June 7, 1954.  He was a son of Marion Haywood Badger and Gera Dita Punchard Badger.  Born September 17, 1932 in Corpus Christi, Texas.  Brother of Marion Davis Badger.  Bertrand married, before 1954, Patsy Ruth "Patricia/Pat" Cook, a daughter of Archie Earl Cook and Nora Wood. Father of Bertrand Brandt Badger. Grandson of Robert Tate Badger & Birdie Irene Haygood and Joe Punchard & Ada Hibbitts.

Bauman, 1Lt. Geary O. - Died in Korea May 08, 1978.  Born April 28, 1952 in Wichita, Kansas, the son of William Oliver Bauman (1922-1972) and Shirley Cook Bauman (later Thomas) (1925-1998).  He is buried in Herrin City Cemetery, Herrin, Illinois.

Benoit, CW2 Clarence L. - Born March 26, 1939, Clarence died July 19, 1976, and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia.

Boswell, Capt. Aubrey Ray - Born October 2, 1931, Captain Boswell died February 01, 1963, and is buried in Centuries Memorial Park, Shreveport, Louisiana.

Brown, CWO Robert L. - Born April 16, 1963, Robert died February 04, 1999, and is buried in Gayville Cemetery, Gayville, South Dakota.

Burmaz, Capt. Dion Joseph - Born October 5, 1976 in Los Angeles County, California, USA, he died February 26, 2005 at Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea.  He was a Army captain, commander of A Company, 1st Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment - at Camp Page, South Korea, where he had been deployed in 2003. He had been trained to fly the AH-64D Apache Longbow Choppers. But on February 26,2005, during what the Army termed, "a routine training flight", the Apache took a sudden nosedive and crashed. Born in Torrance, he grew up in Fullerton. Survivors: Parents, Darko and Piedad Burmaz; sister, Shelley Burmaz; grandparents, Anka and Jack Burmaz, Rose Melo. Dion is buried in Riverside National Cemetery, Riverside, Riverside County, California, USA.

Carlson, CW4 Leslie Ronald - Born October 2, 1949, Leslie died December 22, 1986, and is buried in Quantico National Cemetery, Quantico, Virginia.  He was a Vietnam veteran.

Carlson, Sven Eric (civilian child) - Born September 26, 1971, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Carlson, Sven was one of two people killed in a Bell UH-1 Huey helicopter crash in Korea on April 07, 1973.  His parents survived the crash.  Svan is buried in Edgewood Cemetery, Crystal City, Texas.

Cochran, CW3 Duane M. Jr. - Born September 1, 1950, Duane died December 16, 1981. He was one of two killed in an Army helicopter crash in Korea. He was a chief instructor assigned to the 4th Battalion, 7th Cavalry, 3rd Brigade.  Camp Stanley airfield was later named in honor of CW3 Cochran. He was from Indianapolis, IN. His passenger was Capt. Clinton R. Edison of Wrightstown, NJ who was a flight surgeon assigned to the 2nd Medical Battalion.

Cooper, Capt. Russell E. - Born December 2, 1936 in Wise County, Virginia, Russell died August 04, 1963 in Korea.  He was a son of Floyd Eugene and Helen Artanse Stitt Cooper of Big Stone Gap, Virginia and Chattanooga.  A high school graduate in the Class of 1955, he was survived by brothers James, Kyle, Kenneth and Dennis Cooper; sisters Mrs. Gary C. Herron, Mrs. Al Mikeal, and Miss Catherine Cooper; and maternal grandmother, Mrs. Dewey Smith.  He is buried in Powell Valley Memorial Gardens, Big Stone Gap, Virginia.

Covert, CW2 Charles M. - Charles died in Korea on November 28, 1972.

Cowan, CW3 Aaron W. - Born December 17, 1967, Aaron died in Korea on February 26, 2005.  He had served in the US Army in Panama, Bosnia, and Korea.  He is memorialized at Ft. Bayard National Cemetery, Ft. Bayard, New Mexico.

Cox, Capt. Kenneth Maurice - Born September 24, 1942, Kenneth died in Korea on October 08, 1970.  He served in Vietnam and Korea.  He is buried in Memphis National Cemetery, Memphis, TN.

