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Post-Armistice US Military Installations

Material for this page was located by utilizing Wikipedia, Stars & Stripes, KWE research, the website "U.S. Camps in Korea: From the Past & Today," and individual contributors. The U.S. Camps in Korea is outstanding because it includes not only information, but also numerous photographs of U.S. camps in Korea, past and present.

Bear Hunt Base Camp

In 1983 the 1st, 9th, A Company was located there, patrolling and training on the DMZ in 1983.

Camp Ashworth

Located in the Western Corridor, this camp was home to Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division in 1964, as well as the 12th Ordnance Detachment 1964.

Camp Baker

At Camp Baker in 1967 was A Company (CMDS OPNS), 304th Signal Battalion (A). Camp Baker was the Eight Army milk plant located in Yongdungpo which closed in 1985. In 1985 a new milk plant was built at K-16 on the edge of Seoul (south side). Camp Baker returned was to the R.O.K.

Camp Barrie

Camp Bayonet

This camp was home to the 7th Bayonet Division.

Camp Beard

Located in the Yonjugol area, Camp Beard was named after Master Sergeant Richard Beard of the 70th Tank Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division on March 28, 1950. Camp Beard was occupied by the 70th Tank Battalion, 1st Cavalry & A Company, 2nd Battalion, 72nd Armor, 2nd Division 1967-1968. HQ, B & C Company, 2nd Battalion, 15th Armor, 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division 1963-1964. In 1971 a R.O.K. tank unit moved on base.

Camp Beaumont

Located in the Yonjugol area, Camp Beaumont was home to A Company, 321st ASA Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division 1957-1964. A Company, 508th USASA Group 1964-1967.

Camp Blue Lancer Valley (J-1)

Camp Blue Lancer Valley was located in the Nullo-ri area. The famous British Gloustershire Regiment (Blue Lancers) fought gallantly in the battle of the Imjin River in 1951. Blue Lancer valley was a tent camp near Mummo-ri 1953. The tents were replaced by Quonset Huts by 1957. Stationed at Blue Lancer Valley were the 2nd Brigade, 12th Cavalry C/S Company, Recon Platoon 1961-1962. HQ & HQ Company, 1st, Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division 1963-1964. HQ, A,B, & C Company, 1st Battalion, 12th Cavalry, 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division 1963-1964. HQ, A, B, & C Company, 1st 23rd Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division 1967-1968. Blue Lancer Valley was returned to the R.O.K. in 1971.

Camp Blue Sky

This DMZ camp was located in the Western Corridor.

Camp Bonifas

This installation was a United Nations Command military post located 400 meters south of the southern boundary of the Korean Demilitarized Zone. It was 2,400 meters south of the military demarcation line and lies within the Joint Security Area (JSA), also known as Panmunjom. The Military Demarcation Line forms the border between South Korea (the Republic of Korea) and North Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of Korea). It was returned to the Republic of Korea in 2006. Camp Bonifas was home to the United Nations Command Security Battalion - Joint Security Area, whose primary mission was to monitor and enforce the Armistice Agreement of 1953 between North and South Korea. Republic of Korea and United States Forces Korea soldiers (known as "security escorts") conduct the United Nations Command DMZ Orientation Program tours of the JSA and surrounding areas. The camp has a gift shop which sells DMZ- and JSA-related souvenirs. The camp, formerly known as "Camp Kitty Hawk," was renamed on August 18, 1986, in honor of U.S. Army Captain Arthur G. Bonifas (posthumously promoted to major), who along with 1Lt. Mark T. Barrett (posthumously promoted to Captain), were killed by North Korean soldiers in the "Axe Murder Incident". Access to the Neutral Nations Monitors (Sweden and Switzerland), on Camp Swiss-Swede, is through Camp Bonifas. There is a par 3 one-hole "golf course" at the camp which includes an Astroturf green and is surrounded on three sides by minefields. Sports Illustrated called it, "the most dangerous hole in golf" and there are reports that at least one shot exploded a land mine. Keith Sullivan of The Washington Post reported in 1998 that Camp Bonifas was a "small collection of buildings surrounded by triple coils of razor wire just 440 yards south of the DMZ" that, were it not for the minefields and soldiers, would "look like a big Boy Scout camp."

Camp Bray

Located at Tac Site 42, A Battery, 2nd Battalion (Hawk), 71st Artillery Defense Artillery, 38th Brigade served there in 1974.

Camp Brittin

Camp Brittin was named after Sergeant First Class Nelson Brittin of the 19th Infantry Regiment. Camp Brittin was one of the 17th Infantry Division Artillery camps which supported the DMZ defense in this sector. The tents have been replaced with nearly 40 Quonset huts, and concrete block latrines, and mess halls. The ROK Army has taken over the camp.

