[Please enable JavaScript.] [Please enable JavaScript.] 111 E. Houghton St.Tuscola, IL 61953

Turkish�Silver Star Recipients

Akdag, PVT Mumtaz

Akinci, CAPT Ramazan

Akkas, CPL Ali

Alparslan, NCO Ali

Altinyurt, PVT Haci

Avci, PVT Ahmet - (10th Co., 241st Inf. Rgt.)

Bacak, PVT Suleyman

Bilgin, SGT Ibrahim

Caglar, 2LT Cemalettin

2nd Lt. Cemalettin Caglar was the 1st Platoon commander of the 10th Company. On January 26th 1951, 10th Company under the command of Captain Nazmi Ozogul attacked to the Hill 156 at 7 Oclock in a snowy day which was defended by a Chinese Regiment called "Iron Regiment". 2nd Lt. Caglar's 1st platoon attacked the Chinese with fixed bayonets, calling the famous Turkish cry of the battle "Allah, Allah". A platoon of Turks took the Hill from Chinese Battalion. For his heroic service on the battlefield, he was awarded the Silver Star.

Cakil, SGT Mustafa

Cil, CPL Irfan

Demirok, SGT Hasan

Dora, Celal

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 91 - 24 October 1951

Colonel Celal Dora, Infantry, Turkish Army, distinguished himself by gallantry in action as commanding officer of the 241st Infantry Regiment, Turkish Armed Forces Command, in the vicinity of Suwon, Korea, from 20 January to 6 February 1951. His regiment had been assigned the mission of attacking and occupying several enemy strong points situated on Hill 156 and were then fiercely engaging a numerically superior and stubborn foe. Repeatedly exposing himself to deadly hostile fire, Colonel Dora remained with the most advance elements of his unit to direct tactical operations. His presence during critical stages of combat provided a strong, steadying influence on his troops and inspired them to destroy the enemy at all costs. The superb leadership, fearlessness under fire, and devotion to duty displayed by Colonel Dora contributed a great deal in the successful accomplishments of his regiment and reflect great credit on himself and the Turkish Army.

Eregemen, LT Selahattin

Esen, CPL Mehmet - Received for action at Kunu-ri

Ezeren, LT Ekrem

Fregemen, 1LT Selahattin - (2d Co., 241st Inf. Rgt.) (posthumous)

Gencebay,SR LT Arifi - (7th Co., 241st Inf. Rgt.)

Gokce, LT Naci

Goral, 1LT Osman - (10th Co., 241st Inf. Rgt.) (posthumous)

Gul, SGT Huseyin

Guney, CAPT Beeir - (6th Co., 241st Inf. Rgt.)

Gurel, Sukru

Department of the Army
General Orders No. 17 - 8 March 1954

First Lieutenant Sukru Gurel, Turkish Army, a platoon leader of the 6th Company, 2d Battalion, Turkish Armed Forces Command, distinguished himself by gallantry in action against the enemy near Sanggorangp'o Korea, on 29 May 1953. His unit was ordered to reinforce Outpost Elko, which had been under continuous and determined enemy attack. Upon arrival at the outpost, Lieutenant Gurel quickly deployed his unit for defense of the position. Constantly moving around the friendly positions and exposing himself to devastating mortar and artillery barrages and small-arms fire, he was an inspiration to his men. Fighting with hand grenades and any weapon he could obtain, he killed an estimated 40 enemy during the night and the next morning. Despite severe wounds received during this action, he continued encouraging his men, directing fire, and actively engaged in the fire fight which denied the enemy access to the critical position. Lieutenant Gurel's aggressive courage, determined devotion to duty, and outstanding leadership reflect great credit on himself and the Turkish Army.

Gurunlu, CAPT Sacit

Huseyin, SGT Gul - (5th Co., 241st Inf. Rgt.)

[Synopsis Only] Sergeant Gul Huseyin, Turkish Command, was awarded the Silver Star for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in connection with military operations against the enemy while serving with the 5th Company, 241st Infantry Regiment, Turkish Command, in support of operations in Korea.

Kara, PVT Satilmis - (4th Co., 241st Inf. Rgt.)

Olhon, CAPT Cevat - (5th Co., 241st Inf. Regt.) (posthumous)

Orhan, 2LT Ozcan - (9th Co., 241st Inf. Rgt.)

Onenc, PVT Hasan

Ozcan, LT Orhan

Ozcelik, PVT Hasan

Pamir, COL Nuri

Col. Nuri Pamir commander of 241st Turkish Inf. Regiment. KIA in Korea. Colonel Nuri Pamir was born in the town of Bor in 1901. His father was a imam of a battalion during WW1. He joined the forces of Mustafa Kemal Pasha when he was a war school cadet. Between 1940-44 he took part at the Turkish Military mission to Afghanistan and taught at the Afghan Military Academy . He was awarded a high value medal by the Afghan government. He commanded the Turkish War School Cadet Regiment. He went to Korea in 1951 with the 2nd Brigade. He was killed in action on June 5, 1952.

Saya, MAJ Ahsen

Tokay, LT COL Selanattin

Tokbas, SGT Selahattin

Turun, MAJ Faik

Uluunlu, MAJ Mithat

Yacisi, GEN Takoin - (Commander, Turkish Brigade)

Yamak, Hasan

Yildiz, PVT Recep - (7th Co., 241st Inf. Rgt.)

Yontem, SGT Nuri - (5th Co., 241st Inf. Rgt.)

Yuksel, SGT Haluk