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Post-Armisitice Soldier's Medal Recipients & Citations: V

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Vidman, Fred

Headquarters, Department of the Army
General Orders No. 39 - 31 July 1957

Private First Class Fred Vidman, Ordnance Corps, United States Army, distinguished himself by heroism on 2 August 1956 at Pusan, Korea.  When PFC Vidman received word that a group of people were in distress on a point of land at Heunde Beach, Pusan, Korea, he promptly proceeded to the scene with his commanding officer and other personnel from his unit.  He found that a huge wave in the wake of a typhoon had washed several persons into the sea and they were being drowned by the raging surf.  PFC Vidman, with the help of several enlisted men, attempted to throw a rope to one of the drowning victims.  This required him to climb down a jutting cliff where high waves were breaking ferociously against the rocks, placing him in great danger of being swept into the sea.  Risking his life, he exhibited every possible effort to complete the rescue.  PFC Vidman's heroic actions in the emergency reflect the highest credit on himself and the United States Army.