Camp Brown (C-7)

Located in the Munsan, Paju-ri, Pobwon-ni area, Camp Brown was named after PFC Melvin L. Brown, 8th Engineer Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division on May 1, 1959. Camp Brown was built in 1953. The tents were later replaced with Quonset Huts. The Artillery, and Maintenance units of the 1st Cavalry and 2nd Infantry Division occupied Camp Brown. Camp Brown was home to HQ. Company, 1st Battalion, 19th Infantry Regiment, 24th Division 1956-1957. HQ & HQ Company, 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division 1963-1964. The R.O.K. occupied Camp Brown in 1971.

Camp Browning

Camp Browning was in the Dragonhead area.

Camp Carroll

This Army base is located on the south east portion of the peninsula of South Korea, in the village of Waegwan, approximately 20 km from the city of Daegu. Camp Carroll is bound by urban areas on the northwest, west, and southwest. Hilly forested areas bound the base on the north and east. Agricultural fields (mostly rice paddies) border the base on the northeast and to the south. The Naktonggang River flows nearby, southwest of the base. Camp Carroll has been a supply staging ground for U.S. military operations on the peninsula and in the Far East since the late 1950s. Often referred to as "The Crown Jewel of Area 4," it is named after Sergeant First Class Charles F. Carroll, a posthumous recipient of the Distinguished Service Cross for his acts of heroism during the Korean War. The area immediately surrounding Camp Carroll is mainly made up of service businesses (e.g., dry cleaners, barber shops, bars), and caters to an equally American and Filipino crowd, as many of the soldiers are American and many of the women are Filipina. The city itself is a short bus ride from Daegu and Gumi. Though small in size, Camp Carroll holds a population of approximately 1500 servicemen. The population itself consists of Eighth Army personnel, employees and contractors, as well as Korean Augmentation to the U.S. Army (KATUSA) soldiers. Warehouses and lots make up a large portion of the location, as one of its main functions is to house war reserve stocks. Camp Carroll is also home to the 2nd Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery Battalion (Patriot). An AAFES Exchange, AMCSS (Army Military Clothing Sales Store), commissary, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, bowling center, library, community center, movie theater and various other amenities can also be found at Camp Carroll. In May 2011 an interview with three United States Forces Korea veterans revealed that in 1978 approximately 250 55 gallon drums of chemicals believed to be Agent Orange were buried at Camp Carroll. On 22 May 2011, the Eighth Army admitted that chemicals, pesticides, herbicides and solvents had been buried at Camp Carroll in 1978, but that the materials and 60 tons of dirt were subsequently removed in 1979-1980. A joint US-ROK investigation was concluded on 20 December 2011 finding that there was absolutely no Agent Orange remaining buried on camp Carroll.

Camp Casey

A U.S. military base in Dongducheon (also sometimes spelled Tongduchŏn or TDC), South Korea, 40 miles (64 km) north of Seoul, South Korea. Camp Casey was named in 1952 after Major Hugh Boyd Casey, who was killed in an plane crash near Camp Casey during the Korean War. Camp Casey is one of several U.S. Army bases in South Korea near the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). Camp Casey, Camp Hovey, and neighboring Camp Castle and Camp Mobile hold the main armor, engineer, and mechanized infantry elements of the 2nd Infantry Division (United States) in South Korea. Camp Castle has been largely abandoned, with only a warehouse remaining. Camp Mobile was severely damaged during a flood in July 2011 and has been abandoned except for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) company. Camp Casey spans 3,500 acres (14 km2) and is occupied by 6,300 military personnel and 2,500 civilians. There are plans for the relocation of most of the 2nd Infantry Division to Camp Humphreys which are underway with the latest estimate for completion being 2019. As of 2015, there are plans for one brigade (most likely, the Field Artillery Brigade) to remain at Camp Casey, with closure of adjacent Camp Hovey. Camp Casey is home to several of the main combat units of the Second Infantry Division. Among these are the Second Battalion of the 9th Infantry Regiment. the First Battalion of the 72nd Armored Regiment (Crusaders), and the 210th Field Artillery Brigade. The 302nd Brigade Support Battalion is also located on Camp Casey, providing support to the line battalions of the brigade as well as depot and medical support to everyone stationed in the Camp Casey area. Alternating Brigades of the 1st Cavalry Division, United States are scheduled to be at Camp Casey on 9-month rotations until facilities are ready at Camp Humphreys.

