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Post-Armisitice Bronze Star Medal Foreign Recipients & Citations


This is an incomplete list of non-American recipients of the Bronze Star medal, awarded for exceptional service in (or related to) Korea after the Korean War. To contribute missing information, contact us.

Alphabetical List

Cho, San Pyo (Bronze Star with V)

Headquarters, Department of the Army
General Orders No. 58 - 24 September 1969

Staff Sergeant Sang Pyo Cho, Republic of Korea Army, distinguished himself by heroic action against an armed enemy on 22 June 1968 while serving with 1st Company, 71st Regiment, 25th Division, in the village of Pogwang-dong, Korea. On this date, Sergeant Cho deployed members of his patrol to block the infiltrators' withdrawal route. Seeing two members of his patrol mortally wounded by enemy fire, Sergeant Cho crawled with 7 meters of the enemy position under intense small arms fire. With complete disregard for his own personal safety he threw 4 hand grenades into their position killing 2 of the 5 hidden insurgents, thus disrupting the enemy's fire. Sergeant Cho's heroic actions were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon him, the 25th Division, Republic of Korea Army and the United Nations Command.

Sohng, Chung-Kil (Bronze Star with V)

Headquarters, Department of the Army
General Orders No. 13 - 6 March 1969

Second Lieutenant Chung-Kil Sohng, Infantry, Army of the Republic of Korea, who distinguished himself by displaying exemplary professionalism and resourcefulness while engaged in hostile action with an enemy force. On 25 June 1968, while serving as a weapons platoon leader, l7th Company, 37th Regiment, 12th Republic of Korea Army Division, Lieutenant Sohng and his men were dispatched to investigate the report of North Korean agents in the vicinity of Kosong-Kun, Kangwon-Province. The patrol immediately took action to cut off any possible infiltration route. The patrol then conducted ambush duty for the remainder of the night. The following morning Lieutenant Sohng, while reconnoitering in the vicinity of Kosong-Kun, Kangwon-Province, contacted one enemy agent. A firefight ensued and the agent was killed at a distance of 15 meters. A second agent was sighted to their flank and killed at a distance of 20 meters. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Sohng requested and received reinforcements from his parent unit. Upon arrival of reinforcements, Lieutenant Sohng surrounded and combed the area suspected of harboring more enemy agents. As a consequence two more enemy agents were uncovered and killed. Lieutenant Sohng's leadership ability and tactical know how were instrumental in routing and killing 4 enemy agents without a single friendly casualty. Lieutenant Sohng's actions were in keeping with highest standards of the free world forces and reflect great credit upon himself, the 12th Division, the Army of the Republic of Korea and the United Nations Command.

Um, E. Yung (Bronze Star with V)

Headquarters, Department of the Army
General Orders No. 13 - 6 March 1969

Staff Sergeant e. Yung Um, Army of the Republic of Korea, who distinguished himself by heroic action against an armed enemy on 22 June 1968 while serving with Reconnaissance Company, 72d Regiment, 25th Division, Republic of Korea Army. On this date, Sergeant Um was in charge of a search party patrolling the Korean Demilitarized Zone when the patrol encountered three infiltrators. Immediately one infiltrator was killed. Sergeant Um climbed an observation tower and located the remaining intruders trying to exfiltrate to the north. Sergeant Um with small arms fire from the observation tower pinned down the intruders. Sergeant Um then crawled within 20 meters of the enemy. With complete disregard for his own personal safety, he placed effective small arms fire upon the enemy soldiers, mortally wounding them. Sergeant Um's heroic actions were in keeping with the highest traditions of the free world's military service and reflect great credit upon him, the 25th Division, the Republic of Korea Army, and the United Nations Command.