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Underwater Demolition Team (UDT) Members

This list is not comprehensive. The list includes the names of trained UDT members who served in Korea and other corners of the world during the official Korean War period. To add names, information, or corrections, contact us.

Alphabetical List

Browse: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Alari, Arthur H.

Alfano, Frank - died December 28, 2011 (see Obituary section)

Allen, A.D. "Beartracks"

Allen, Grady R. Jr.

Andrews, James H.

Areseneault, Arthur J. Jr.

Atcheson, George - George died September 1, 2011, at his home in Santa Monica, California. He was born April 16, 1923 in China to U. S. Diplomat parents.

Atkins, Bobby Joe

Atkinson, Solomon D. "Sol"

Austin, _____


Badger, Patrick M. Jr.

Baird, Joe

Baird, William Jepsen "Bill" - died November 2000

Ball, George E. - deceased

Baragona, Anthony

Barrett, Everett E.

Barrows, Robert L.

Basquette, Maurice

Batton, James B.

Baxter, _____

Bayer, ____

Beaham, Gordon T. III

Beierle, Howard Edwin - died December 05, 2012 (see Obituary section)

Belcher, Donald L.

Berry, Bob

Bess, ___

Bishop, James A. "Jim"

Blackwood, Kenneth E.

Blaine, Gerald "Jerry"

Blais, Thomas

Blann, Robert L.

Blankenship, Thomas E. - died June 6, 2019 (see Obituary section)

Boehm, Roy H.

Boesch, Rudolph C.

Boinett, Charles R.

Borgstedt, Robert

Boesch, Martin Henry

Bogue, Leonard

Boinett, Charles "Moose" R.

Bonin, Richard J.

Borgstedt, Robert J.

Boswell, _____

Boule, Arthur E. Jr.

Boyles, Louis G.

Boynton, Francis Ray "Skipper" - died in 1998

Boynton, Mack M.

Brewton, Paul Wesley

Bridges, Fred

Bright, Chester "Chet"

Brown, William Ray

Bruhmuller, William N.

Buckmaster, John

Burke, James E. - died May 30, 2006 (see Obituary section)

Byers, Melvin R.

Byers, Raymond F.


Cahill, Gene A.

Cahill, James F.

Callison, George T.

Campbell, Leonard

Canney, Donald J. "Don" - mayor of Cedar Rapids, IA for 22 years/died March 20, 2011

Carol, Ed "Guinea"

Carosia, Joseph J.

Carr, Richard Nelson - died January 16, 2016 (see Obituary section)

Carrico, Phillip E.

Carroll, Edward "Guinni" or "Diego"

Chandler, Daniel

Christoph, K.J.

Clancy, John E.

Clark, Frank "Huey"

Clark, Phillip C.

Clark, Thomas J.

Clements, Herbert C.

Cloud, Richard Y. "Dick" - died February 24, 2003 (see Obituary section)

Cobb, Lloyd

Coghill, Henry Garland Jr. - died February 11, 2019 (see Obituary section)

Cole, Charles F. "Pete"

Connor, James D.

Cooper, Hanlon

Cooper, John P.

Cowlishaw, Darrel

Cox, Floyd Ellsworth - died May 26, 2019 (see Obituary section)

Crane, Walter

Crews, Franklin "Frank" Delano

Crosby, Donald

Culbertson, George F. Jr.

Culliman, "Red"

Cunningham, Dever L.


Dalrymple, Bobby S.

Danz, Donald C.

Darrah, Gerald E. "Jerry"

Dauphinee, Clarence

Davis, George

Davis, Robert G.

Deguia, Charles

Delagazada, Lucio

DeLara, Louis John - died January 29, 2016 (see Obituary section)

Dewey, Nelson G.

Dickerson, Robert "Dick"

Diener, "Truck"

Dishman, Clarence

Dobbins, Washington Sr.

Donohue, Harold P.

Dresser, Duane Woodward

Drogo, Frank J.

