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Distinguished Service Cross Recipients: Y

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Yoda, Henry H.

Sergeant First Class Henry H. Yoda...a squad leader with an infantry company (A Company, 15th Infantry Regiment, 3ID), distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action against the enemy in the vicinity of Chorwon, Korea.  On 29 September 1951, Sergeant Yoda's company was engaged in an attack against a hostile force occupying heavily fortified bunkers on a strategic slope.  The friendly troops managed to destroy four of the enemy positions but the fifth, a strong bunker which was the key to the entire enemy defense system, poured such a devastating volume of fire into the ranks of the advancing friendly troops that they were pinned down.  Repeated assaults by special demolition and flame thrower teams failed to dislodge the hostile troops.  Realizing that the attack would fail unless immediate and aggressive action was taken, Sergeant Yoda led his squad through the pinned-down lead elements and attacked the bunker frontally.  A shower of enemy grenades halted the squad but Sergeant Yoda, taking the initiative, fired two rocket grenades which scored direct hits.  Under cover of the confusion created by the explosions, he advanced on the bunker and began hurling grenades.  In desperation, the enemy troops threw numerous grenades at the exposed position of Sergeant Yoda but he fearlessly dodged some and kicked others aside.  Leaping into a trench which connected with the enemy bunker, Sergeant Yoda entered the emplacement, alternately firing his rifle and hurling grenades.  He then signaled his squad to advance and take the bunker.  In the vicious fire-fight which ensued, Sergeant Yoda was seriously wounded but his courageous actions enabled the friendly troops to renew their assault and to secure their objective...

Young, Kermit

Headquarters, Eighth U.S. Army
General Orders No. 89 - October 01, 1950

The President of the United States of America, under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Service Cross to First Lieutenant (Infantry) Kermit Young (ASN: 0-1324969), United States Army, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy of the United Nations while serving with Company B, 1st Battalion, 5th Regimental Combat Team. First Lieutenant Young distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action against enemy aggressor forces near Sobuk San, Korea on 22 August 1950. On this date Lieutenant Young was given the mission of taking a hill in the Sobuk San area. He moved his company out coolly and efficiently up the hill routing the enemy and securing the objective. During the ensuring seventy-two hours he and his company received considerable small arms and mortar fire. He continually exposed himself, going from foxhole to foxhole encouraging his men and directing their fire. Although painfully wounded he refused to be evacuated, and remained in command of his unit until his position was completely secured. The gallantry displayed by Lieutenant Young on this occasion reflects great credit on himself and the military services.