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Distinguished Flying Cross Recipients: E

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Ebel, Ardell (USMC) 2nd award)

Ebert, James R. (USMC)


The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to Paul Helmuth Ebertz, Chief Aviation Electronicsman United States Navy for service as set forth in the following Citation: ‘‘For heroism and extraordinary achievement in aerial flight as Member of a Patrol Plane Crew in Patrol Squadron Forty Two during operations against enemy aggressor forces in Korea from 25 August 1950 to 12 February 1951. Completing thirty-five missions during this period, Ebertz participated in daring flights over an active combat area in the face of grave hazards. By his marked courage, skill and unswerving devotion to duty throughout, he contributed materially to the success achieved by his plane and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.” For the President, Secretary of the Navy.

Eckhart, Charles W. (USMC)

Edmundson, Norwood (USMC)

Edwards, George A. (USAF) (3 Oak Leaf Clusters)

Egan, Thomas R. (USMC)

Elias, George H. (USMC) (2nd award)

Elliott, Richard B. (USMC) (2nd award)

Elliott, Robert L. (USMC)

Elliott, Thomas M. (USMC)

Ellison, ENS LeRoy S. (USN)

Elwood, Hugh McJunkin (USMC) (2nd award)

Emswiler, Robert H. (USMC)

Engelhardt, Lloyd J. (USMC)

Engesser, Robert B. (USMC)

Engesser, Robert B. (USMC) (2nd award)

English, LCDR Douglas K. (USN)

Epes, LCDR Horace H. (USN)

Erickson, Clinton O. (USMC)

Erickson, Loren T. (USMC)

Eschle, Karl W. (USMC)

Evans, Andrew Julius Jr. (USAF) (3rd award)

General Orders: United States Military Academy Register of Graduates

The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting a Second Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Third Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross to Colonel Andrew Julius Evans, Jr. (AFSN: FR-4072/0-23882), United States Air Force, for extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight as a Pilot, 49th Fighter-Bomber Wing, FIFTH Air Force, on 14 February 1953. On that date, Colonel Evans was pre-briefed to perform armed reconnaissance along the heavily defended enemy main supply routes from Pyongyang to Sinan-ju, North Korea. Colonel Evans planned his mission to perfectly coordinate with the night missions of other aircraft in the area in order to cause the enemy maximum harassment and delay, and, flying under instrument conditions most of the way, arrived over the target area at exactly the pre-briefed time. Reconnoitering over the strongest flak and searchlight concentrations in North Korea, Colonel Evans chose the largest vehicle concentration, although it was within range of the Sinan-ju guns, and initiated an attack. Courageously bearing in to a dangerously low altitude, he released his two five-hundred-pound bombs singly. After pulling up and breaking hard to escape the hail of automatic weapons and small arms fire that was directed at him, he saw that he had caused two secondary explosions and a large fire. Through his keen flying skill, superb marksmanship and outstanding devotion to duty, Colonel Evans reflected the highest credit upon himself and the military service. great credit upon himself, the Far East Air Forces, and the United States Air Force.

Evans, Ivan F. (USMC)

Evans, Malcom D. (USMC) (2nd award)

Evans, Ralph Liggett (USNR)

The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to Lieutenant, Junior Grade Ralph Liggett Evans, Jr. (NSN: 0-466275), United States Naval Reserve, for extraordinary achievement while participating in an aerial strike as pilot of a fighter aircraft attached to Fighter Squadron Six Hundred Fifty-Three (VF-653), during action against North Korean and Chinese Communist Forces. On 6 January 1952, in the vicinity of Uiho-ri, Lieutenant, Junior Grade Evans persisted in making extremely hazardous attacks on a heavily defended enemy railroad bridge. Maneuvering his attacks through intense and accurate anti-aircraft fire even though his aircraft was heavily damaged, he completely destroyed the enemy rail bridge. His superb airmanship contributed materially to the success of the mission. His devotion to duty was at all times in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

Ewan, Randolph J. (USMC)

Ewers, Norman Glen (USMC) (2nd award)

Ewing, Lawrence J. Jr. (USMC) (2nd award)