Camp Castle

Was a 48.6-acre (197,000 m2), United States Army military installation in Dongducheon, South Korea and home to elements of the U.S. 2d Infantry Division. It is adjacent but not connected to the larger Camp Casey. Camp Castle served as home to the 2nd Engineer Battalion (known colloquially as "Two E") from 1972 to 2004 and was home to the 70th Support Battalion, including a maintenance/distribution company, Alpha Company, a maintenance company on adjacent Camp Casey and a headquarters and headquarters company. Camp Castle is currently (2012) in the process of being returned to the ROK (except for one portion, called Camp Castle North). The camp was unique in that it was split by a major Korean thoroughfare. The unit's offices, dining facility, and barracks were situated on the east side of the roadway while the motorpool was on the west side. A pedestrian bridge completed in 2002 connects the two halves to prevent pedestrian traffic on the roadway. The camp is only large enough for one battalion and contains several old buildings to include offices, barracks which are now vacant, officers quarters, and a closed dining facility. It was one of the most forward-stationed US-exclusive bases on the South Korean Peninsula, about 9 mi (14 km) from the DMZ by air. The "Area I HazMart" (hazardous materials recycling and redistribution facility) in located on Camp Castle North, as is a large warehouse for quarters furniture. The rest of Camp Castle North, including abandoned 300,000-gallon fuel storage tanks, was slated for turnover in 2013. It was returned to the South Korean government in 2015. Camp Castle East and West is being converted to a local college campus.

Camp Clinch

This DMZ camp was located in the Western Corridor. In 1963-1964, C Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Mechanized, 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division was at Camp Clinch. In 1966-1967 B Company 3rd, 23rd Infantry was also located at Camp Clinch. Correspondence from William R. Belisle, former 1st Lieutenant, US Army, Westminster, California:

"I arrived in Korea on 19 August 1970. Several weeks later I was assigned as a Rifle Platoon Leader, 2nd Platoon, to B Company, 2nd Battalion, 38th Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division. I was in Company B from August 1970 to December 1970. I am not aware when the company was assigned there, perhaps in 1967, but around November/December 1970, our company closed Camp Clinch for U.S. forces, and the company relocated to Camp Howze. On leaving Camp Clinch, we loaded all the equipment we could onto deuce & a half trucks. As we left, our company turned Camp Clinch over to the Republic of Korea (ROK) Army."

Camp Cochise

This DMZ camp was in the Western Corridor.

Camp Coiner

A 55-acre (220,000 m2) USFK installation located on the northern part of Yongsan Garrison located in Seoul, South Korea, it was named after 2nd Lieutenant Randall Coiner assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment of the 7th Infantry Division who was posthumously awarded the Silver Star for actions taken in 1953 during the Korean War near the village of Sokkagae. Camp Coiner is located within the Yongsan-gu district of Seoul. East of the camp is the commercial district of Itaewon, with westernized shopping and nightlife. To the west of Yongsan is the Samgakji subway station and Yongsan Electronics Market. Prior to the US military taking control of the camp from the Imperial Japanese Army, Camp Coiner was used as a garrison for a horse drawn artillery unit. The camp is home to elements of 8th PERSCOM, the 8th MP Brigade, 17th Aviation Brigade (disestablished in 2005), and the 1st Signal Brigade. Also at Camp Coiner was the 304th Signal Battalion (A), Company C, and the 57th Signal Company.

Camp Colbern

in Hanam-shi near Seoul, Republic of Korea, was a U.S. Army installation and the home of the 304th Signal Battalion. It closed in late 2005, with the move of the 304th to Camp Stanley, Republic of Korea. Also, the land was returned in 2006 to ROK. Camp Colbern existed for 41 years, with the 304th occupying the Camp for 3 of those decades.

Camp Coleridge

This camp was located in the Munsan, Paju-ri area.

Camp Cox

Camp Coursen

This camp was located in the Nopa-dong, Pugam-ni area. Camp Coursen was home to A, B, & C Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry Mechanized, 1st Cavalry Division 1963-1964.

Camp Crawford

Camp Custer

Located in the North-Middle-South of the Munsan, Paju-ri area (Charlie Block], Custer was home to HQ & D Company, 7th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division 1961-1962. 1st Battalion, 9th Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division 1966-1967. HQ & HQ Company, 5th Cavalry, 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division 1963-1964, and also home to A, B, and C Company, 1st, 9th Infantry 1966-967.

Camp Dartboard

Camp Dartboard was situated on 10 acres and had two buildings. Dartboard was a small Communications Center associated with Camp Henry.

Camp Daugherty

Camp Dodge

This DMZ camp was located in the Western Corridor. Stationed at Camp Dodge was B Troop, 1st Battalion, 9th Cavalry, 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division 1963-1964. HHC, 2nd, 23rd Infantry 2nd Infantry Division, HHC, 3rd, 23rd Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division 1966-1970. Signal Company, 41st Signal Battalion,1st Signal Brigade 1983-1984. Camp Dodge is now closed.

