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British Bronze Star Recipients & Citations

British Army

Balfour-Scott, CAPT David

For meritorious service 1 December 1951 to 17 September 1952.

Beaumont-Nesbitt, LT COL David J.F.

Grenadier Guards, British Army, 9 November 1950 to 1 October 1951 for meritorious service.

Fairhurst, Joe

1st Argyll - for action on Hill 282 on September 23, 1950

Haycock, CAPT Keith E.

For meritorious service 24 June 1951 to 25 August 1952.

Leister, MAJ Thomas L.

For meritorious service 13 September 1950 to 14 December 1951.

Monour, MAJ George W.

Royal Army Service Corps, British Army. For meritorious service 22 to 25 April 1951.

Soanes, Peter

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 35 - 13 May 1954

Gunner Peter Soanes, Royal Artillery, British Army, a member of the 61st Light Regiment, distinguished himself by heroic conduct in action against the enemy in Korea on 21 June 1952. When a member of a sound ranging troop engaged in providing communication facilities between the plotting center and friendly artillery batteries, a hostile artillery barrage abruptly severed the vital communication lines at several points. Realizing the adverse consequences that might be engendered, Gunner Soanes immediately volunteered to repair the damaged lines. As he approached the area, enemy fire increased in intensity. Disregarding his personal safety, he proceeded with skill and precision to fix the damaged lines. Despite a wound received during this action, he remained in the area until he had successfully restored the lines to operational order, thereby enabling his unit to maximum combat effectiveness against the foe. The courage, determination of purpose, and unwavering devotion to duty displayed by Gunner Soanes throughout this action reflect great credit on himself and the military service.

Vickers, Lt. Col. Arthur W.N.L.

For meritorious service 28 July 1951 to 22 June 1952.

Wells, Sgt. John

Intelligence Corps, British Army. For meritorious service 1 May to 12 November 1951.

Wright, Albert V.

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 35 - 13 May 1954

Sergeant Albert V. Wright, British Army, a member of the 5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards, distinguished himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United Nations in Korea on 20 June 1952. He was commanding a tank in a group situated on a small hill when the enemy commenced a concentrated artillery barrage in an effort to dislodge the tanks from their positions. One tank sustained a direct hit, setting it on fire and killing the unit commander. An ammunition dump near the tanks was struck and set on fire. Sergeant Wright, disregarding the danger of exploding ammunition, rushed to the stricken vehicle, climbed into the turret, directed the tank to a safer position, and successfully extinguished the flames, thereby preventing irreparable damage to the tank. He then returned to his own tank and proceeded to effectively engage the enemy. Sergeant Wright's prompt and courageous actions undoubtedly saved a valuable piece of equipment and reflect great credit on himself and the British Army.