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Black Montford Point Marines in the Korean War

Montford Point Trainees
Montford Point Trainees

Montford Point was a segregated training camp in Jacksonville, North Carolina, for Black-American men who enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. Construction of Montford began in April of 1942 and the camp opened in August of 1942 and was decommissioned in 1949 after President Truman desegregated the military. From 1942 to 1949 some 20,000 Black-Americans became Marines at Montford.

The following is an incomplete list of Montford Marines who served during the Korean War. To add information about others who trained at Montford and went on to serve their country during the Korean War, contact us.

  • Ash, Fred - Born in Delisle, Mississippi, Ash joined the Marine Corps in 1945 and trained at Montford. He served with occupation forces in Saipan and Guam during World War II. He landed at Inchon and fought to Seoul with the 5th Marines. He returned to G-3-7 and fought in the Chosin Reservoir. During the war in Vietnam he was stationed on Okinawa and then at Chu Li, Vietnam. He retired from the Marine Corps in 1966 as Master Sergeant and lived in Jacksonville, North Carolina until he died in March of 2005.
  • Banker, Al - Banker was born in Louisiana and joined the Marine Corps, training at Montford. During World War II he served with the occupation forces in Saipan. After the war ended he attended school at Ft. Benning, Georgia, for Mess Management School. He was placed in charge of the Recruit Mess Hall at Camp LeJeune. He served in Japan and Guantanomo Bay. He retired after 24 years in the Marine Corps and lived in Bolivia, North Carolina. After retirement he worked at Grumman Aerospace Corp, Long Island, in security.
  • Batts, Adner - He joined the Marine Corps in 1948 and trained at Montford Point. He had a tour of duty in Korea in 1953 and then served in Vietnam. He retired from the Marine Corps in 1963.
  • Blount, Turner G. - A native of Keysville, Georgia, Blount was drafted into the Marine Corps in 1943 and trained at Montford Point. He participated in World War II in the Saipan Invasion June 15, 1944, then Tinian and Okinawa. After discharge he joined the United States Marine Corps Reserve. He was called back to active duty during the Korean War, serving in a motor transport unit carrying supplies to Marines in the field and attending various schools. In the Vietnam War he provided security for a helicopter squadron at Marine Air Base Squadron 16 at Marble Mount Air Facility in Vietnam. After discharge from the Marine Corps he served 14 years as a councilman for the city of Jacksonville.
  • Borden, Melvin - Gunny Sergeant Borden was originally from Alabama. He joined the Marine Corps in 1948 and trained as a cook and steward. He worked in officers' clubs overseas, including Japan, Okinawa, Korea, and other duty stations. He was a supply instructor at Camp Lejeune until his retirement in 1968. After that he held a civil service position at Camp Lejeune for 23 years. He chose Jacksonville, North Carolina as his retirement home.
  • Branch, Frederick C. - Born on May 31, 1922 in Hamlet, North Carolina, Branch was drafted (Army) in May of 1943. He was chosen for the Marines and trained at Montford, receiving a commission as 2nd Lieutenant on November 10, 1945. After World War II he joined the United States Marine Corps Reserves. He was reactivated to active duty during the Korean War and served at Camp Pendleton, California, in command of an antiaircraft training platoon. He was discharged from active duty in 1952 and then returned to the USMCR, where he retired in 1955 as a captain. From 1947 to 1988 he taught at Dubbins High School in Philadelphia. He died April 10, 2005, and is buried at Quantico National Cemetery.
  • Britton, Theodore Roosevelt Jr. - Born October 17, 1925, in North Augusta, South Carolina, Britton was drafted into the United States Marines after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. He trained at Montford Point. After his discharge in 1946 he enrolled in New York University under the G.I. Bill. He was recalled to active duty in the USMC during the Korean War, serving 1950-51. He resumed his studies at NYU after discharge and graduated with a B.A. degree in 1952. From 1952 to 1971 he was a financial advisor. In 1971 he was named Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development in the Richard Nixon Administration. President Ford named him as US Ambassador to Barbados and Grenada 1974 to 1977. President Reagan named him chairman of the US China-Soviet Union Agreement on Housing and Planning. He retired from U.S. Foreign Service in 1987, after which he became a long-time peace ambassador.
  • Brooks, Gilmon D. - Born June 24, 1925 in Madison, Wisconsin, he joined the Marine Corps in October of 1943 and trained at Montford Point. He delivered ammunition supplies to Iwo Jima four days after the Marines' first wave. He was struck by shrapnel and evacuated to a hospital ship in Hawaii. He earned a Purple Heart and Bronze Star. He served six years in the Marine Corps before joined the Army in 1949. He served in Europe and in combat in Korea, returning home in 1953. He received five Army commendation medals during his Army career. He later became a civil service employee at the naval weapons station at Earle. In 1974 he became civil personnel manager with the United States Army CECOM at Ft. Monmouth. He died on June 19, 2017.