Camp Dover

The camp was located in the Munsan, Paju-ri area.

Camp Dragon

Camp Eagle

Camp Eagle was once known as Base R401 and was officially rededicated in 1989. The camp was one of the first projects that both the American and South Korean governments funded in unison and both supplied troops to build. At the time of construction Camp Eagle was the most modern camp of any kind in South Korea and in all fairness even as the years have gone by it has still kept up in the way of modern convenience. In 1996 the camp was reorganized to fall under the command of the officer in charge at Camp Long, about seven miles away. The facilities found there are places such as a community club, a fire department, a dining facility, a small post exchange and even more. The less usual additions include an ATM and a snack bar as well as a softball field and a barber shop. It is located at Wonju, South Korea.

Camp Edwards

This former United States Army installation in South Korea was home to the 82nd Engineer Company. Named after Medal of Honor winner Junior D. Edwards, the camp was closed in 2004 and its equipment was moved to Camp Casey. Following its closure, the land was purchased by Ewha Womans University.

Camp Edwards closure continues with move of vehicles to Camp Casey
By Seth Robson - Stars and Stripes
Published: November 9, 2004

CAMP EDWARDS, South Korea — With the closure of Camp Edwards, the 2nd Infantry Division’s Western Corridor home base, the division’s road crew is on its way to Camp Casey. The last big convoy of 82nd Engineer Company (combat support equipment) vehicles left Edwards on Friday, shifting dozens of bulldozers, scrapers, vibe rollers, graders, trucks and other road construction equipment to Casey. Capt. Saiprasad Srinivasan, commander of Camp Edwards and the 82nd Engineers, said by next week the unit’s operations will be run from Camp Casey with just a few soldiers left at Edwards to clean up. The veteran of three South Korean tours, including the past 10 months at Edwards, said he was sad to see the base close. The facility also is home to 168th Medical Company, 618th Medical Battalion and a Korean Service Corps construction platoon that built villages used to train 2nd ID soldiers deploying to Iraq this summer, Srinivasan said. In 2000, Camp Edwards’ commissary moved to Camp Howze, which also is closing, but still at Edwards, he said, are a gymnasium, KATUSA snack bar, library, dining facility, outdoor swimming pool and the Wolverine Inn. The base launched many road works projects the U.S. military required in Area I, Srinivasan said. “We cover almost 200 square kilometers from here to the Korea Training Center and as far south as Camp Humphries on occasion. When we have floods we have to repair ford sites for heavy vehicles. This summer while we were training the 2nd Brigade Combat Team [for its Iraq mission], there was a lot of mud being tracked on the roads at Chaparral Training Area and we laid a lot of gravel,” Srinivasan said. Camp Edwards’ two motor pools house road construction equipment, which is being moved to Camp Casey. The 82nd operates 110 vehicles, including 26,000-lb. compactors, 63,000-lb. scrapers and 26,000-lb. vibe rollers. Some of the equipment could be driven to Camp Casey, but other pieces had to be hauled on trailers, Srinivasan said. “In a lot of ways the move is going to be beneficial. We do parts runs every day where we have to drive to Camp Casey and back, so a lot of those individual movements are going to be consolidated in one place,” he said. However, leaving Camp Edwards is emotional for the commander. “I have been here longer than most soldiers. I first came to the Western Corridor in 1996 with the 44th Engineer Battalion [now serving in Iraq],” said Srinivasan, who is looking after the 44th’s mascot, a large dog named Bruno. An advance party already had been at Camp Casey for several weeks preparing buildings for the bulk of the company, he said. “By next week the focus at Camp Edwards will be closing out and cleaning up.” The 82nd had a special relationship with the town, hosting a Halloween Party for children from a local orphanage, he said. One of the soldiers helping prepare equipment for the move, Pvt. Julio Villanueva, 22, of Chicago, said his room at Camp Casey will be smaller than his room at Camp Edwards, but he’s looking forward to being in a larger camp with a post exchange. Another soldier helping with the move, Sgt. Joseph Gardner, 28, of Shreveport, La., spent two years at Camp Edwards and remembers climbing up the hill behind the camp to view Paju and the surrounding mountains and countryside. “I’ll miss it, but like everything you have to move on,” he said. “We are going to a bigger installation with a lot more people around.” Camp Casey’s new motor pool will be an improvement over Edwards’s two motor pools, Gardner said: “There we will all be together.”

Camp Eiler

Camp Eiler was named after 1st Lieutenant Richard Eiler of D Company, 8th Engineering Battalion. Since the Engineering Battalion has left. The Signal Units have taken over. Stationed at Camp Eiler was the 258th Signal Company Construction "Hell on Hooks" in 1973.

