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UDT Recipients of Awards

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Archer, CDR Stephen Morris

General Orders: Commander 7th Fleet
Serial 1204 - December 13, 1950

The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Commander Stephen Morris Archer (NSN: 0-71396), United States Navy, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action as Commander Underwater Reconnaissance Element in support of naval forces conducting operations in heavily mined waters during the period 10 to 22 October 1950. When the U.S.S. Pledge and U.S.S. Pirate were mined on 12 October, he conducted rescue operations for surviving personnel with disregard for his own safety in the face of enemy gunfire from shore batteries. The leadership, force, and judgment displayed by Commander Archer in directing visual and sonar searches for mines throughout this period and in supervising underwater demolition operations in the vicinity of Koto and Rei-To Islands contributed directly to the successful clearance of mine channels and anchorage areas off Wonsan, Korea. His outstanding courage and steadfast devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

Atcheson, George

The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star (Army Award) to Lieutenant, Junior Grade George Atcheson (NSN: 0-476757), United States Navy, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity as a member of Headquarters Joint Advisory Commission Korea, in action against the enemy in Korea. Late on the night of 25 January 1952, Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Atcheson led a raiding party consisting of forty-five Koreans in an amphibious action designed to destroy a railway bridge located on a vital enemy transportation link extending down the east coast of northern Korea. After landing on the hostile beach and personally placing the explosive charges on the bridge, Lieutenant, Junior Grade Atcheson observed an enemy patrol entering the area. So skilled was his direction of the friendly fire that fourteen of the fifteen hostile soldiers were killed and one captured. Then, with calm efficiency, Lieutenant, Junior Grade Atcheson supervised the setting of the detonators and led his men back to the beach where they were transported back to the ship from which they had come. A short time later, the charges exploded with great force and, when morning came, a derailed locomotive was observed at the site of the destroyed bridge and was subsequently rendered useless by naval gunfire. The gallantry and singular skill displayed by Lieutenant, Junior Grade Atcheson in carrying out this vital and extremely hazardous mission reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. Headquarters, VIII U.S. Army, Korea (EUSAK), General Orders No. 358 (July 8, 1952). Entered Service From California.

Bass, BM3 Albert F. Jr.

Bronze Star medal while serving with UDT1.

Carrico, Seaman Philip E. (USN)

Bronze Star medal "for heroic action against the enemy during minesweeping operations at Wonsan, Korea." Seaman Carrico was credited with diving into the water under enemy gunfire and towing two injured men aboard a life raft to a nearby craft. He also assisted five other men to life rafts, and eventual safety. The survivors rescued by Seaman Carrico were from the USS Pledge and USS Pirate, which had been struck by enemy mines and gunfire. "His devotion to duty was outstanding, and in keeping with the highest traditions of the naval service."

Chandler, Lt. Daniel F. (USN)

Bronze Star medal for his work in Underwater Demolition Team Three rescuing 25 sailors from the minesweepers USS Pirate and USS Pledge (which were mined, shelled, and sunk by the enemy) and caring for injured men at Wonsan.

Coleman, Engineman First Class Christie J. (USN)

Bronze Star medal for his work in Underwater Demolition Team Three rescuing 25 sailors from the minesweepers USS Pirate and USS Pledge (which were mined, shelled, and sunk by the enemy) and caring for injured men at Wonsan.


De La Calzada, Stewardsman Lucio (USN)

Bronze Star medal for his work in Underwater Demolition Team Three rescuing 25 sailors from the minesweepers USS Pirate and USS Pledge (which were mined, shelled, and sunk by the enemy) and caring for injured men at Wonsan.

Derry, Seaman William B. (USN)

Bronze Star medal for his work in Underwater Demolition Team Three rescuing 25 sailors from the minesweepers USS Pirate and USS Pledge (which were mined, shelled, and sunk by the enemy) and caring for injured men at Wonsan.