Craven, Capt. Patrick F. - Patrick died in Korea on July 19, 1976.

Crump, CW2 James H. - James died in Korea on November 2, 1979, and is buried in Penwell-Gabel Cemetery and Mausoleum, Topeka, Kansas.

Davis, Capt. Joseph M. - Joseph was born in Memphis, Tennessee in October 1934, the son of Joseph Mortimer Davis Sr. and Alma Liberman Davis.  He graduated from West Point in 1958 and died in Korea on August 4, 1963.  He is buried in Sunset Memorial Park, San Antonio, Texas.

Dehart, SP4 Jay D. - Jay was born December 05, 1951 in Olive Hill, Kentucky, a son of Wylie Dehart (1913-1993) and Mildred Cains Dehart (1922-2009).  His siblings were Jerry Wylie "Moose" Dehart (1947-2010); Maxine Cloteen Dehart Henderson; Charles Dehart, William Dehart, and Rosemary Dehart Lawson.

Deshler, Capt. James Maynes - Born November 26, 1921, he was the son of Martin Edgar Deshler (1898-1952) and Katherine D. Maynes Deshler (1896-1963).  In 1943 he married World War II Army 2nd Lt. Louise Groth Deshler (1920-1999).  Captain Deshler is buried in Long Island National Cemetery, East Farmingdale, New York.

Dirks, CWO Gerald H. - Born November 26, 1933, Gerald died in Korea on April 01, 1959.  He is buried in Lane Memorial Gardens, Eugene, Oregon.

Donahoe, Capt. Don - Born April 06, 1926, he was a son of Percy Donahoe (1900-1981) and Tennie Annabell Rice Donahoe (1900-1988).  His siblings were Herman Donahoe (1922-1947), Hoyett Donahoe (1924-2012) and Marie Donahoe Kitchens.  Captain Donahoe is buried in Attoyac Baptist Church Cemetery, San Augustine, Texas.

Dostal, Capt. Edward A. - "Elberon - Funeral services will be held in Clutier Wednesday for Army Capt. Edward A. Dostal, 26, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dostal, who was killed Wednesday in a helicopter crash in Korea.  Services will be at 11 a.m. at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Clutier. Burial will be in St. Wenceslaus Cemetery, rural Clutier, with military honors by an honor guard from Fort Sheridan, Ill. Rosary Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the church. Friends may register at Clutier Community Chapel. The casket will not be opened at any time. Mason Hand’s, Tama, is in charge." [The Cedar Rapids Gazette, 7 March 1977]

Duncan, 1Lt. Gordon Morgan - Born June 25, 1929 in Chicago, Illinois, he was a son of Floyd Ernest Duncan (1900-1949) and Ruth Pearson Duncan (1902-1948).  His siblings were Berkeley Pearson Duncan (1927-1991) and Shirley Elaine Duncan (1927-1927).  Lieutenant Duncan is buried in Iron Mountain Cemetery Park, Iron Mountain, Michigan.
Edison, Capt. Clinton R. - Died in Korea December 16, 1981 in an Army helicopter accident. Clint was a flight surgeon assigned to the 2nd Medical Battalion. Clinton and John Hempel were grad students in the same lab at Rutgers in the ‘70s.  According to John: "Just a footnote FYI that might be of interest to you. Clint was half-Korean and would let you know that in no uncertain terms on first meeting. He was a Korean War baby who grew up on the base in Wrightstown,  New Jersey. I don't think he had ever been to Korea and imagine that he tried to get assigned there to experience his roots."

Ely, PFC James R. - Born in 1944, the son of Samuel G. and A. Beatrice Ely (both of whom died in 1974), James died in Korea on August 14, 1964.  He was a member of the 19th Transportation Company Medical Helicopter.  He is buried in Millersville Mennonite Cemetery, Millersville, PA.

Farrow, Sp4 Louis Hance - Born December 14, 1928 in Union, Mississippi, he was a son of Hance Breland Farrow (1892-1975) and Hettie Eugena Coker Hahnel (1896-1982).  His siblings were Mildred Evelyn Farrow Alawine (1917-1991), Earl Pruitt Farrow (1920-2013), Doris Latrelle Farrow Rutledge (1922-2007), Freddie Ray Farrow (1927-1992) and Shirley Ann Farrow Mayer (1934-2017).  He was formerly employed by Skagit Plastics in LaConner.  His widow Donna Rae later married an Adkisson and lived in Florida.  Specialist Farrow is buried in Hawthorne Lawn Memorial Park, Mount Vernon, Washington.