Camp Essayons

The article below is from Stars & Stripes.

Once bustling Camp Essayons now empty
Nearby Camp Sears, Camp Kyle will close this month
By Seth Robson - Stars and Stripes
Published: October 13, 2005

CAMP ESSAYONS, South Korea — The 2nd Infantry Division has vacated this facility and this month will leave another nearby base — Camp Kyle, in Uijeongbu City, officials said. The division’s Special Troops Battalion commander, Lt. Col. Bridget Rourke, said the last troops left Essayons at the end of September. Closing ceremonies for the nearby camps Sears and Kyle will be held Oct. 12 and 25, respectively, Area I officials said. On Friday, dozens of buildings, many of them Quonset huts, sat empty at Essayons. Thousands of pieces of furniture, appliances and equipment—including items from the troop medical center—sat in the rain at one of the motor pools. Rourke, who spent a year at Essayons as commander of the recently inactivated 102nd Military Intelligence Battalion, said the installation had a full range of facilities including a large gymnasium, library, outdoor swimming pool, theater, shoppette, baseball diamond and tennis courts. The only things it lacked were a commissary and an arts and crafts center, she said. The camp was named for the engineers’ motto: Essayons, which in French translates to “Let’s try,” Rourke said. The 600 soldiers from the 102nd who served there maintained high-tech intelligence equipment and vehicles and provided signal and imagery analysis for 2nd ID, she said. Rourke’s fondest memories of her time at the camp are of running up Chunbo Ridge, the steep hill behind the facility. She has decorated the computer screen in her new office at Camp Red Cloud with a photo of herself and other 102nd soldiers standing on the hill with Camp Essayons in the background. One of the most exciting things to happen at the facility last year was when 102nd’s security company created an urban assault course at the back of the base so soldiers could practice urban combat there, she said. Many 102nd soldiers have joined the Special Troops Battalion at Camp Red Cloud and the unit has maintained a relationship, started by the 102nd, with the Young-a-Won orphanage in Uijeongbu, Rourke said. Sgt. Nicholas Fennell, 26, of McComb, Miss., spent two years with the 102nd at Camp Essayons before joining the battalion at Camp Red Cloud. His strongest memories of his time at Camp Essayons were of organizational days, when the small community would come together to throw pies in officers’ and senior non-commissioned officers’ faces. McComb also has fond memories of the Stalkers Club at Essayons, which featured a few slot machines, a pool table, bar and dance floor. “It was pretty much guaranteed to have a crowd in there,” he said. “There wasn’t anywhere else to go."

The 11th Engineer Battalion, 36th Engineer Group, I Corps, ws at Camp Essayons in 1967.
Jon Nielson furnished the following information: Camp Essayons 1977, 6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery; Camp Essayons 1978, 6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery, 2nd Infantry Division, (Big Guns); Camp Essayons 1988, 6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery, (Big Guns), MLR.

Camp Ethan Allen (L-8)

In 1955 Camp Allen was a tent camp and by 1957 Quonset Huts replaced the tents. Camp Ethan Allen was home to the 7th Infantry Division Artillery. Camp Ethan Allen returned to the R.O.K. in 1971.

Camp Falling Water

Camp Falling Water closed on July 2006 and returned to the R.O.K. The American Forces Network provided radio and television programming. Camp Falling Water was established on May of 1997 by merging two existing stations at Munsan and Camp Casey. AKAN was known as Tomahawk. Camp Casey was known as Radio Bayonet.

Camp Friendship

This was the U.S. Army Headquarters, Korea in 1968.

