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Underwater Demolition Team: Suggested Reading

Bluejacket: A Sailor's Life

Co-authored by Chet Bright and his grandson, Derek Turner. See "Clearing the Way for Marines During the Korean War".

Commandos From the Sea: The History of Amphibious Special Warfare in World War II and the Korean War

Authored by John B. Dwyer, Paladin Press, 1998, Boulder, CO.

Exploits of US Navy Frogmen in Korea

Author Phil Carrico, ISBN 1-88774-527-0

Fifties Frogs: Journal of Underwater Demolition Teams

Authored by Don Belchert and Bob Blann

Korea Remembered

Authored by Charles F. Cole, ISBN 1-8881325-13-X

Naked Warriors

Authored by Fane Francis Douglas

Newsletter, Tennessee Korean War Memorial Association

"Aboard the USS LST-898" by Milton L. Von Mann (about the Inchon Invasion)

"Death Rides the High Tide" by Milton L. Von Mann (about an UDT assassination mission)