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South Korean Bronze Star Recipients�& Citations

South Korean Forces

Bang, Nae Hong (Bronze Star with V)

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 72 - 30 September 1954

Mr. Bang Nae Hong, Republic of Korea civilian, distinguished himself by heroism in action against the enemy in Korea, on 12 April 1953. As a member of a raiding party behind enemy lines, Mr. Bang actively participated in the completion of a special mission which significantly assisted the intelligence effort in Korea. This daring operation resulted in the capture of a field grade officer and other enemy personnel, together with numerous important documents, providing extremely timely and useful information on many phases of the enemy situation. The heroism displayed by Mr. Bang in the performance of these hazardous duties contributed greatly to the successful accomplishment of a difficult mission. Mr. Bang's courageous actions and devotion to duty reflect great credit on himself and the Republic of Korea.

Bom, Shi Kun

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 12 - 22 January 1953

Captain Bom Shi Kun

Korean National Police. 10 August to 6 September 1950.

Choi, Col. Kap Chung

Then Lt. Colonel, Infantry, Republic of Korea Army, 10 July to 23 August 1950 for meritorious service.

Choi, Sok Yong

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 12 - 22 January 1953

Colonel Choi Sok Yong, Republic of Korea army. 18 November 1950 to 1 April 1952.

Choi, Young Hi (Bronze Star with V)

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 75 - 6 August 1953

Brigadier General Choi Young Hi, Infantry, Republic of Korea Army, Commanding Generalk, 8th Republic of Korea Division, distinguished himself by heroism in action against an armed enemy of the United Nations near Nujon'pyong, Korea, on 14 August 1951. General Choi's command was committed to attack and capture strategic commanding terrain stubbornly defended by fanatical, hostile forces in well-fortified emplacements. Constantly vulnerable to enemy fire, General Choi directed and coordinated tactical operations and when supply routes to the division zone were rendered impassable because of adverse weather conditions, he organized carrying parties to insure a continuous flow of critically needed supplies. His presence in forward areas inspired his troops to a high degree of efficiency and contributed significantly to the success of the division's mission. General Choi's unflinching courage, aggressive leadership, and consummate devotion to duty reflect great credit on himself and the military service.

Chong, Moon Kon

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 72 - 30 September 1954

Mr. Chong Moon Kon, Republic of Korea civilian, distinguished himself by heroism in action against the enemy in Korea, on 12 April 1953. As a member of a raiding party behind enemy lines, Mr. Chong actively participated in the completion of a special mission which significantly assisted the intelligence effort in Korea. This daring operation resulted in the capture of a field grade officer and other enemy personnel, together with numerous important documents, providing extremely timely and useful information on many phases of the enemy situation. The heroism displayed by Mr. Chong in the performance of these hazardous duties contributed greatly to the successful accomplishment of a difficulty mission. Mr. Chong's courageous actions and devotion to duty reflect great credit on himself and the Republic of Korea.

Chong, Sang Jun

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 72 - 30 September 1954

Mr. Chong Sang Jun, Republic of Korea civilian, distinguished himself by heroism in action against the enemy in Korea, on 12 April 1953. As a member of a raiding party behind enemy lines, Mr. Chong actively participated in the completion of a special mission which significantly assisted the intelligence effort in Korea. This daring operation resulted in the capture of a field grade officer and other enemy personnel, together with numerous important documents, providing extremely timely and useful information on many phases of the enemy situation. The heroism displayed by Mr. Chong in the performance of these hazardous duties contributed greatly to the successful accomplishment of a difficult mission. Mr. Chang's courageous actions and devotion to duty reflect great credit on himself and the Republic of Korea.

Ham, Won Kyong

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 61 - 18 August 1954

Mr. Ham Won Kyong, Republic of Korea civilian, distinguished himself by heroism in action against the enemy in Korea, on 12 April 1953. As a member of a raiding party behind enemy lines, Mr. Ham actively participated in the completion of a special mission which significantly assisted the intelligence effort in Korea. This daring operation resulted in the capture of a field grade officer and other enemy personnel, together with numerous important documents, providing extremely timely and useful information on many phases of the enemy situation. The heroism displayed by Mr. Ham in the performance of these hazardous duties contributed greatly to the successful accomplishment of a difficult mission. Mr. Ham's courageous actions and devotion to duty reflect great credit on himself and the Republic of Korea.

Im Hong Bin

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 12 - 22 January 1953

2LT Im Hong Bin

Republic of Korea Army. 26 November 1951 to 7 July 1952.

Ju, Hyung Ne

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 12 - 22 January 1953

Captain Ju Hyung Ne

Korean National Police. 10 August to 6 September 1950.