Camp George

Camp George was named in honor of Private First Class Charles George of Cherokee Indian descent, who served in Company C, 179th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division, during the Korean War. George was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for action near Songnae-dong, Bucheon City, Korea on 30 November 1952. The installation was originally constructed by the Imperial Japanese Army. Camp George was located on 16 acres (19,586 pyeong) in the Nam-gu District of Daegu City, less than one-quarter mile west of Camp Henry and about one-half mile north of Camp Walker. Camp George was managed by the 20th Support Group and was dominated by family apartments, the Department of Defense School, Child Daycare Center, and a AAFES Shoppette. Its principle uses were family housing, dependent K-12 schools, Child Development Center, and outdoor recreation areas. The Taegu American School served all grades Kindergarten through High School. With the creation of Installation Management Command (IMCOM) and the subordinate Installation Management Command Korea (IMCOM-K) in 2006 and subsequent reorganizations, the US Army Garrison Daegu, with its headquarters at Camp Henry, came to manage the installation and provided base operations services for the people who live and worked there. The Daegu enclave (Camps George, Henry and Walker) had a population of about 5,000. There were about 1,400 US Army Soldiers, which comprised the largest single segment of the population. Other members of the community include Department of the Army civilian employees, contractors, Korean national employees, Korean Augmentation to the US Army, or KATUSA, Soldiers, and family members. There were no military units located at Camp George. The installation was home to Taegu American School, Mountain View Village apartments, the Child Development Center and the Cross-Cultural Training and Counseling Center. Daegu American School, or DAS, provides educational services for students in kindergarten through grade 12 and has an enrollment capacity of slightly more than 700 students. It was part of the worldwide Department of Defense Dependent School (DoDDS) system for children of U.S. military personnel and civilian employees. Mountain View Village is a 150-unit apartment complex leased by the US Army from the Korean National Housing Corporation to house families of enlisted (private first class through master sergeant), junior warrant officers (warrant officer 1 through warrant officer 3) and junior officers (lieutenant through captain) military members. The 10 five-story buildings contain as equal number of three-, four- and five-bedroom apartments. A small Army and Air Force Exchange Service Shoppette was located in the complex. A project to install elevators in all of the 5-story building was completed in June 2006. In addition, numerous 2- and 3-bedroom apartments were converted into 5-bedroom units. The Child Development Center, or CDC, located behind DAS and the Mountain View Village apartments, provided full day care, part day preschool, hourly care, before and after kindergarten care and family child care home services for children ranging from 6 weeks to 5 years of age. The Cross-Cultural Training Center, located in Bldg. G101, was run by the US Army Garrison Daegu Chaplain's Office and offered a variety of family life programs including family spiritual retreats, newlywed couples retreats, marriage enrichment seminars and family wellness workshops. The CCTCC also offered stress ministry, sight-impaired and nursing home ministry, suicide awareness training and cultural tours to Andong and Gyeongju.

Camp Garry Owen

2nd ID historical records show that Camp Garry Owen, near Munsan, South Korea, originally was an apple orchard. In 1951, it became base for the United Nations Command (UNC) Military Armistice Conference Delegation. It was located on the DMZ. On July 27, 1953, the base theater was where UNC commander Gen. Mark W. Clark signed the Armistice Agreement that ended fighting in the Korean War. At first the theater, which was demolished in the 1970s, was the only permanent structure on the base, which consisted of 14 tents, volleyball courts, a baseball diamond and a skeet range. For a time the base was called Camp Rice, then Camp Pelham in honor of a distinguished Civil War artilleryman. It eventually was re-designated Camp Garry Owen, the title of a distinctive cavalry ballad. Units that have occupied the base include the 69th Field Artillery Battalion, 1st Marine Division (which became 49th Field Artillery Battalion, 7th Infantry Division); 13th Field Artillery, 24th Infantry Division; 2nd Battalion, 19th Field Artillery Regiment; and 5th Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery Regiment; 1st Battalion, 4th Artillery Regiment; E Company, 2nd Engineers Battalion; and 5th Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment [which became 4-7 Cavalry Regiment]. Camp Garry Owen closed in 2004.

Camp George

This is a U.S. Army Base in Nami-gu, Daegu Korea. Camp Walker and Camp Henry are located near. Camp George was on 16 acres.

Camp Giant

Camp Giant, B Company, 2nd Engineer Battalion. B Company [ PLAT ], 13th Signal Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division 1963-1964. RC #4- Chogie Inn Service Club is near Seoul, Yongin, Wonju and closed in 1992. Camp Giant is now closed.

Camp Grant

Located in the Munsan, Paju-ri area, Camp Giant was home to B Company, 2nd Engineer Battalion. B Company, 13th Signal Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division 1963-1964. The RC #4- Chogie Inn Service Club was near Seoul, Yongin, Wonju and closed in 1992. Camp Giant is now closed.

Camp Gray

Camp Gray was a Japanese wine plant built in 1919 and provided wine from 1925 thru 1943. In 1943 Camp Gray was converted to a prison camp. The first year of the Korean War it was used as a P.O.W. camp. Camp Gray became a U. S. Support Base after the Korean War. Camp Gray was located in Daebangdong, Korea

Camp Greaves

This camp comprised 58.5 acres and was located less than two miles from the DMZ in Korea. Records show the area around Camp Greaves was occupied by the 1st Marine Division during the Korean War in 1953. After hostilities ceased, Marines used the camp as a base from which to patrol the DMZ, placing the division’s Reconnaissance Battalion there in 1954. Over the years, a number of units have spent time at the border-area base including: the 1st Amphibious Tractor Battalion; the 3rd Battalion, 19th Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division; the 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division; and various 2nd Infantry Division battalions including the 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment. The Army closed up shop at the facility in 2004. Today, the buildings of Camp Greaves—including a movie theater, gymnasium, dining facility and barracks—sit decaying and dormant, except for the work under way to renovate two buildings into lodging and office facilities. In the years ahead, half the base property and buildings will be renovated and eventually occupied by elements of the South Korea Army’s 1st Infantry Division. Gyeonggi Province plans to spend more than $40 million to turn the other half of Camp Greaves into a multi-faceted tourist attraction. Based on the number of people who already visit DMZ-area tourist attractions in the area, planners hope the renovated Camp Greaves will draw as many of 3 million visitors a year when the project is completed in 2018. They hope Koreans and tourists from other countries stop by the base on their way to or from the nearby attraction-rich area in and around the DMZ. [Source: Stars & Stripes]

