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Post-Armisitice Army Commendation Medal Foreign Recipients & Citations


This is an incomplete list of non-American recipients of the Army Commendation Medal, awarded for exceptional service in (or related to) Korea after the Korean War. To contribute missing information, contact us.

Alphabetical List

Cho, Ku Ho

Headquarters, Department of the Army
General Orders No. 13 - 6 March 1969

Second Lieutenant Ku Ho Cho, Republic of Korea Army, who distinguished himself by heroic action against an armed enemy on 22 June 1968 while serving with 11th Company, 71st Regiment, 25th Division, Republic of Korea Army. On this date, Lieutenant Cho immediately deployed 10 members of his unit to deprive three insurgents from withdrawing from a fire fight and fleeing north. Locating two of the three infiltrators, Lieutenant Cho pressed an envelopment of the insurgents. With complete disregard for his own personal safety, he gave effective small arms fire six meters from his position upon the enemy soldiers, mortally wounding one of them. Lieutenant Cho's heroic actions were in keeping with the highest traditions of the free world's military service and reflect great credit upon him, the 25th Division, the Republic of Korea Army and the United Nations Command.

Kim, Sung Ki

Headquarters, Department of the Army
General Orders No. 13 - 6 March 1969

Corporal Sung Ki Kim, Republic of Korea Army, who distinguished himself for heroism by his demonstrated valor in the face of the enemy on the night of 29 June 1968. On this date, Corporal Kim was a member of a five-man ambush patrol operating within the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) as a part of the anti-infiltration barrier system in the 2d Infantry Division Sector. At approximately 2100 hours on 29 June 1968, a three-man North Korean infiltration team was sighted moving towards the ambush patrol of which Corporal Kim was a member. The entire patrol calmly waited until the intruders were well within the ambush position and then opened fire, killing one infiltrator and forcing the rest to flee north. Corporal Kim's behavior throughout the entire action was outstanding. His performance was characterized by superior self control, unflinching discipline, and remarkable courage. He fully demonstrated his outstanding professional ability and complete devotion to duty. His rapid response to the commands of his patrol leader, the effective and accurate fire that he placed on the advancing infiltrators, and his disregard for personal safety significantly contributed to the success of his unit. Corporal Kim clearly demonstrated his will to defend his country and his dedication to the cause of freedom. His performance of duty is in keeping with the highest traditions of those who stand ready to defend the Free World. Corporal Kim's actions reflected great credit upon himself, the 2d Infantry Division, the United States Army and the Army of the Republic of Korea.