Dupras, Maj. Edward P. Jr. (USMC)

The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Major Edward P. Dupras, Jr. (MCSN: 0-7927), United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity as Landing Force Commander in a Special Operations Group of Amphibious Group ONE, Pacific Fleet, which conducted a series of successful night demolition raids and beach reconnaissance missions in the coastal waters of enemy-held Korea during the period from 12 to 25 August 1950. Expertly planning, and skillfully organizing and indoctrinating his landing forces for this operation, Major Dupras personally led the landing parties ashore and conducted his command with skill and courage. Under his forceful leadership, the raiding parties completed their missions in three night demolition raids with resultant damage to enemy lines of supply and communications, and night reconnaissance of three beaches were also conducted despite the heavy enemy opposition encountered on the last night which forced the landing party to withdraw under fire. By his professional ability, initiative and unwavering devotion to duty, Major Dupras contributed to the success of these hazardous operations and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. Born: Providence, Rhode Island. Home Town: Providence, Rhode Island.

Fielding, Lt. Teddy Roosevelt

"The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Lieutenant Teddy Roosevelt Fielding (NSN: 0-3602993), United States Navy, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy of the United Nations while serving as a Reconnaissance Swimmer of Underwater Demolition Team ONE, during an amphibious raid against enemy aggressor forces on the northeast coast of Korea on the night of 3 December 1951. After the boat in which he was riding grounded on some rocks close to the enemy-held beach, Lieutenant Fielding with courageous skill and utter disregard for his own safety, dived into shallow water to disarm a demolition charge which had been thrown overboard, thereby averting an explosion that would have resulted in the loss of the boat, her crew, and the troops aboard at the time. This act of spontaneous heroism reflected the aggressive and fearless spirit which he displayed during the entire operation against the enemy. During both raids on the nights of 2 and 3 December, Lieutenant Fielding coordinated his bold and daring work in conducting reconnaissance of the assault area, with that of the 41st Marine Commandos, and persisted in his efforts until a thorough reconnaissance of the target beaches was completed and this vital intelligence delivered to boat and troop personnel. His relentless fighting spirit and courageous devotion to duty, maintained with complete disregard for his own safety, were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service."

Foley, Warren

"The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Boatswain's Mate Third Class Warren J. Foley (NSN: 2255899), United States Navy, for heroic action and devotion to duty while attached to Underwater Demolition Team Three and serving with Special Operations Group, Amphibious Group One during operations against the enemy at Yosu, Korea, on the night of 4 - 5 August 1950. Acting as an advance scout for a demolition raiding party, Boatswain's Mate Third Class Foley swam ashore unarmed to reconnoiter the objective area about 45 miles behind enemy lines. He was then ordered by the officer in charge to return to the raiding party assembly area to direct it to the objective. While returning to the raiding party assembly area, Boatswain's Mate Third Class Foley saw that the Officer in Charge was trapped by an armed group of the enemy. He immediately obtained a submachine gun and voluntarily attempted to return to protect and assist this officer. In making this attempt, he exposed himself to direct enemy fire and sustained wounds in his hands and leg. His bravery and outstanding devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service." Commander Naval Forces Far East: Serial 7792 (December 30, 1950).

Frazier, James F. (USN)

Bronze Star for his work with UDT1 in Korea.

Frey, Lt.jg Edward Ivan Jr. (USN)

Received a Silver Star medal. He died January 19, 1951. He was a World War II and Korean War veteran. Silver Star citation:

General Orders: Board Serial 572 (June 8, 1951)/action date January 19, 1951

"The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star (Posthumously) to Lieutenant, Junior Grade Edward Ivan Frey, Jr. (NSN: 0-384274), United States Navy, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while attached to and serving with Underwater Demolition Team One, engaged in beach reconnaissance on the west coast of Korea. Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Frey particularly distinguished himself in the face of the enemy. Serving as Officer-in-Charge of a UDT beach party which was attacked by guerrilla elements, he heroically organized and directed the withdrawal of his party from the beach. While under hostile fire, Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Frey although armed only with a pistol, returned the enemy's fire in order to allow his unit to enter the water and drag their rubber boat toward an LCVP approaching the beach. After expending his ammunition he assisted in swimming another member of his unit to the pick-up area. In exposing himself to secure a line from the LCVP to the rubber boat, Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Frey was wounded about the face by shrapnel. Despite his wounds he coolly continued to counsel his men and direct them to safer locations until such time as he was hit again and mortally wounded. His outstanding bravery, gallantry and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service."

Giannotti, Gunners Mate First William J. (USN)

Bronze Star medal awarded for actions during the Korean War for risking his life placing underwater demolition charges that removed two anchored mines.

Glassey, Gunner's Mate Third Allen Jacob (USN)

Bronze Star Medal awarded for heroic actions during the period 15 to 26 October 1950, while attached to Underwater Demolition Team One conducting mine clearance operations at Chinnampo.