  • Brown, Calvin 1st Sergeant Brown was from Lake Charles, Louisiana. During World War II he joined the Coast Guard in 1945 and became a mess attendant on the Coast Guard cutter Spruce, a buoy tender. He joined the Marine Corps in 1946 and trained at Montford Point. He first served with a laundry unit at Seoul and Hungnam, but was transferred to Graves Registration. He left Korea in July of 1951 and after his discharge worked 33 years for Bethlehem Steel Company. He retired to New Bern, North Carolina.
  • Burns, Winton J. Sr. - A graduate of Xavier University Preparatory School, Burns joined the Marine Corps and trained at Montford Point. He served in the USMC during World War II and Korea. After his military service he was a Health and Physical Education teacher in the Orleans Parish School System for 30 years. At Carter G. Woodson Middle School and Booker T. Washington High School, he was head coach of track and field and football teams. After retiring from teaching he served as a Court Crier in the Juvenile Court in Parish of Orleans for 25 years.
  • Cody, Johnny - This retired Staff Sergeant trained at Montford Point and then spent twenty years in the Marine Corps. He served in Korea and Vietnam.
  • Cook, Thomas E. - Originally from Kentucky, Cook joined the Marine Corps in 1948 and trained at Montford Point. He was sent to Korea in 1950 and participated in the Chosin Reservoir campaign. He was stranded in North Korea for 13 days, and as a result his right foot froze and he lost part of it. He was medically discharged from the USMC in 1951 due to his injury.
  • Corley, Averet Wallace - Corporal Corley joined the Army Air Corps underage. When officials found out that he was only 16 years old, he received an honorable discharge. On July 21, 1945 he joined the Marine Corps and trained at Montford Point. After training he guarded warehouses in Norfolk, Virginia. He reenlisted on March 6, 1946 for two years and was sent to Saipan with a heavy anti-aircraft visual unit. Due to discrimination he left the Marine Corps at the end of his enlistment, but recalled to duty during the Korean War because he was serving in the Reserves. He did not go overseas during the Korean War, but rather served with the 2nd Combat Service H&S Company at Hadnot Point, North Carolina until May 1951. He received a college education in Indiana and became a successful educator in that state.
  • Cotman, Orvia - Originally from Carrington, Pennsylvania, he was drafted into the Marine Corps in 1944. After training he was a typist for 18 months with a white Marine unit in Hawaii. During the Korean War he served in a Headquarters Battalion as a projector repairman. He was later in supply with the 1st Land Battalion at DaNang, Vietnam. He retired from the USMC on December 31, 1970 and then worked 20 years at a hospital in Jacksonville, North Carolina.
  • Culmer, Dave - He enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1949 and was a member of the last platoon to attend basics at Montford Point. He served in the USMC for 23 years, with various assignments at Cherry Point, Okinawa, Vietnam and Thailand, until he retired in 1972. After retiring from the Corps he worked in the Department of Veteran Affairs for 22 years in various capacities.
  • Cunningham, Ellis - Born near Florence, South Carolina, Cunningham joined the Marine Corps in 1944 and participated in the battle for Iwo Jima. He witnessed the flag raising there. Later he served in Korea and participated in the Tet Offense in Vietnam. He retired from the Marine Corps in 1970 and then worked with the South Carolina Electric and Gas Company on the Charles (South Carolina) bus system until he retired from that job in 1991. His retirement home was in Charleston.
  • Edwards, Hulon - Sergeant Edwards was originally from Mendenhall, Mississippi. He was drafted in the Army in 1942 and served with the 367th Infantry in North Africa, Italy, France and Germany. After being discharged from the Army in 1946 he joined the Marine Corps and trained at Montford Point. During his 20 years in the Corps he served in Korea in a light machine gun section and in Vietnam beginning in 1968. He retired and moved to Jacksonville, North Carolina.
  • Felder, Lorenzo - Felder served with the 51st Defense Battalion in the South Pacific during World War II. He was discharged after the war and attended Morgan State College. He then began studying in law school, during which he was recalled to active duty during the Korean War. He served in Germany and returned to the Baltimore, Maryland area, where he lived until he died in 2006.
  • Frazier, Allen Newton - Frazier joined the merchant marine and served on the SS Oremar, SS Jonathan Elmer and MS John Ericsson during and immediately after World War II. He joined the Marines in August of 1946 and trained at Montford Point. He left the service before his two-year enlistment was over, receiving an honorable discharge. He went back to high school in the fall of 1947 and married in 1948. He re-enlisted in the Marine Corps on July 2, 1952 and had assignments at Quantico, Barstow Supply Center in California, Hawaii, Okinawa, and 13 months in Vietnam. He retired from the Marine Corps on April 30, 1973 as a Master Gunnery Sergeant. Allen Frazier died May 15, 2013.
  • Greason, William Henry - See Black-American Firsts section to learn about this famous Montford Point Marine and Korean War veteran.
  • Griffin, Ivor - A Montford Point Marine, Griffin served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam.
  • Hicks, Edward Q. - Hicks grew up in Philadelphia, joined the Marine Corps, and trained at Montford Point. He saw action in Korea and Vietnam, receiving a Bronze Star and Navy Commendation medal. He retired as a captain.