Fitzgerald, WO1 Victor L. - Died in Korea December 22, 1986.
Flecker, 1Lt. Norman Thomas Sigmund - Born March 27, 1974, Norman died on June 30, 1998 in Korea.  He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

German, 1Lt. Jayme L. - Born in 1957, Jayme died in Korea on December 11, 1984.  He is buried in St. Charles Cemetery, Oakes, North Dakota.

Giglio, LTC Rudolph F. - Died in Korea February 09, 1965.  From New York, Rudolph received a Silver Star in Korea in 1951 while serving with the 3rd Infantry Division.

Glenn, LTC Thomas H. - Died in Korea January 20, 1955.

Graham, SP4 Will Henry - Died in Korea August 14, 1964.  Born January 21, 1919, he is buried in Cuba Cemetery, Coosada, Alabama.

Grant, SP2 Bill Leon - Born November 17, 1929, Bill died in Korea on February 08, 1958.  He is buried in Golden Gate National Cemetery, San Bruno, CA.

Griggs, 1Lt. Richard J. - Died in Korea November 27, 1968.  Richard was born June 28, 1947 in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.  He is buried in Green Lawn Memorial Park, Montgomery, Pennsylvania.  A US Army helicopter pilot, he was lost at sea.  He was the son of James Edward Griggs (1921-1989) and Fioleta Madoline Karyto Griggs (1922-1979).

Haney, CW4 Jerry Leonard - Born January 19, 1948, he died July 06, 1989 in Korea.  He was the son of Leonard L. and Minnie Ree Whitener Haney.  He is buried in McMinn Memorial Gardens, Athens, TN.

Harris, Capt. Morton C. - Died in Korea March 21, 1958.

Healy, CWO Robert Michael - Born November 8, 1946, Robert died in Korea on April 21, 1971.  He was a Vietnam and Korea veteran.  He is buried in Dry Pond Cemetery, Stoughton, Massachusetts.

Hendrickson, Capt. James W. - Died in an L-20 crash on September 24, 1963 in Korea.  His wife's name was Jewell Hendrickson.

Hilemon, CW2 David - Born September 15, 1965. David served in the Persian Gulf and Korea.  He died in Korea on December 17, 1994, and is buried in Haven of Rest Cemetery, Gig Harbor, WA. The accident happened three weeks after his arrival in Korea.  He was an Apache pilot, but he was a passenger in an OH58H Kiowa during a familiarization flight when the accident occurred.

Hogan, Capt. Charles Edward - Born June 18, 1933, Captain Hogan died on November 23, 164.  He is buried in the Salem Baptist Church Cemetery, Lexington, Georgia.  At the time of his death he served with the 55th Aviation Company, SP Troops.

Holloway, 1Lt. Robert J. - Born in 1929, Robert died in Korea on August 26, 1960.  He is buried in Mountain View Memorial Park, Lakewood, WA.

Holz, Pvt. Gary A. - Died in Korea November 27, 1968.

Hopkins, CWO David L. - Died in Korea April 04, 1999.

Huckobey, SP5 James Darrell - Born November 12, 1936, James died June 25, 1965 in Korea.  He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

Humphreys, CW2 Benjamin Kent - Born December 20, 1923, Benjamin died in Korea on November 13, 1961.  He is buried in Hampton National Cemetery, Hampton City, VA.

Ingram, CW2 Julius Harold "Harry" - Born January 13, 1948 in Shady Grove, Alabama, Harry died over the Sea of Japan on November 27, 1968.  Harry died while a pilot in the U S Army. He served as a Warrant Officer II and piloted helicopters. Harry was the son of Julius E. and Molly F. Duke Ingram originally from Pike County, AL. He was survived by his wife Mary Ann, young son, and his father and brother. The plane crashed in the Sea of Japan and his body was not recovered. There is a marker for him in the Greenwood Cemetery, Montgomery, Alabama.