Hazzard, Boatswain's Mate Third Edward M. (USN)

Bronze Star medal for his work in Underwater Demolition Team Three rescuing 25 sailors from the minesweepers USS Pirate and USS Pledge (which were mined, shelled, and sunk by the enemy) and caring for injured men at Wonsan.

Hoag, Seaman James W. (USN)

Bronze Star medal for his work in Underwater Demolition Team Three rescuing 25 sailors from the minesweepers USS Pirate and USS Pledge (which were mined, shelled, and sunk by the enemy) and caring for injured men at Wonsan.

Johnson, Fireman Billie La R (USN)

Bronze Star medal for his work in Underwater Demolition Team Three rescuing 25 sailors from the minesweepers USS Pirate and USS Pledge (which were mined, shelled, and sunk by the enemy) and caring for injured men at Wonsan.

Keane, Chief Boatswain's Mate Dennis J. (USN)

Bronze Star medal for his work in Underwater Demolition Team Three rescuing 25 sailors from the minesweepers USS Pirate and USS Pledge (which were mined, shelled, and sunk by the enemy) and caring for injured men at Wonsan.

Kramer, Vincent R. "Dutch"

The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Vincent R. Kramer (0-8411), Major, U.S. Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism in action against enemy aggressor forces during operations in Korea. Assigned to highly important and dangerous missions on 30 June and 2 July 1951, Major Kramer, with complete disregard for his own life, proceeded to pre-arranged rendezvous points deep in enemy territory. On 7 July 1951 he personally led 100 specially trained Koreans to points deep behind the enemy lines to carry out a very important and dangerous mission directed against the common enemy. In accomplishing these missions Major Kramer displayed a high degree of leadership, courage and heroism and repeatedly placed his own life in jeopardy at the risk of being taken prisoners. His daring initiative and gallant devotion to duty reflect the highest credit upon himself and enhances the finest traditions of the United States Naval Service.
Authority: Board Serial 0001 (January 22, 1952)

Larkin, Draftsman (DMSV) Robert H. (USN)

Bronze Star medal for his work in Underwater Demolition Team Three rescuing 25 sailors from the minesweepers USS Pirate and USS Pledge (which were mined, shelled, and sunk by the enemy) and caring for injured men at Wonsan.

Laws, Quartermaster Second Charles F. (USN)

Bronze Star medal for his work in Underwater Demolition Team Three rescuing 25 sailors from the minesweepers USS Pirate and USS Pledge (which were mined, shelled, and sunk by the enemy) and caring for injured men at Wonsan.

Mack, William J. (USN)

Bronze Star medal for service with UDT1.

Madejczyk, SSgt. Edwin (USMC)

Bronze Star medal for service with UDT1.

Master, Lt. jg Phillip M. (USNR)

Bronze Star medal for his work in Underwater Demolition Team Three rescuing 25 sailors from the minesweepers USS Pirate and USS Pledge (which were mined, shelled, and sunk by the enemy) and caring for injured men at Wonsan.

McKinney, LCDR William Russell (USN)

The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Lieutenant Commander William Russell McKinney (NSN: 0-85170), United States Navy, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity during minesweeping operations at Wonson, Korea, from 10 to 31 October 1950. While serving as Commanding Officer of Underwater Demolition Team Three which participated in sweeping enemy mine fields in the face of heavy fire from enemy coast defense batteries by his inspiring leadership and professional competence he contributed directly to the successful clearance of mine free channel and anchorage areas off Wonsan. Commander 7th Fleet: Serial 1070 (November 17, 1950). Born: December 5, 1917 at at Springfield, Ohio. Home Town: San Francisco, California. Death: June 14, 1980.

Morrison, Fred "Tiz"

Bronze Star medal

Phillips, SN Alexander D. (USN)

As a member of UDT3, he was awarded the Bronze Star medal & combat V.

Sellers, Electronics Technician First James K. (USN)

Bronze Star medal for his work in Underwater Demolition Team Three rescuing 25 sailors from the minesweepers USS Pirate and USS Pledge (which were mined, shelled, and sunk by the enemy) and caring for injured men at Wonsan.