Camp Griffin

Home to A Battery, 1st Battalion, 77th Artillery, 1st Cavalry Division 1963-1964.

Camp Guyol

Camp Guyol was a Marine Corps tent camp to the rear of Bunker Hill. Camp Guyol was named after Edward Guyol USMC.

Camp Hialeah-Pusan

Camp Henry/Taegu

Camp Holiday

Camp Hovey

Camp Howze

Camp Humphreys

Camp Irwin

Camp Jackson

Camp Kim

Camp Kitty Hawk [see Camp Bonifas]

Camp Kyle

Camp LaGuardia

Camp Liberty Bell

Camp Long

Camp MacKenzie

The camp's location was: The camps location is as follows: DMS coordinates (Degree, Minutes, Seconds), 37 52’43.10N, 126 46’42.00E, DD (Decimal Degrees), 37.87863889, 126.77833333, E side of MSR 1 (main supply route #1), 2.5 miles S of Freedom Bridge, 1.5 miles N of Munsan. Dave Kupczyk, veteran of the 1st Battalion 17th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, Camp MacKenzie, Korea 1971-72, has been researching Camp MacKenzie's history and provided most of the following information for this listing. He told the KWE that the camp was named in the 1960s by the 1st Cavalry Division. It was named after Col. Ranald Slidell MacKenzie, commander of the 4th Cavalry during the Indian wars in Texas. In March 1955 the 24th Division moved to the western line sector and relieved the 1st Marine Division (5th Marine Regiment?). On 15 October 1957 the 24th Infantry Division was re-flagged the 1st Cavalry Division, which named the camps it controlled in the Western Corridor. This would mean that Camp MacKenzie was probably under the command of the 24th Infantry Division from 1955 to 1957 and probably under the command of the 1st Marine Division before that. According to D. Colt Denfeld's book about US military camps in Korea, Camp MacKenzie was formerly known as “F7” or “F-7”. Other than on a 2nd Infantry Post Engineer map, dated 16 August 1965, no information about F7 has been located to date (06/30/18) for posting on this listing. The KWE found the following information about troops stationed at Camp MacKenzie: HQ Co., 2nd B/G, 4th Cav, 1CavDiv, 1961-62; HQ & HQ Co., A&B Co., 2Btn, 7Cav, 2nd Brigade, 1CavDiv, 1963-64; HH&C Troop, 4th, 7th Cav, 1967-69; and 1st Btn, 17th Inf. Div, 1971.

Camp Market

Located south of Seoul.

Camp McNabb (Cheju Island)

Camp Mobile

Camp Nimble

Camp Page

Camp Pelham

This camp was also known as Camp Rice and then the name was changed to Pelham, in honor of Lt. Col. John C. Pelham, a prominent Civil War artilleryman. It later became known as Camp Casey. Camp John C. Pelham was a small base 8 (short) miles south of the DMZ in Western Corridor of South Korea. For the troops serving in Korea now, the term the Western Corridor is something they may have never heard of. The camps in the Western Corridor all closed down around 2004. But to the GI's who served on these small bases, the memories of these camps will never die. The Western Corridor refers to the western sector of military camps in the 2nd Infantry Division area of operations north of Seoul. The Western Corridor camps are located to the west of the main US military hubs in Dongducheon and Uijongbu near the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) that separates North from South Korea. The bases located in the Western Corridor is where the first line of American units. These units of the 2nd D were assigned with the task slowing down any North Korean attack. These units were greatly outnumbered, and were to be nothing more than a speed bump for the North Korean Army. The unit with this responsibility was the 2/17 Artillery Regiment located at Camp Pelham. Camp Pelham was one of the camps north of Seoul authorized Hardship Duty Pay. The Hardship Duty Pay is paid to troops who are permanently assigned to areas where it is authorized or who serve 30 consecutive days of temporary duty in those areas. Several factors are considered in determining whether a location qualified for the pay: climate, physical and social isolation, sanitation, disease, medical facilities, housing, food, recreational and community facilities, political violence, harassment and crime. The extra pay provides meaningful financial recognition to troops assigned in areas where living conditions are Substantially below US standards. Army Community Service was not available. The 2nd Infantry Division's 17 installations operated on a hub system that gave Division soldiers access to services not available on their installations. Camp Pelham was near Camp Howze, which offered many of the services not available on Camp Pelham. No Housing Office, Education Center, or Family Employment Assistance was provided. Family Quarters were not available. Almost all of the Division's soldiers served one-year unaccompanied tours. All soldiers lived in on-post quarters.