Jakle, Col. John Joseph - Died 9/21/1956 in Korea.  Colonel Jakle was born September 11, 1912, a son of Augustine William Jakle (1879-1959) and Maude Alice Hines Jakle (1878-1969).  His wife was Florence J. Jakle (1919-2005).  His siblings were Mary Margaret Cecilia Jakle (1914-1917), Mary Elizabeth Jakle (1916-1916), Edward Aloysius Jakle (1918-2011), Joseph Jakle (1920-1920), Marie Theresa Jakle Fronske (1921-2017), and two others.  A World War II and Korean War veteran, he is buried in Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, San Antonio, Texas.

Jamieson, CWO Walter E. Jr. - Died 3/21/1958.  He was born March 05, 1922.  He is buried in Riverside Cemetery, Pawtucket, Rhode Island.

Johanson, SP4 Bengt E. - 3/05/1975

Johnson, SP6 Joseph H. - Born December 8, 1945, he died March 05, 1975, and is buried in Pine Level Cemetery, Pine Level, Alabama.  He was a veteran of the Vietnam War.

Jones, SP4 John V. - Born November 24, 1954, John died July 19, 1976 in Korea.  He is buried in Terrace Heights Memorial Park, Yakima, WA.

Kane, 1Lt. Paul D. - Paul died February 08, 1958 in Korea.  He was born December 22, 1930 in Watsonville, California, a son of Harold Ligouri Kane (1892-1971) and Ellen Lorraine Petersen Kane (1906-1974).  His wife was Beverly J. Fennell Kane, three sons (Stephen, Michael and ?).  His siblings were his brother John William Kane (1928-2004) and sister Mary Kane.  Paul Kane is buried in Valley Catholic Cemetery, Watsonville.

Karstens, Capt. Thomas E. - Born November 19, 1946/died February 22, 1973.  He was an Army captain in the Vietnam War.  He is buried in Greenwood Memorial Park, Renton, WA.

KATUSA - 12/09/1985

Kern, SP4 Peter Michael - Born February 15, 1945, his tombstone shows his death date as March 15, 1969.  Specialist Fourth Class Kern was a member of the 3rd Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division. He was wounded by North Korean infiltrators fighting south of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) on March 15, 1969. He was killed when his rescue helicopter crashed. Specialist Fourth Class Kern was awarded the Purple Heart and the Korean Defense Service Medal.  He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia.
Kim, Cpl. J.B. (ROK) - Corporal Kim died March 16, 1969 in Korea.

King, SP4 Stanley Todd - Born December 6, 1948, Stanley's death date is listed as the day after the aircraft accident (2/06/1970) that took his life.  He was a husband and father.  He is buried in the IOOF Cemetery, Bourbon, Indiana.
Lashley, Capt. William Alexander Jr. - Born in 1949, William died in Korea on July 13, 1977.  He was the son of William Alexander Lashley Sr. and Frances H. Lashley.  He is buried in Greenlawn Memorial Park, Columbia, South Carolina.

Lewis, CWO J.L. - CWO Lewis died on August 14, 1964 in Korea.

Lingle, CW2 William L. Jr. - Born November 19, 1919, William died in Korea on November 13, 1961.  He was a veteran of World War II and Korea.  He has markers in Ft. Sill National Cemetery, Elgin, Oklahoma, and Blair Cemetery, Blair, Oklahoma.

Maisel, WO Barney - Barney died on February 22, 1973 in Korea.

Marmaduke, Maj. Robert Dare - Born September 117, 1915 in Alliance, Ohio, hee was a son of Andrew Dare Marmaduke (1880-1942) and Louise Ridgely Swift Marmaduke (1885-1925). His siblings were Mildred Marmaduke and Edward Milton Marmaduke (1907-1955).  According to news clippings he was survived by his wife Lyann.  Findagrave states that in 1942 he married Carolyn "Carrie" Marie Mach (later Ward - 1912-1983). Major Marmaduke was a World War II and Korean War veteran.  He is buried in Golden Gate National Cemetery, San Bruno, California.

Mason, CW2 Riley W. Jr. - Riley died June 30, 1998 in Korea.