Smith, Lt. j.g. Edwin P. Jr. (USN)

Silver Star (1st citation)

The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Lieutenant, Junior Grade Edwin P. Smith, Jr. (NSN: 0-412097), United States Navy, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action against the enemy while serving with Underwater Demolition Team One and serving with Special Operations Group, Amphibious Group ONE, Pacific Fleet, in night demolition raids against targets 200 to 300 miles behind enemy lines on the east coast of North Korea during the period 12 to 16 August 1950. Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Smith particularly distinguished himself. Serving as a scout and swimmer for the Special Operations Group, he swam ashore from a rubber boat in the face of unknown enemy opposition, reconnoitered each objective area and then signaled the balance of the raiding group to land their rubber boats. Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Smith then supervised the rigging of each objective for demolition and remained ashore after the raider group had left the beach to pull fuses and initiate each explosion. As a result of his conspicuous and outstanding bravery during three demolition raids, Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Smith materially assisted in the destruction of three railroad tunnels and two railroad bridges along the enemy main coastal line of supply and communications. His bravery, gallantry, and outstanding devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. Commander Naval Forces Far East: Serial 6500 (November 17, 1950).

Silver Star (2nd citation)

The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting a Gold Star in lieu of a Second Award of the Silver Star to Lieutenant, Junior Grade Edwin P. Smith, Jr. (NSN: 0-412097), United States Navy, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action as Wave Guide while attached to Underwater Demolition Team One during the amphibious assault against Inchon, Korea, on 15 September 1950. As LVT Wave Guido for the first assault wave on the Blue Beach area, he contributed greatly to the precise timing and coordination with which these operations were stages. When it was found necessary to divert waves scheduled for Blue Beach One, he remained in the immediate vicinity of the beach under enemy fire and personally guided successive waves to Blue Beach Three. When a hospital boat making an attempt to evacuate a casualty from the left flank of Beach One was driven off by hostile fire Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Smith directed the beaching of his assault boat to remove the casualty and transferred him to the hospital boat off shore. Upon completion of the assault phase, he led rescue boats and evacuated a detachment of the landing force from the seawall of the Inchon Tidal Basin, while under enemy fire. His inspiring leadership, courage, and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. Commander 7th Fleet: Serial 362 (May 16, 1951).

Staley, Boatswain's Mate First Joseph F. (USN)

Bronze Star medal for his work in Underwater Demolition Team Three rescuing 25 sailors from the minesweepers USS Pirate and USS Pledge (which were mined, shelled, and sunk by the enemy) and caring for injured men at Wonsan.

Taylor, Seaman Willis B. (USN)

Bronze Star medal for his work in Underwater Demolition Team Three rescuing 25 sailors from the minesweepers USS Pirate and USS Pledge (which were mined, shelled, and sunk by the enemy) and caring for injured men at Wonsan.

Voltmer, Engineman Fireman Ralph C. (USN)

Bronze Star medal for his work in Underwater Demolition Team Three rescuing 25 sailors from the minesweepers USS Pirate and USS Pledge (which were mined, shelled, and sunk by the enemy) and caring for injured men at Wonsan.

Von Mann, Milton L.

Bronze Star medal

Walker, Boatswain's Mate First Robert H. (USN)

Bronze Star medal for his work in Underwater Demolition Team Three rescuing 25 sailors from the minesweepers USS Pirate and USS Pledge (which were mined, shelled, and sunk by the enemy) and caring for injured men at Wonsan.

Welch, LCDR. David Fife (USN)

"The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Lieutenant Commander David Fife Welch (NSN: 0-97926), United States Navy, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action against the enemy while serving as Commanding Officer of Underwater Demolition Team One, a part of the raiding forces in a Special Operations Group of Amphibious Group One, Pacific Fleet which conducted a series of successful night demolition raids and beach reconnaissance missions in the coastal waters of enemy-held Korea during the period 12 through 25 August 1950. Lieutenant Commander Welch expertly planned and skillfully organized and trained his Underwater Demolition Team for each of these demolition and beach reconnaissance missions. Under the Landing Force Commander he personally led and directed the night hydrographic survey of three beaches. He conducted his command with skill and courage. Under his determined leadership the surveys were successfully completed despite the fact that on the last night heavy enemy opposition was encountered and the reconnaissance party was forced to withdraw under fire. His leadership, skill, and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service." Commander Naval Forces Far East: Serial 7371 (December 15, 1950).

Wilson, Lt.jg. Phillip A. (USN)

He received a Bronze Star for work on UDT1.