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Australian Bronze Star Recipients & Citations

Australian Army

Cousins, Lance Corporal J.R.

(Bronze Star with V) 3 Btn., R.A.R., June 22, 1951

Fisher, Flight Lieutenant C.D. (Bronze Star)

77 Sqn, R.A.A.F., July 21, 1954

Gardner, Capt. L.G. (Bronze Star)

IntOfficer 2Btn, R.A.R., July 16, 1954

Gladstone, Lt. Commander G.V. (Bronze Star with V)

USS Repose (AH-16), R.A.N., February 11, 1955

Gogerly, Flight Lieutenant B. (Bronze Star)

77 Sqn, R.A.A.F., October 12, 1954

Lyons, Flight Lieutenant 1 A. Lyons (Bronze Star)

OpsOfficer, 77 Sqn, R.A.A.F., February 2, 1952

O'Donnell, Squadron Leader J.J. (Bronze Star)

77 Sqn, R.A.A.F., July 21, 1954

Richards, Warrant Officer 11 E.J. (Bronze Star)

16BritCommWksp1CommDiv, R.A.C.E.M.E., August 10, 1954

Smith, Capt. N.D. (Bronze Star)

Attached to EOD, HQUS8Army, 28FldEngRgt., R.A.C.E., April 1, 1952

Tabe, Capt. Frank L.

For meritorious service 7 September 1951 to 23 October 1952. Attached to 24InfBgde, 2ID, BCLG, Tokyo, Staff Corps, October 27, 1953

Zwolanski, Lt. Ludhik B. (Bronze Star with V)

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 61 - 17 October 1955

Lieutenant Ludhik B. Zwolanski, VX Infantry, Australian Army, a member of the 3d Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment, distinguished himself by heroism in action against the enemy in Korea, on 14 August 1952. Lieutenant Zwolanski was leading a platoon in an assault on a well-fortified enemy position. Advancing toward its objective, the platoon encountered intense enemy mortar fire and was forced to seek cover. Determined not to be thwarted by this adverse turn of events, with disregard for his personal safety, Lieutenant Zwolanski left his position of cover and moved forward in the face of the hail of hostile fire, shouting words of encouragement to his men. Inspired by this spontaneous display of courage and fortitude, the platoon quickly rallied about him and resumed the attack with renewed vigor and spirit, successfully reaching its objective. The confidence, resolute leadership, and unyielding devotion to duty exhibited by Lieutenant Zwolanski during this action reflect great credit on himself and the military service.