Kim, Byong In (Bronze Star with V)

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 72 - 30 September 1954

Mr. Kim Byong In, Republic of Korea civilian, distinguished himself by heroism in action against the enemy in Korea, on 12 April 1953. As a member of a raiding party behind enemy lines, Mr. Kim actively participated in the completion of a special mission which significantly assisted the intelligence effort in Korea. This daring operation resulted in the capture of a field grade officer and other enemy personnel, together with numerous important documents, providing extremely timely and useful information on many phases of the enemy situation. The heroism displayed by Mr. Kim in the performance of these hazardous duties contributed greatly to the successful accomplishment of a difficult mission. Mr. Kim's courageous actions and devotion to duty reflect great credit on himself and the Republic of Korea.

Kim, Chang O

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 12 - 22 January 1953

Brigadier General Kim Chang O, Republic of Korea Army. 25 May 1951 to 30 May 1952.

Kim, Chang Yol (Bronze Star with V)

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 72 - 30 September 1954

Mr. Kim Chang Yol, Republic of Korea civilian, distinguished himself by heroism in action against the enemy in Korea, on 12 April 1953. As a member of a raiding party behind enemy lines, Mr. Kim actively participated in the completion of a special mission which significantly assisted the intelligence effort in Korea. This daring operation resulted in the capture of a field grade officer and other enemy personnel, together with numerous important documents, providing extremely timely and useful information on many phases of the enemy situation. The heroism displayed by Mr. Kim in the performance of these hazardous duties contributed greatly to the successful accomplishment of a difficult mission. Mr. Kim's courageous actions and devotion to duty reflect great credit on himself and the Republic of Korea.

Kim, Chong Sun

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 28 - 13 March 1953

Colonel Kim Chong Sun, Infantry, Republic of Korea Army, distinguished himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an armed enemy as commanding officer of the Korean 23d Infantry Regiment from 20 November to 12 December 1950. Under Colonel Kim's aggressive leadership, the 23d Infantry Regiment spearheaded an infantry division attack in the Hapsu-Kilchu area, inflicted a crushing defeat on the enemy, and forced the hostile troops to retreat. During the ensuing action, Colonel Kim maintained his command post near the front lines and, by his courage, determination, and fine example, greatly inspired his troops to renewed efforts against the enemy. When the Republic of Korea 3d Division was ordered to evacuate the Songlin area, Colonel Kim's regiment was assigned to provide covering action. The stability, resourcefulness, and bravery demonstrated by Colonel Kim contributed materially to the successful evacuation of the 3d Division and reflect distinct credit on himself and the Republic of Korea Army.

Kim, Ho Yong

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 12 - 22 January 1953

Captain Kim Ho Yong, Korean National Police. 10 August to 1 September 1950.

Kim, Tae Son

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 61 - 18 August 1954

Mr. Kim Tae Son, Republic of Korea civilian, distinguished himself by heroism in action against the enemy in Korea, on 12 April 1953. As a member of a raiding party behind enemy lines, Mr. Kim actively participated in the completion of a special mission which significantly assisted the intelligence effort in Korea. This daring operation resulted in the capture of a field grade officer and other enemy personnel, together with numerous important documents, providing extremely timely and useful information on many phases of the enemy situation. The heroism displayed by Mr. Kim in the performance of these hazardous duties contributed greatly to the successful accomplishment of a difficult mission. Mr. Kim's courageous actions and devotion to duty reflect great credit on himself and the Republic of Korea.

Kim, Yong Bae (1st Oak Leaf Cluster)

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 61 - 18 August 1954

Major General Kim Yong Bae, Commanding General, Republic of Korea Division, distinguished himself by heroism in action against an armed enemy of the United Nations near Mundung-ni, Korea, on 29 June 1953. His division was committed to attack and recapture strategic "Hill 938", when the 3d Regiment, initiating the attack, encountered withering mortar and artillery fire from a numerically superior, well-fortified hostile force. Disregarding his safety and braving intense enemy fire, General Kim moved to the forward observation post and for several hours directed and coordinated supporting action against the enemy. Rallying to the challenge of their valiant leader, the resolute troops fought with great courage and skill and had almost secured their objective when a fierce enemy counterattack repulsed the assault, retook the hill position, and inflicted numerous friendly casualties. With unflinching courage, General Kim left his outpost position and constantly exposed to enemy fire, moved among the troops, steadying and encouraging them by his inspiring example. Eventually recognizing that the mission was imperiled by overwhelming odds, he directed a spectacular, strategic withdrawal, which resulted in the saving of many lives. His presence in the forward area provided a strong, steadying influence which imbued the men with indomitable resolution and everlasting respect and admiration. General Kim's outstanding leadership and consummate devotion to duty reflect great credit on himself and the military service.