Duke, Winslow H.

Dunaetz, Richard Charles - died March 25, 2017 (see Obituary section)

Dunnigan, Harold L.

Dunning, Bruce B.

Dupain, Donald - died September 13, 2012 (see Obituary section)

Dupras, Major

Durham, "Bull"

Dyal, Ellis M. "Mel" - died April 27, 2007


Edwards, Edgar P.

Edwards. Lloyd Earl

Eoff, Russ

Ertl, ___

Eyler, Thomas Clayton


Fane, Francis Doug "Red Dog" - deceased

Fannin, James

Farias, Henry

Farwell, Peter J.

Fay, Lawrence

Fay, Robert J.

Felding, Teddy "Ted" Roosevelt - born June 13, 1920 in Newport News City, Virginia/died July 24, 1997 in Shasta County, California. He is buried in Arlington Cemetery.

Field, Elmer "Spike"

Fitzgerald, Alan

Flora, Anthony P. - died January 10, 2011 (see Obituary section)

Flowers, Buford C.

Flynn, Franklin Delano - died December 16, 1996

Foley, Warren "Fins"

Fontenot, Luke Everett - died June 20, 2014 (see Obituary section)

Foss, Frank J.

Fowler, Wallace E.

Frable, Charles F.

Frazier, Ed

Frazier, James F. - died in 2005

Frey, Edward Ivan - KIA

Friederich, Bruce


Galles, Thomas E. - died September 17, 2017 (see Obituary section)

Gardner, Donald N.

Garrett, Kenneth "Blackie"

Geenan, Lou

Gehret, Thomas W. "Tim" - died July 26, 2017 (see Obituary section)

Giannotti, William

Gillis, Albert Joseph

Glassey, Allen Jacob

Gleason, _____

Gonzales, Eugene Mayo

Goodenough, Robin

Gough, Marcell Rene

Granitz, David W. "Rusty"

Grayson, Robert Gene

Greenen, Louis Walter

Griffin, Donald E.

Griffith, Kermit L.

Griggs, Rodney Duane - died May 23, 2007


Hackney, Otis "Mack"

Hager, Paul E. "Tex"

Hale, Francis J.

Harman, Walter Douglas

Harmon, Ron

Harp, Keigm Lee

Harrison, Ernest R. "Whitey" - He died 1/15/1993.

Harrison, Lorenzo

Hauck, Harry

Hazelwood, James R.

Heater, Charles R. "Gabe"

Hebert, John Robert - died May 31, 2009 (see Obituary section)

Hellwinkel, Don

Henderson, Clyde Howard - died January 11, 2010 (see Obituary section)

Henderson, Dorsey Lee

Hessenius, Elmer Jr. - died October 16, 2015 (see Obituary section)

Hightower, Robert E.

Hillan, John "Jack" - died February 17, 2019 (see Obituary section)

Hilton, Bill

Hodge, Alan G.

Hoffman, Dan

Hohs, Robert G.

Hollingsworth, William C.

Hornhaus, George W.

Horton, Jan

Houck, Jack Nelson - Home state of Pennsylvania

Howard, Richard M.

Hubert, William - died July 05, 2014 (see Obituary section)

Huddleson, Leo N.

Hudson, Charles Kenneth - died August 2008

Hudson, Joel L.

Huey, Albert E.

Hughs, Lee D.

Hutchison, Joe


None found at this time.


Jenista, Joseph L.

Jenkins, Blake "Kelly"

Johnson, B.

Johnson, Gordon Lavon

Johnson, Kenneth M.

Johnson, T.R. "Rog"

Johnston, William D.

Jones, Guy Vance

Joseph, Phillip

Judy, James


Kaine, Francis R.

Kappesser, Frank E.

Kearney, L., Paul

Keithline, Harold J.

Kelly, Andrew John

Kelly, John David

Kelly, John E.

Kendall, Melvin

Kidder, William A.

