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US Bronze Star Recipients & Citations: I

Browse: Intro | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Iaderosa, LT Alfonso J.

Iannacone, MAJ Anthony J. (3ID) (meritorious)

Headquarters, 3rd Infantry Division
General Orders No. 490 - 25 October 1951

Major Anthony J. Iannacone, 01725518, Dental Corps, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3rd Medical Battalion, 3rd Infantry Division, United States Army, 6 March to 7 October 1951, in Korea. Entered the military service from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Iezzoni, PFC Mario (24ID)

By direction of the President, Private First Class Mario Iezzoni (the Private), RA13353191, (then Private), Infantry, U.S. Army, a member of Company G, 19th Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division, is awarded the Bronze Star with V device for heroic achievement near Chipo-ri, Korea, on 11 April 1951. His company was attacked by numerically superior enemy hordes and was forced to withdraw. Private Iezzoni volunteered to remain behind with several others to help evacuate the wounded. The small group worked furiously, in the face of the rapidly advancing enemy mass, to assemble the wounded, place them on litters and carry them out under a murderous hail of enemy fire. Having gone only a short distance, Private Iezzoni discovered another wounded man. Although he knew he would have to carry him by himself and that he would be dangerously slowed down, he unhesitatingly picked up the soldier and proceeded to carry him down the hill. He was so delayed that the rest of the group was soon out of sight. Several times the enemy approached close enough to place him under heavy automatic weapons and sniper fire but, with complete disregard for his personal safety, he relentlessly continued on. The task became so laborious that he was forced to rest frequently although the enemy was nearly upon him. For three hours, he plodded on with his human burden over extremely rough and treacherous terrain, always keeping just ahead of his pursuers. His strength nearly lost, only his determined will kept him going. He finally reached friendly lines and, turning over the wounded man to medical aidmen, collapsed from exhaustion. Private Iezzoni's heroic action, selfless devotion to a wounded comrade and unswerving determination reflect the greatest credit on himself and the United States Infantry. Entered military service from Langsford, Pennsylvania. (24th Div GO 707, 1 Nov 1951)

Iglesias, MSGT Victor Manuel (65th Inf., 3rd ID)

Ingold, CPL Lewis L.

Ingram, PFC David W. (7ID, HQ Co., 3d Bn, 17th Rgt.)

Ingvoldstad, Chaplain O. (USN)

Innocenti, Thomas (3rd ID)

For heroism while assigned to Company F, 7th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division, from 14-15 June 1953. Company F occupied defensive positions on the Main Line of Resistance in the vicinity of Kumhwa, Korea, in an area known as the Boomerang adjacent to hill mass 1062. Company F came under intensive enemy artillery fire, followed by waves of enemy assault troops in battalion strength, using darkness for concealment. Private First Class Innocenti, disregarding personal safety, rushed to help wounded members of his squad to include his seriously wounded platoon leader. Sensing enemy forces gaining a tactical advantage, Private First Class Innocenti, armed with a rifle, despite poor visibility and subjected to near constant enemy fire, placed accurate rifle fire, coupled with hand grenades, on the enemy attackers. Private First Class Innocenti held his position for approximately seven hours, periodically continuing his steady, effective marksmanship, causing untold casualties upon the enemy. Prior to the above night battle, he also distinguished himself as a sniper. Private First Class Innocenti's valorous devotion to duty contributed immeasurably to the successful defense of his unit position and reflects credit upon himself and the United States Army.

Irelan, SFC Alfred (24ID)

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 72 - 30 September 1954

Sergeant First Class Alfred Irelan (then sergeant), Infantry, United States Army, a member of Company C, 19th Infantry Regiment, 24th Division, distinguished himself by heroic conduct in action against the enemy near Onsan, Korea, on 4 November 1950. Sergeant Irelan displayed outstanding leadership while in charge of a patrol assigned a difficult and hazardous mission to contact the enemy and secure vital information urgently required in order that adequate defense measures could be taken preparatory to an expected and imminent attack. Subsequent to the fierce and determined hostile action Sergeant Irelan's unit was assigned the mission of covering the forced withdrawal of his battalion. Despite the heavy enemy fire and a wound received during this action, Sergeant Irelan skillfully deployed his men and laid down an effective covering fire, successfully delaying the enemy and inflicting heavy casualties on the attackers. After friendly elements had accomplished the withdrawal, he successfully led his squad back to the main line of resistance. Sergeant Irelan's outstanding leadership and courageous actions reflect credit on himself and the military service. Home of Record: Chelam, Washington.

Ireland, SGT Albert Luke (USMCR) (1st award)

The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Bronze Star Medal with Combat "V" to Sergeant Albert Luke Ireland (MCSN: 364663), United States Marine Corps Reserve, for meritorious service in connection with operations against the enemy while serving with a Marine Infantry Company in Korea from 3 October 1951 to 9 March 1952. Sergeant Ireland was serving as company rocket section leader while the unit was engaged in defending several sectors of the main line of resistance. On several occasions he refused to avail himself of rotation privileges, and insisted upon remaining with his organization. He continually volunteered for patrols into enemy territory, twice suffering wounds while exposing himself to enemy artillery, mortar and small arms fire in leading his rocket teams against enemy bunkers. His disregard for personal safety and outstanding devotion to duty were an inspiration to all who observed him. Sergeant Ireland's heroic actions were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. (Sergeant Ireland is authorized to wear the Combat "V".)

Ireland, SGT Albert Luke (USMCR) (2nd award)

The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting a Gold Star in lieu of a Second Award of the Bronze Star Medal with Combat "V" to Sergeant [then Corporal] Albert Luke Ireland (MCSN: 364663), United States Marine Corps, for heroic achievement in connection with operations against the enemy while serving with a Marine Infantry Company in Korea on 26 September 1951. Serving as a fire team leader Sergeant Ireland displayed exceptional courage, initiative and professional skill in the performance of his duties. He voluntarily led his fire team and two wiremen on a patrol at night to find a break in a communication line. Advancing slowly through the darkness, the break was found on a desolated spot approximately 100 yards from the nearest friendly position. Upon arrival at the spot, several of the enemy attempted to ambush the group. Expressing complete disregard for his personal safety, he ordered his men to the safety of the reverse slope and he fearlessly crawled toward the hostile troops. With grenades and rifle fire, he single-handedly killed several of the enemy and forced the remainder to withdraw. He then remained in his position and covered the wiremen while they repaired the broken communication line. Sergeant Ireland's resourcefulness and indomitable spirit served as an inspiration to all who observed him and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

Irving, PFC Harold L. (65th Inf., 3rd ID)

Ishem, PFC Harry (24th Inf. Rgt., 25ID) (GO87, 27Aug50)

Ishimoto, Albert A. (5th RCT)

Ishmael, WO jg John R. (65th Inf., 3rd ID)

Ivars, MAJ Edward J. (65th Inf., 3rd ID)

Ives, SGT Robert W. (65th Inf., 3rd ID)

Izquerdo, SGT Nelson (65th Inf., 3rd ID)