Kim, Yong Chol

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 61 - 18 August 1954

Mr. Kim Yong Chol, Republic of Korea civilian, distinguished himself by heroic achievement in action against the enemy in Korea, on 12 April 1953. As leader of a raiding party behind enemy lines, Mr. Kim was responsible for the completion of a special mission which significantly assisted the intelligence effort in Korea. This daring operation resulted in the capture of a field grade officer and other enemy personnel, together with numerous important documents, and provided extremely timely and useful information on many phases of the enemy situation. By his forceful and fearless leadership, Mr. Kim inspired his men in the performance of their hazardous duties, and encouraged them in accomplishment of a difficult mission. His outstanding leadership and courageous actions reflect distinct credit on himself and the Republic of Korea.

Kwan, Yong Sun

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 18 - 18 February 1953

Kwan Yong Sun, civilian, Republic of Korea, attached to Company D, 7th Cavalry Regiment, distinguished himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an armed enemy near Hwang-ju, Korea, on 17 October 1950. The heavy machine-gun platoon, for which Mr. Kwan was acting as interpreter, was leading the battalion during an advance on enemy positions. With complete disregard for his safety, Mr. Kwan courageously moved forward, repeatedly placing himself in full view of the enemy, and encouraged approximately 100 hostile troops to surrender. During ne of his heroic acts, Mr. Kwan was wounded by a grenade thrown by one of a group which later surrendered, but he refused evacuation until ordered to the aid station by a battalion officer. Mr. Kwan's bravery and devotion to duty contributed materially to the successful accomplishment of the unit to which he was attached and reflect credit on himself and the Republic of Korea.

Lee, Chang Hyok

Headquarters, Department of the Army
General Orders No. 85 - 25 September 1951

Major Lee Chang Hyok, Korean Army, 12 July to 18 October 1950

Lee, Ki Hyun

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 18 - 18 February 1953

Lieutenant Colonel Km was with the Ordnance Department, Republic of Korea Army, 10 November 1951 to 19 June 1952.

Lee, Zon Il (Bronze Star with V)

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 42 - 23 April 1952

Colonel Lee Zon Il, Infantry, Republic of Korea Army, commanding officer of the 16th Regiment, distinguished himself by heroism in action against an armed enemy of the United Nations near Nojon'pyong, Korea, on 10 August 1951. Colonel Lee's command was committed to secure and occupy strategic commanding ground tenaciously defended by a fanatical hostile force supported by artillery, mortar, and small-arms fire. The mission was further imperiled by inadequate supplies of food and ammunition and with previous torrential storms and swollen rivers rendering roads impassible to vehicular traffic. Colonel Lee supervised the movement of vital supplies to his assaulting units and evacuated the wounded by hand-carrying parties. He was constantly with forward elements bolstering morale, steadying and encouraging the men by his inspiring example, and directing and coordinating tactical operations. Colonel Lee's superb leadership and unflinching courage under fire reflect great credit on himself and the military service.

Lim, Song Eup

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 61 - 18 August 1954

Mr. Lim Song Eup, Republic of Korea civilian, distinguished himself by heroism in action against the enemy in Korea, on 12 April 1953. As a member of a raiding party behind enemy lines, Mr. Lim actively participated in the completion of a special mission which significantly assisted the intelligence effort in Korea. This daring operation resulted in the capture of a field grade officer and other enemy personnel, together with numerous important documents, and provided extremely timely and useful information on many phases of the enemy situation. The heroism displayed by Mr. Lim in the performance of these hazardous duties contributed greatly to the successful accomplishment of a difficult mission. His courageous actions and devotion to duty reflect great credit on himself and the Republic of Korea.

Mun Sung Chun (Bronze Star with V)

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 59 - 4 August 1953

Mun Sung Chun, civilian, Republic of Korea, a member of the 15th Company, 120th Regiment, 101st Korean Service Corps, distinguished himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy in Korea on the night of 5-6 April 1952. His unit was supporting Company A,1st Battalion, The Kings Own Scottish Borderers, during a heavy enemy assault on its positions. Despite intense hostile mortar and artillery fire, Mr. Mun proceeded from his weapon pit with grenades to resupply the front-line unit meeting a determined enemy attack. While moving through the fire-swept area, a nearby explosion knocked him to the ground. After recovering from effects of the blast, he gathered his scattered grenades and continued forward, successfully delivering the much-needed supply to the unit which was engaging the foe in close combat. The timely delivery of additional grenades materially assisted the friendly unit in maintaining its position and in inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy. Mr. Mun's courageous action, determination, and devotion to duty reflect credit on himself and the military service.