Kinsella, Richard - died November 13, 2019 (see Obituary section)

Kilpatrick, Robert D. - died January 27, 1997 (see Obituary section)

King, Ralph "Punchy"

Kirby, George W. Jr.

Kittle, Donald R.

Kline, James W.

Knice, Robert

Koehler, Philip J.

Koepple, Ted

Kopac, Stephen

Koonce, Bobby Jo

Krier, Donald J.

Krivasich, Frank

Kuenzel, Dennis W

Kuszewski, Joseph E. "Ed" - died June 08, 2015 (see Obituary section)

Kuscinsski, Louis A.


Laird, Joseph L.

Lanouette, Norman G.

Laws, Charles F. "Pappy"

Layne, Jim

Lee, Robert W.

LeNoir, Clyde Olney Jr. - died May 20, 2017 (see Obituary section)

Leonard, Paul Haralson III - died December 21, 2011 (see Obituary section)

Logan, James Logan Jr.

Loesel, Richard O.

Lussier, Edwin S.

Lowe, Harold O.

Lyon, J.O.

Lyon, Richard

Lyon, Scott

Lyons, John Joseph

Lynskey, Ray C.


MacLaren, James F.

Marler, Donald C.

Martin, Jerry C.

Mason, Walter Kenneth - died in 1994

Matheny, Richard L.

Mather, Robert T.

Maxwell, ____

Mays, Edwin B.

McCormick, ___

McDonald, Robert D.

McElroy, Paul T.

McGann, Clinton Philip - died March 19, 2014 (see Obituary section)

McGee, Robert "Bob" (see Obituary section)

McNally, Paul

McInturf, Leo Franklin

McKinney, William R.

McVoy, James L.

McNair, Arthur "Skip" - deceased

McNair, B.C. "Pete" - deceased

McNair, George B. - died October 2006

McWilliams, Fred - died August 2007 (see Obituary section)

Meiner, Ken

Menton, Dennis William - died December 12, 2015 (see Obituary section)

Meridith, Paul

Metzger, James I.

Meyer, Gerald P.

Michael, Melvin L.

Mingus, Harold

Minor, James E. "Pete" Sr.

Molden, Jack Bryan

Montoya, Tranquilino (Frank)

Moorhouse, Vincent O.

Moran, Richard J.

Moreland, Thurlston

Morrison, Fred "Tiz" (also known as "Super Frog" and "Fearless Fred: King of the Frogmen") - He was the first black Navy Seal--one of only six black trainees that completed the UDT course. He later became the first black UDT instructor. Fred died March 23, 2003.

Mulheren, Clarence C. "Mullie" Jr.

Murabito, Sebastian

Murphy, James E. Jr.

Murphy, Richard P.


Nowack, Harry


Oakley, Carleton

O'Brien, Patrick J.

O'Brien, William F.

O'Drain, John E.

Olson, Ronald

O'Neil, James

Otte, Walter "Spook"


Paolini, Albert F. - died August 15, 2000 (see Obituary section)

Palatte, Wilbert "Pus"

Parks, James L. "Gator"

Paul, Joseph Elwood

Paulick, James A.

Payne, Eddie H.

Payne, William A.

Pellow, Stanley

Peterson, Marshall Jr. "Pete" - died July 10, 2019 (see Obituary section)

Petro, Constantine Petropolis

Pettus, Vernon Hugh - died March 31, 2016 (see Obituary section)

Petty, Francis M. - died July 09, 2006

Phillabaum, Jack H. - chaplain

Phillips, Joe C.

Phillips, John Gerald - died December 26, 2018 (see Obituary section)

Pierce, Donald Phillips

Pike, William B. "Bill"

Pine, Harry

Pollack, Lynn

Poole, Eugene

Preece, Norman Alfred - died June 04, 2019 (see Obituary section)

Provenzo, Tony


Quinn, Michael E.


Randall, John

Rawls, Robert E.