Mathias, WO1 Frank Lloyd - Born March 6, 1946 in California, Frank died on October 08, 1970 in Korea.  He was Warrant Officer for the 55 Aviation Company in Vietnam.  He is buried in Mountain View Memorial Park, Barstow, California.

Maxwell, SP5 David N.

McCormack, CWO4 Jason William - "A local Army pilot was one of the two soldiers killed in an Apache helicopter crash during a training mission in South Korea on Nov. 23, according to a Searcy Funeral Home obituary.  Chief Warrant Officer 4 Jason William McCormack, 43, of Fort Rucker/Enterprise, was killed in Wonju about 50 miles east of Camp Humphreys when his Apache helicopter crashed early in the evening, according to reports from “The Army Times.”  McCormack, who was with the 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade, was a on a routine training mission with another pilot, the report said.  The obituary said McCormack was born in Maryland and enlisted in the Army on June 21, 1995, as a forward observer. He was selected to be an aviation warrant officer in 2003 and graduated as an AH-64 pilot in September 2004.
“Jason loved to fly the most sophisticated of aircraft and driving sports cars with his son,” the obituary read. “He shared his knowledge and humor with everyone he met, positively impacting all who knew him.”  McCormack is survived by his wife, Sadie, son, Cameron, daughter, Addison, and his parents, Phyllis (Carl) McCormack, William Hubbard, step-sister, Erin Pake, step-brother, Colin McCormack and nieces and nephews. McCormack is expected to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery at a later date." [Source: The Enterprise Ledger newspaper]

McGowen, 1Lt. Donald R.

McGrew, SP4 Daniel Vincent - Born May 21, 1954, Daniel died on March 3, 05, 1975 in Korea.  He is buried in Wichita Park Cemetery & Mausoleum, Wichita, Kansas.

McKinney, SSGT George T. - George died on March 16, 1969 in Korea.

Miles, CW2 James H. - James died January 13, 1977 in Korea.

Miller, SP4 Terence D. - Terence died November 27, 1968 in Korea.

Moore, Capt. Travis L. Sr. - Born March 3, 1930, Travis died August 04, 1963 in Korea.  He is buried in Ft. Smith National Cemetery, Ft. Smith, Kansas.

Morgan, MSGT Marvin E. - Born February 13, 1925, Marvin died August 04, 1963 in Korea.  He was a World War II and Korea veteran.  He is buried in Marietta National Cemetery, Marietta, Georgia.

Mullady, DAC Jane M. - Jane died January 14, 1959 in Korea. She was born February 12, 1921 and is buried in Saint Rose of Lima Cemetery, Carbondale, Pennsylvania.

Neal, SP5 Coleman L. - Neal died November 13, 1961 in Korea.

Nicholson, 1Lt. Joe Sidney - Born in 1930, First Lieutenant Nicholson was a member of Headquarters Company, 279th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division. On January 12, 1954, he died in a plane crash at Anpyong-ni, North Korea. He was awarded the Combat Infantryman's Badge, the Korean Service Medal, the United Nations Service Medal, the National Defense Service Medal and the Korean War Service Medal. He is buried in Stroud Cemetery, Stroud, Oklahoma.

Norman, Capt. Kevin Michael - Born February 10, 1973, Kevin died August 12, 2003 in Korea. He is buried in Sonoma Veterans Cemetery, Sonoma, California.

O'Flahavan, Capt. Lawrence V. - Lawrence died November 13, 1961 in Korea.

Pappas, SP4 Richard Alan - Born December 19, 1952, he is buried in Houston National Cemetery, Houston, Texas.

Park, Capt. Benjamin S. Jr. - Born January 12, 1935, the son of Benjamin Spencer Park Sr. and Ruth Henrietta Schmist Park. Benjamin Jr. died March 16, 1969 in Korea.  He was a thoracic surgeon stationed at the 121st Evacuation Army Hospital at Fort Dodge, Korea. He and five other service members were killed when the medical evacuation helicopter they were in crashed and burned near Fort Dodge. They had just picked up several members of the 2D Infantry Division who were wounded in a fire fight. He was the attending doctor on the flight.  Captain Benjamin's father was a prominent physician and surgeon in the Painesville, Ohio area.  Benjamin Jr. is buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Painesville, Ohio, alongside his parents.