Pak, Hyon Su

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 5 - 15 January 1952

Colonel Pak Hyon Su, Infantry, Republic of Korea Army, distinguished himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an armed enemy as commanding officer of the 35th Regiment in Korea from 7 to 10 March 1951. Although seriously ill, Colonel Pak refused hospitalization and, exhibiting a comprehensive knowledge of tactics and strategy, consistently deployed his unit for maximum efficiency and accomplishment. Constantly forward with front-line elements directing operations under hostile fire, his exemplary courage and aggressive spirit inspired his troops to repeated victories. Colonel Pak's tenacity of purpose, superb leadership, and devotion to duty reflect great credit on himself and the Republic of Korea Army.

Shim, On Bong (Bronze Star with V)

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 5 - 15 January 1952

Brigadier General Shim On Bong, Republic of Korea Army, distinguished himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an armed enemy between Yongwol and Chechon, Korea, on 8 January 1951. Volunteering to deliver an important set of orders promulgated by III Republic of Korea Corps to divisions in advance areas, he proceeded with a small escort party. Ambushed by hostile troops, the party was forced to abandon their vehicles and seek protective cover. General Shim, determined to complete his vital mission, fearlessly exposed himself repeatedly to enemy fire to direct the fire of his party. Having beaten off the hostile attack, the party continued on and delivered orders enabling new defense lines to be established, which halted the enemy advance. The courageous leadership and devotion to duty exhibited by General Shim reflect credit on himself and the Republic of Korea Army.

Song, Sang Bok (Bronze Star with V)

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 12 - 22 January 1953

Private Song Sang Bok, a member of 11th Company, 3d Battalion 103d Division, Korean Service Corps, distinguished himself by heroic conduct on 25 February 1952. While he was serving as a laborer with Company F, 14th Infantry Regiment, on the main line of resistance, enemy mortar projectiles fell into the area and one of them burst near an officer, blowing off both of his legs. Private Song, ignoring the danger from other shells which continued to fall in the area, immediately went to the aid of the officer who was bleeding profusely, applied tourniquets, and staunched the flow of blood. Private Song's heroic action, which probably saved the officer's life, reflects the highest credit on himself and the Republic of Korea.

Suk, COL. Choi

For meritorious service from 7 August to 30 September 1950

Suk, Joo Am (Bronze Star with V)

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 54 - 29 May 1953

Brigadier General Suk Joo Am, (then Colonel), Infantry, Republic of Korea Army, a member of the 1st Republic of Korea Infantry Division, distinguished himself by heroism in action against an armed enemy of the United Nations near Pyong-yang, Korea, on 19 October 1950. Assigned the mission of attacking and securing the vital city of P'yong-yang, General Suk's division was committed to dislodge fanatical hostile forces from well-fortified, stubbornly-defended positions on both flanks of the main rout of advance. Displaying rare tactical ingenuity and inspirational leadership, he skillfully coordinated the attached armor and artillery with the infantry. Unmindful of his safety and constantly braving intense mortar and small-arms fire, General Suk remained with and moved among the assaulting elements until he was seriously wounded when the vehicle in which he was riding struck an antitank mine. General Suk's unflinching courage and intrepid actions reflect great credit on himself and the Republic of Korea Army.

Sun, Sin Bong (Bronze Star with V)

Headquarters, X Corps
General Orders No. 35 - 16 September 1950

Sin Bong Sun, K-1100250, Infantry, Republic of Korea, Army, serving with "K" Company, 3d Battalion, 32d Infantry Regiment, United States Army. At 1100 hours on 26 September 1950, during armed conflict with the enemy near Seoul, Korea, in the face of intense enemy automatic weapons fire, Sin Bong Sun attempted to evacuate a fallen American comrade who had been mortally wounded, to a position of cover. Sin Bong Sun remained with his wounded comrade after his platoon had been ordered to withdraw and thereby caused the enemy to concentrate their fire on him. He was seriously wounded in this action, but did not withdraw until ordered to do so by his platoon leader. His heroic action reflects extraordinary credit upon himself and the Republic of Korea Army, and is in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service.

Yun, Yong Ha

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 11 - 8 February 1955

Mr. Yun Yong Ha, Republic of Korea civilian, distinguished himself by heroism in action against the enemy in Korea, on 12 April 1953. As a member of a raiding party behind enemy lines, Mr. Yun actively participated in the completion of a special mission which significantly assisted the intelligence effort in Korea. This daring operation resulted in the capture of a field grade officer and other enemy personnel, together with numerous important documents, providing extremely timely and useful information on many phases of the enemy situation. The heroism displayed by Mr. Yun in the performance of these hazardous duties contributed greatly to the successful accomplishment of a difficult mission. Mr. Yun's courageous actions and devotion to duty reflect great credit on himself and the Republic of Korea.