  • Hill, John Robert Jr. - Born June 23, 1930, John enlisted in the Marine Corps March 16, 1948 and trained at Montford Point. He saw combat in Korea at Inchon and in the Wonsan-Hungham and Chosin campaign. He was honorably discharged on July 31, 1970. He had a successful civilian career at Citizen and Trust Bank. He died December 19, 2012.
  • Hooper, F.M. Jr. - Hooper joined the Marine Corps in 1948, was trained at Montford, and served until 1950. During the Korean War he was sent to the Far East for security forces. He was an MP in Japan, then served on Okinawa and 13 months 1967-68 in Vietnam. After the wars he served in the supply field until he retired from the USMC in 1971 as a Gunnery Sergeant.
  • Edgar R. Huff
    Edgar R. Huff
    Huff, Edgar R. - Huff joined the Marine Corps in June of 1942 and trained at Montford Point. He later had responsibility for all DI's at Montford Point. He served overseas for six months in 1945 as 1st Sergeant of the 5th Depot Company. He was on Saipan, saw combat on Okinawa, and was part of the occupation forces in North China. After leaving the military following the war, Huff re-enlisted in the Marine Corps and served in Korea. He also had two tours of duty in the Vietnam War. He retired from the USMC in 1972 and died in May of 1994.
  • Inge, J.T. - Retired Gunnery Sergeant Inge trained at Montford Point and served in the Korean War and Vietnam War.
  • Jackson, Joe Earl - This retired 1st Sergeant trained at Montford Point and served his country in World War II and the Korean War.
  • McDowell, William - He joined the Marine Corps at age 17 and trained at Montford Point. He served on Okinawa for three weeks prior to the end of World War II. In 1948 he was one of a few Marines that were handpicked to integrate Camp Pendleton. Soon after he was returned to an all-black unit. He saw combat in Inchon, Seoul, and the Chosin Reservoir during the Korean War. He received a Bronze Star for bravery during the Vietnam War. He retired in 1968.
  • Miller, Willie - Born August 24, 1924, Master Sergeant Miller was a native of Atlanta, Georgia. He joined the Marine Corps on April 16, 1943 and was trained at Montford Point. He served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam, receiving a discharge on May 31, 1968. He died April 13, 2020.
  • Moore, Robert Lee - Born in 1929, in Queens, New York, Robert enlisted in the Marine Corps and trained at Montford in 1946. After graduation he was assigned to food service operations at Camp LeJeune and then Camp Pendleton. In 1951 Moore was shipped to Korea where he remained 16 months running a field kitchen near the front lines. He was transferred to Sasebo, Japan and then returned to Southern California where he trained Marines in food service. He spent three years in the 1960s running a mess hall on the USS Princeton. He completed a tour of duty in the Vietnam War. He retired as a gunny sergeant in 1972. After that he received a degree at Palomar College and then returned to Pendleton for 20 years as a dietetic technician at the base hospital. He and his wife Willie Mae Miles Moore were parents of eleven children, 19 grandchildren, 47 great-grandchildren, and 10 great-great grandchildren. Willie Mae died in 2004 and Robert died on February 25, 2021 of complications from Covid.
  • Person, Barnett- A native of Montgomery, Alabama, he joined the Marine Corps and arrived at Montford Point on July 23, 1946. He graduated in the 1946 class. He served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam. In July of 1967 he saved the life of 1Sgt. Jack McDowell. Person received a Silver Star for bravery in the Vietnam War, as well as two Purple Hearts. He retired as 1st Sergeant in 1974.
  • Reavis, Carrel - This retired gunnery sergeant trained at Montford Point after being drafted in 1943. He served his country for 21 years in World War II, Korea, and thereafter.
  • Rhodes, Harry (Hari) - See the Veterans of Note section of this page for his biography.
  • Robinson, Archie - Robinson dropped out of college to join the Marine Corps on October 9, 1946. He arrived for training at Montford Point four years after the base opened. During his 30-year career in the USMC, he served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam. In Korea he was seriously wounded on his birthday while staging a raid on a hill.
  • Roundtree, Louis - See the Silver Star section of this page for his biography.
  • Scott, William C. - This Florida resident trained with the Marines at Montford Point. He served his country in World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. While cycling, Scott was hit by a car on February 10, 2014 and died at the age of 87.
  • Spencer, John - John ran away from home in 1943 and joined the Marine Corps at age 15. He fought in two wars--first in the Mariana Islands during World War II and then in the Korean War. He retired as a Staff Sergeant in the Marine Corps after 20 years of service.
  • Walker, Richard H. - Born September 5, 1928 in Macon, Georgia, Walker joined the Marine Corps and trained at Montford Point beginning July 22, 1946. After completing his training he was assigned as an Ammunition Technician. During World War II he served with the 7th and 8th Ammunition Companies on occupied Guam. He was a Chosin Few Marine during the Korean War. He served in the Vietnam War and with the 5th Marines during the Cuban blockade. After 24 years of service in the USMC he retired July 30, 1970 as a Gunnery Sergeant. He then worked 21 years for the Norfolk and Southern Railroad. He died June 30, 2019 in California.
  • Wilcots, Henry - Joined the Marines in 1946 and trained at Montford Point. He served in the Marines from 1946 to 1952.