Pomeroy, SFC Charles G.

Ramirez, SP5 Oscar - A World War II and Korea vet, Oscar was born November 2, 1929 and died November 13, 1961 in Korea.  He is buried in Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, San Diego, California.

Robinson, SSGT Horace P. - Horace died July 13, 1977 in Korea.

Rothwell, Maj. James C. - James died March 16, 1969 in Korea.

Sain, CW2 Larry Neville - Born January 23, 1951, he was a son of Walter Lewis Sain Sr. (1926-1985) and Mary Elizabeth "Betty" Killian Sain (1930-2013).  His siblings were Kenneth Farrell Sain (1957-2020), Walter Lewis Sain Jr., and Todd Franklin Sain.  Larry died March 05, 1975 in Korea.  He is buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Gastonia, North Carolina.

Salvage, 2Lt. Harold S. - Harold died November 07, 1955 in Korea.

Schroeder, SP4 Kurt J. - Kurt died January 13, 1971 in Korea.

Sealy, CWO Marion N. Jr. - Born January 3, 1939, Marion died on September 13, 1959 while serving with the 13th Transportation Helicopter Company TC, Korea.  He is buried in Laurelwood Cemetery, Rock Hill, South Carolina.

Shannon, 1Lt. Dustin - Born October 06, 1978 in San Diego, California, Dustin died August 21, 2002 in Korea.  He is buried in Riverside Cemetery, Vassar, Michigan.

Shears, SPC Ryan J. - Ryan died June 30, 1998 in Korea.

Shumar, Lt. Robert Calvin - Robert was born March 21, 1958 in Korea.  Lieutenant Shumar was born August 11, 1925 in Brownsville, Pennsylvania, son of William H. Shumar (1903-1955) and Edith Pearl Lowther Shumar (1904-1982).  His siblings were Thomas Jacob Shumar (1928-1966) and Dorothy Alice Shumar Bognar (1931-2015).  A graduate of Brownsville High School in 1943, he served in the US merchant marines in World War II.  He was attached to the Air Force for special duty.  Lieutenant Shumar is buried in Lafayette Memorial Park, Brier Hill, Pennsylvania.

Smith, CWO3 Brandon Andrew - Brandon Smith of Grand Junction, Colorado passed away on November 23, 2015 after a helicopter crash during a training mission.  He was 37.  Brandon was born on December 10, 1977 in Phoenix, Arizona to Linda Monniere. He spent his childhood in Grand Junction, Colorado and after graduating high school he attended college at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and was pursuing a Bachelor's of Science in Aeronautics.  Brandon had previously lived in Kentucky, Alabama and Korea. He enjoyed scuba diving and snowboarding.  A distinguished military career, he entered the service of his country from 1995-1996 in the United States Army Reserve and entered active duty on June 1996 as a Cavalry Scout. He was a drill sergeant from 2002-2006 when he finished up his enlisted career as a Sergeant First Class. In April of 2006, he became a warrant officer and an apache pilot. His final rank was Chief Warrant Officer 3. A highly decorated officer, his decorations and medals include, the Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Korea Defense Service Medal, Armed Forces Service Medal, NCO Professional Development Ribbon, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, Combat Action Badge, Multinational Force and Observers Medal, Air Assault Badge, Army Aviator Badge and Drill Sergeant Identification Badge. Brandon leaves behind his mother; Linda Monniere; a sister, Athena Thiessen, both of Grand Junction, CO., his former spouse and friend , Maja Smith, maternal grandparents, Don and Florence Monniere of Moab, Utah and a host of friends and comrades. A memorial service will be held at 10:30 AM, Monday, December 7, 2015 at Martin Mortuary. A committal service with military honors will be held at 1:00 PM, Monday, December 7, 2015 at the Veterans Memorial Cemetery of Western Colorado.

Smith, SP5 Fred Lee - Fred was born June 3, 1952 and died November 28, 1972 in Korea.  He was a Vietnam and Korea veteran.  He is buried in Coopers Chapel Cemetery, Veedersburg, Indiana.

