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US Bronze Star Recipients & Citations: Q

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Quarles, SFC Theron H. (25ID, 25th Recon. Co.) (1st Oak Leaf Cluster)

Quattrociocchi, SFC Peter P.

Queen, William (PFC, HQ, 2d BN)

Queja, CPL Edward A. (25ID, Co. K, 5th Rgt.) (Missing in Action)

Quider, PFC Henry (25ID)

Headquarters, 25th Infantry Division
General Orders No. 197 - 26 September 1950

Private First Class Henry Quider, RA12300396, Infantry, Company B, 24th Infantry, United States Army. On 22 July 1950 hostile forces attacked the company position from three sides in the vicinity of Sanju, Korea, subjecting the area to a deadly barrage of mortar and machine gun fire. In the ensuing action, Private First Class Quider although wounded himself, assisted in evacuating several wounded. Only after all other wounded had been removed to safety, did he consent to evacuation. Private First Class Quider's unselfish regard for his comrades and unfailing devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service. Entered the military service from New York.

Quiles, PVT Jaime Lafontaine (65th Inf., 3rd ID) (2 awards)

Quiles, 1LT Leonardo (65th Inf., 3rd ID)

Quintana, SGT Angelo (65th Inf., 3rd ID)

Quinn, Robert D. (USN) (submarine commander)

Quinones, MSGT Heman (65th Inf., 3rd ID)

Quinones, SGT Romulo (65th Inf., 3rd ID)

Quinones-Mendez, SGT Osvaldo (65th Inf., 3rd ID)

Quirk, Chaplain John M.

Partial citation: "Despite his serious injuries, he attempted to crawl back to the burning truck in order to render aid to the injured laborers. His bravery and complete disregard for his personal safety were an inspiration to all who observed him."

In the book, The History of the Chaplain Corps US Navy, Vol. 6, page 79, During the Korean War, the following was written by Chaplain Kelly regarding why Chaplain Quirk received the Bronze Star:

Chaplain John M. Quirk, Catholic Chaplain with the 5th Marines, was wounded yesterday. His condition is not too serious, but he will not be available for duty in less than 2 months. He was a victim of a land mine. He received fragmentation wounds in the legs and right arm, a large wound in his left arm, and a contusion which caused quite a bit of swelling on the right side of his face. However, his eye was not injured and they don't think any facial nerves were affected. He also suffered shock. I tried to get to him, but they flew him by 'copter to a rear medical company.