Raynolds, Edwin

Raynolds, John Fiske - died November 11, 2011 (see Obituary section)

Reed, J.B. - died September 06, 2017 (see Obituary section)

Reed, Mikey

Reilly, Thomas Patrick - died June 25, 2017 (see Obituary section)

Rice, Benjamin S.

Richards, Harold C.

Riseon, John Warren

Rison, "Jack" - died April 1, 2007

Ritnour, Russell Ray "Rusty" - died January 26, 2018 (see Obituary section)

Robbins, Frederick G.

Rodgers, Wayne LaRue - died July 18, 2019 (see Obituary section)

Rollins, Roy O.

Romero, Sal

Rose, Don

Ross, Ian Keith - died May 10, 2015 (see Obituary section)


Saillant, R.E.

Sands, James Louis

Sarber, John D.

Satterfield, Paul Veston - KIA

Saunders, David G.

Schaible, David L.

Scollise, Frank "Big Kahuna"

Schmidt, Donald

Schmidt, Howard L.

Schuler, Daniel W.

Schulze, Carl Otto

Seitz, Ray

Sharpe, William M. - died March 14, 2019 (see Obituary section)

Shaw, Richard Eldon - died April 16, 2015 (see Obituary section)

Shea, William "Bill"

Shigley, Herschel W.

Shouse, Robert W. "Bob"

Sims, Ferman W.

Smallwood, "Indiana"

Smith, Edwin P.

Smith, Henry Langdon

Smith, Wesley A.

Sorg, Stuart - died May 18,

Soukup, Edward G.

Southcott, Marvin A.

Southard, William T.

Spaulding, Bud

Spinks, Alfred - died January 07, 2018 (see Obituary section)

St. Pierre, Arthur J.

Standfield, James

Staples, Henry E. Jr.

States, Louis

Stevenson, Francis

Stewart, Donald Sr.

Stichter, Don Mason

Sullivan, A.W. Jr.

Sullivan, Ray "Kenny" - died May 17, 2019 (see Obituary section)

Surko, Edward W.

Sutcliffe, George H.

Synoracki, Ted

Swats, Calvin Lee - died November 18, 2017 (see Obituary section)

Swedensky, Tom D.

Swider, John S.


Taylor, Arthur

Taylor, Forest E.

Taylor, William E. "Skosh"

Tellefson, Tellef

Thede, ____

Thiess, Charles H. Jr.

Thomann, Ronald

Thomas, George M.

Tilton, Donald Edgar

Tindall, Harry

Tinnin, Eugene S. - KIA (in Vietnam)

Tobin, Bill

Togna, Enrico "Hank"

Tomlinson, Jack B. - died December 02, 2016 (see Obituary section)

Trimm, William A.

Tryon, Dewey Jr.

Tucker, Robert D. - died 1/22/2010

Tyler, William F.


Utter, Matthew - died December 16, 2006


Vaclav, Robert F.

Vanetta, Royal

Viera. John J.

Vogler, Louis P.

Von Mann, Milton L. - (1930-2010)


Walker, Rick

Walker, Robert "Bob"

Wall, William A.

Wallace, Frank M.

Walsh, George L.

Washington, Albert

Watkins, Thomas F.

Watson, Jack Clifford - died October 14, 2011 (see Obituary section)

Waugh, Leonard A.

Webber. Wendell E. "Wendy" - died December 16, 2002 (see Obituary section)

Weber, Bernard T.

Weber, Charles

Welch, D.F. "Kelly"

Weller, Robert "Bob" "Frogfoot"

Wetenkamp, William R.

White, James Robert

White, Raymond L.

Whitfield, "Chick"

Williams, Harry "Lump-Lump"

Williams, Lowell K.

Williams, Robert

Wilson, P.A.

Winczok, John Bar

Witherow, Robert L. - deceased

Wortley, Rollin K.


None found at this time.


None found at this time.


Zean, Robert M.

Zimmet, Marvin

Zink, Robert A.

Zuver, Robert Sr.

Zyski, Donald L.