Smith, LTC William Lewis - William was born December 13, 1921.  He died November 27, 1968 in Korea.  He was a World War II and Korea veteran.  His wife was Mary E. Smith (1918-2002).  William is buried in Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, San Antonio, Texas.

Snow, Capt. Kevin M. - Kevin died August 12, 2003 in Korea.

Steele, W01 Michael R. - Michael died November 02, 1979 in Korea.  He was born March 11, 1958 and is buried in Sunset Lane Memorial Park, Port Orchard, Washington.

Stitzel, Capt. Victor N.S. - Victor died February 22, 1973 in Korea.  He was born May 17, 1947, the son of Carl N. Stitzel (1921-2000) and Elizabeth "Betty" Stevens Stitzel (1923-2013).  His sister was Karen E. Stitzel (1952-2015).  Victor is buried in Rolling Green Cemetery, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania.

Stoller, SP4 Edwin Lee - Born October 13, 1948, Edwin died March 16, 1969 in Korea.  He served with the 377 Medical Company in Vietnam.  Edwin is buried in the IOOF Cemetery, New Haven, Indiana.

Sutera, 1Lt. Nicki Lee - Nick died January 13, 1971 in Korea. Born April 02, 1949, son of Louis Sutera Sr. (1905-2002) and Ruby Elizabeth Bailey Sutera Bacon (1919-1998).  His siblings were Sgt. Louis Sutera Jr. (1945-1967 - died in Vietnam War); Mrs. Judy Spencer, Mrs. Vicki McGroarty (Nicki's twin), and John Bacon.  Nicki is buried in Southern Memorial Park, North Miami, Florida.

Taylor, CW2 Robert D. - Born May 26, 1963, Robert died November 13, 1991 in Korea.  He is buried in Troy IOOF Community Cemetery, Troy, West Virginia.

Thatcher, 1Lt. Thomas A. - Thomas died September 13, 1959 in Korea.

Thomas, 1Lt. Joe Cleveland - "The Greenville News (SC) - Saturday, January 16, 1954, Page 8- Lt. Joe C. Thomas, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Thomas of 112 Beechwood Avenue, was fatally injured in a plane crash in Korea January 12. His light observation plane crashed into the side of a mountain on a flight to Seoul January 10 and he received serious injuries which proved fatal two days later. Lt. Thomas was a native of Greenville and was a son of C. C. and Zula Foister Thomas. He was educated in the local schools and graduated from Greenville High School in the Class of 1946, after which he attended Furman University for three years. For two years while he was a student at Furman, he was also an announcer for Radio Station WMRC. He entered service November 28, 1950 and took his basic training at Ft. Jackson. He received his commission November 2, 1951 at Fort Riley, Kansas and March 14, 1953 graduated from the Liaison Pilot Training School at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Since April 21, 1953, he had been serving as an L-19 pilot in Korea. He was a member of the East Park Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife, the former Miss Fay Sellars of Rockingham, North Carolina and now of Greenville; his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Thomas of Greenville; two brothers, BT 2-c Jack B. Thomas of the U.S. Navy stationed at Newport, Rhode Island, and Jimmy D. Thomas of Greenville, who was recently discharged from the Navy and is now connected with Television Station WFBC-TV; his maternal grandmother, Mrs. E. B. Foister of Greenville, and several aunts and uncles. The body is being returned to the Thomas McAfee Funeral Home and announcements concerning the funeral services will be made later."  [Source: Findagrave] Joe was born May 22, 1929 in Greenville, South Carolina.  His father was Claude C. Thomas (1908-1974) and Zula Foister Thomas (1907-1987).  He also had a sister Miriam Sue Thomas (1928-1928).  Lieutenant Thomas is buried in Woodlawn Memorial Park, Greenville, South Carolina.

Thomas, CWO Ronald - Born November 28, 1938, Ronald died August 14, 1964 in Korea.  He is buried in Henry B. Brown Cemetery, Maury County, Tennessee.

Truitt, Capt. Gene Aubudon - Gene died August 04, 1963 in Korea.  He was born June 06, 1930 in Schlater, Mississippi, the son of Ray A. Truitt (1905-1993) and Annie Ozell Finley Truitt (1913-1995).  He is buried in Fort Bliss National Cemetery, El Paso, Texas.