Camp Pililaau


Camp Red Cloud

Camp Rice

Located in Tage-pol, South Korea. Originally, Headquarters and "A" Companies. 27th/702nd Maintenance Battalion was located on Camp Rice. This camp went through three name changes over the years. It was first called "Camp Rice" at the time the camp was first established in 1951 during the Korean War. The land where the camp was built was originally an apple orchard. After the camp was built it was used as the headquarters for the United Nations Command (UNC) Military Armistice Conference Delegation. The UNC at the time was conducting armistice negotiations with the North Koreans and Chinese in the Panmunjom area. One building, a movie theater, was the only permanent building on base until the 70's. Two years later after the war began, July 27, 1953, UNC Commander General Mark W. Clark signed the Armistice Agreement ending the war in the Camp Rice theater. At first the theater, which was demolished in the 1970s, was the only building on the base, which consisted of 14 tents, volleyball courts, a baseball diamond and a skeet range. Around this time the camp changed its name to Camp Pelham in honor of prominent Civil War artilleryman Lt. Col. John C. Pelham. Later the name Garry Owen would become the third and final name for the camp until it was one of the bases closed in 2004 and turned over to the ROK.

Camp Santa Barbara

Camp Sears

Camp Stanley

Camp Stanton

Camp Walker

Charlie Block

Located in the Munsan, Paju-ri area, Charlie Block is near Yongjugol. Charlie Block was on a 7-acre site and had eight buildings. The compound was used as a radar monitoring site and occupied by A Company, 508th Army Security Group. In 2007 Charlie Block closed and returned to the R.O.K.

Chinhae Navy Base

Fleet Activities at Chinhae is one of the few military basses located in Korea and fully operated by the United States Navy. This base is close to Busan. This camp is often called "The land of the Rising Sun".


This was the former Freedom Village in the Munsan, Paju-ri area.


This was a Post Supply Yard in the Munsan, Paju-ri area.

Dilemma Range

DMZ Police Compound


This camp was in the Dragonhead area.


Stationed at FASCOM was Headquarters and the 199th and Eight Army Headquarters & Headquarters Company (Support Command), Seoul, Korea 1968-1969.

Fire Base 4 (Papa 1)

Four Papa One just outside the DMZ was an Artillery Fire Base. At Four Papa One was the 38th Infantry Regiment to provide fie support for the 1st Battalion, 38th Infantry. In 1978 there were five support batteries in the Battalion. Three were Firing Batteries (105 Howitzers).

Fort Beavers

Fort Beavers was home to the 1st Battalion, 73rd Armor, 7th Infantry Division in 1967.

Fort Chandler

This was a DMZ camp on the Western Corridor.

Hannam Village

H220 Heliport

K-16 Air Base

Kunsan Pol Terminal Site

Madison Site

Masan Ammunition Depot

Pier #8

Seobingo Compound

Tango (U.S. Army)

USAG Daegu

USAG Daegu is home to Camps Henry, Walker, George and Carroll (Waegwan). The city of Daegu, which is located in the Gyeongbuk Province, is the third largest city in Korea and is located approximately 200 miles south of Seoul. Camp Carroll is located in the city of Waegwan. The surrounding area is comprised mainly of service businesses (e.g., dry cleaners, barber shops), and caters to American Soldiers. Camp Henry, headquarters of US Army Garrison Daegu, consists primarily of administrative buildings and community support activities. Camp George, home to Daegu American School, Mountain View Village apartments, the Child Development Center and the Cross-Cultural Training and Counseling Center, but is home to no military units. Camp Walker contains the major life support activities for the U.S. Army enclave in Daegu and housing for about 100 military and civilian families.

USAG Yongsan

Yongsan Army Garrison is undergoing Transformation to Camp Humphrey. To obtain information on the transformation please utilize the Yongsan Garrison Facebook page to obtain information. U.S. Army Garrison - Yongsan (USAG-Y), Korea is located in the heart of Seoul, Korea. The installation dates back to the Japanese occupation of Korea, and still has some of the original buildings in use. In direct contrast, Yongsan has some of the most modern facilities in all the Armed Forces. For example, the Dragon Hill Lodge is an elegant complex of shops, restaurants, and lodging.

Yong Pyong