Uyenoyama, Capt. Dennis Hidenobu - Born November 10, 1941, Dennis died January 13, 1971 in Korea.  He is buried in San Francisco National cemetery, San Francisco, California.  Dennis was a Vietnam and Korea veteran.

Wallenburg, CW3 James J. - Born December 22, 1961.  James died August 21, 2002 in Korea.  James is buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia.

Wancura, SP5 Everett W. - Born September 18, 1949, this Vietnam and Korea veteran died March 05, 1975 in Korea.  He is buried in Dove Creek Cemetery, Dove Creek, Colorado.

Warren, Stanley S. (civilian) - Stanley died November 23, 1964 in Korea.  Born October 31, 1930, he was married to Sarita Lew Warren (1936-2016).  Stanley is buried in King David Memorial Garden, Idylwood, Virginia.

White, SP4 Jack Lee - Born May 09, 1939 in Cambridge, Ohio, Jack died November 13, 1961 in Korea.  The son of Asberry E. White (died 1977) and Lela Faye Kirkbride White (1917-2004), Jack was survived by brothers Jim, Don, Tom and Tim White, and sisters Patricia White Heath, Judy White Beadle, Sandra White Loewendick, Brenda White Dereskiewicz, and Shirley White Brill.  Jack is buried in Northwood Cemetery, Cambridge, Ohio.

Whittle, PFC Michael E. - Michael died April 07, 1973 in Korea.  Age 23, he was from Goleta, California.  He was killed in a helicopter crash.

Winchester, SP3 James E. - Born February 8, 1938, James died March 21, 1958 in Korea.  James is buried in Saint Leo Cemetery, Acadia Parish, Louisiana.

Winchester, DAC Virgil S. - He was born December 31, 1916, a son of Walter L. Winchester (1877-1935) and Ida M. Squires Winchester (1886-1949).  He was married in 1938 to Ola Irene Raney Winchester (1914-1982).  His siblings were Mable Winchester Adams (1906-1990), Bessie L. Winchester Wood (1907-2003), Walter Lee "Buster" Winchester (1911-1983), Ray Gordon Winchester (1913-1980), Horace Hayward Winchester (1920-1993) and Howard R. Winchester (1920-1959).  Virgil is buried in Huntsville Memory Gardens, Huntsville, Alabama.

Winget, PFC Jeffrey A. - Jeffrey died December 22, 1986 in Korea.  Jeffrey was born February 27, 1964 in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, a son of Walter Preston and Cherry Anna Northweather Winget (Gist).  His siblings were Walter Tracy Winget, Sherilyn Fay Winget Hoeltzel and half brother Jacob Justin Winget.  Jeff is a 1983 graduate of Western Heights High School, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.  He joined the Army in January of 1986.  He is buried in Woodland Cemetery, Cleveland, Oklahoma.

Withers, SP5 Leslie V. Jr. - Born January 13, 1930, Leslie died November 13, 1961 in Korea.  He is buried in Anderson Memorial Gardens and Chapel Mausoleum, Dossett, TN.  He was with the 65th Ordnance Company in Korea.

Woodrum, CW3 Gary L. - Gary died May 08, 1978 in Korea.  He was born September 5, 1946 in Ingram Branch, West Virginia, a son of Dallas Lee Woodrum (1925-1999) and Novella Warren Woodrum (1928-1992).  His wife was Kaye Yvonne Hickman in 1965 in Fayetteville, North Carolina.  His siblings were Larry Chris Woodrum, Jerry Lee Woodrum, and Lana Sue Woodrum Shehan.  Gary enlisted in the Army on March 23, 1970 and was a Vietnam veteran.  He is buried in Lafayette Memorial Park, Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Zanchi, SP5 Carroll C. - Carroll died March 16, 1969 in Korea.

Zimmermann, Lt. Roy C. - Roy died November 13, 1991 in Korea.  He was born August 29, 1967 in Levittown, New York, a son of George Zimmermann (1928-1985) and Mary Boyle Zimmermann (1935-2014).  His sibling was Gary R. Zimmermann (1962-2004).  Roy is buried in Saint Bernard Cemetery & Mausoleum, Bridgewater Township, New Jersey.